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The Oklahoma State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention invites Law Enforcement Agencie to apply for funding for a Law Enforcement Youth Specialist to serve as the Lead Youth Specialist in their home region.

Funds are available through the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Formula Grant Program, a federal grants program under the United States Department of Justice, to the State of Oklahoma.  This year the SAG is awarding funds for the purpose of Strengthening Compliance with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act through partnerships with Law Enforcement.

Funding amount: $32,000

The Purpose of this program is:

  • To provide the training and tools necessary for law enforcement to lead local compliance of the core mandates of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act within their region of the state and serve as subject matter experts when adolescents need services, supports, and interventions;
  • To assist local law enforcement and guide local stakeholders with developing restorative practices and implementing interventions that are trauma informed, reflect the science of adolescent development, respect traditions and culture, are designed to meet the needs of youth at risk of delinquency, and enhance performance regarding state and federal requirements;
  • To enhance the quality and effectiveness of the engagement with youth in the community, address the effectiveness of local law enforcement engagement and responsiveness to youth and families in their jurisdictions;
  • Foster positive non-authoritative connections between community youth and justice system professionals; and
  • Develop better diversion opportunities and outcomes with youth and families.

Click Here to Apply 

Or complete this application and return as an atatchement to

Last Modified on Nov 09, 2023
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