Library: Policy
OKDHS:2-1-36.1. Organ donor leave
Issued 1-15-03
(a) Statement of policy. An employee who is granted a leave of absence pursuant to this Section shall receive his or her base pay without interruption during the leave of absence. An employee of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) who serves as a human organ donor shall be granted a paid leave of absence of:
(1) five working days to serve as a bone marrow donor if the employee provides OKDHS with written verification that the employee is to serve as a bone marrow donor; and
(2) 30 working days to serve as a human organ donor if the employee provides OKDHS with written verification that the employee is to serve as a human organ donor.
(b) Approval. Medical necessity is the primary determinant for approval. Upon approval of the OKDHS Director or designee, a leave of absence pursuant to this Section is not considered as an interruption in service for the purpose of determining seniority, benefit anniversary dates, qualifying work experience, or performance awards. Leave pursuant to this Section is requested on Form ADM-1 ( new Form 10AD001E), Request for Approval of Leave, with appropriate verification from the health care provider.