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Health Spa


Oklahoma Health Spa Act: Title 59 O.S. §§ 2000 - 2012
Oklahoma Administrative Code: Title 160, Chapters 1, 3, 5, 50


"Health spa" means and includes any person, firm, corporation, organization, club or association engaged in a program of physical exercise, which includes the use of one or more of a sauna, whirlpool, weight-lifting room, massage, steam room, or exercising machine or device, or exercise rooms, or engaged in the sale of the right or privilege to use exercise equipment or facilities, such as a sauna, whirlpool, weight-lifting room, massage, steam room or exercising machine or device or exercise rooms.

The Oklahoma Health Spa Act specifically exempts the following:

  • bona fide nonprofit organizations, including, but not limited to, the Young Men's Christian Association, Young Women's Christian Association, or similar organizations who functions as health spas are only incidental to their overall functions and purposes
  • any private club owned and operated by its members
  • any organization solely operated for the purpose of teaching a particular form of self-defense such as judo or karate
  • any facility owned or operated by the United States, any facility owned or operated by this state or any of its political subdivisions
  • any nonprofit public or private school, college or university
  • any facility operated solely for aerobics or toning

The Oklahoma Health Spa Act also states:
“Section 2009 - Penalties for Violations.

A. Any person who engages in business as a health spa without first being properly registered with the Administrator as prescribed in the Oklahoma Health Spa Act or who otherwise violates any provision of the Oklahoma Health Spa Act, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by the imposition of a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one (1) year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

B. The provisions of Title 14A of the Oklahoma Statutes shall also apply to those health spas registered pursuant to the Oklahoma Health Spa Act.


The approval process for this license may take up to 60 days.


The fees for this license include: a $200.00 one-time investigation fee and a $300.00 registration fee for a total of $500.00.


This license is valid for one year beginning on January 1st.


A bond is required if the business accepts more than $50 initially from the consumer or if a contract for membership exceeds 6 months. The amount of the bond is based on the number of members. The minimum amount of the bond is $30,000 or the business may have an irrevocable letter of credit.

Last Modified on Jun 20, 2024
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