Each January, the Board of Directors considers current county contractors’ offers to renew their contracts for the upcoming fiscal year. Some contractors choose not to offer to renew their contracts. Some contracts, like mid-year replacement contracts, cannot be renewed per statute. Shortly after the January meeting the agency announces the counties in which the Board of Directors will solicit bids to contract for non-capital trial services for the upcoming fiscal year. Advertisements are placed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal and on the agency’s website.
Upon request, the agency provides potential contractors bid packets containing the bid application and historical caseloads and funding data. Bid submissions are usually due in mid-March. (See the agency events calendar on this website for current dates and deadlines.)
The Board of Directors considers county contract bids at their March meeting. At this meeting, the Board of Directors will accept/reject county contract offers or extend counter offers to bidders. If contract agreements are not reached for all open counties, the Board of Directors may approve a second round of bidding or authorize the opening of a satellite office for uncontracted counties.