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Acts & Regulations

The Attorney General Opinion 2018-12 signed October 10, 2018, is in regards to the use of Psychological Evaluations by persons that are not licensed Psychologists. You can download AG Opinion 2018-12 at the link below:

Attorney General Opinion 2018-12

No current proposed rule amendments to report.

Notice of Rule Making Intent:

  • Notice of Rule Making Intent - LPC
  • Notice of Rule Making Intent - LMFT
  • Notice of Rule Making Intent - LBP

Rule Impact Statements:

  • Rule Impact Statement - LPC
  • Rule Impact Statement - LMFT
  • Rule Impact Statement - LBP

Rule Amendments:

  • Rule Amendments - LPC
  • Rule Amendments - LMFT
  • Rule Amendments - LBP


The official versions of the Acts and Regulations are maintained by the Oklahoma Legislature and the Secretary of State. The official versions are in the formats established by the Legislature and the Office of Administrative Rules.

No. Only changes in the formatting occur.

You may obtain official versions of the Acts from the Oklahoma Legislature at You may obtain official versions of the Regulations from the Office of Administrative Rules at

Last Modified on Jul 24, 2024
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