Oklahoma Public Transit Policy Plan
Oklahoma HB1365, codified as Title 69Section 322 of the Oklahoma Statutes requires the development of the Oklahoma Transit Policy Plan. The Oklahoma Public Transit Policy Plan will be developed jointly by ODOTand the Oklahoma Transit Association and must be submitted to the Governor, the Oklahoma Legislature by July 1, 2020.
The OklahomaPublic Transit Policy Plan Shall:
- be all inclusive of the public transit systems in the state
- reflect the results of the 2018Oklahoma Transit needs assessment conducted by the Small Urban Rural Transit Center
- include all stakeholder input
- provide for future collaboration and coordination of an effective network of public transit systems across the state
- provide for future collaboration and coordination among all public transit agencies and systems and all stakeholders with an interest in public transit
- provide for future collaboration and coordination among all state agencies with an interest in public transit including, but not limited to the:
- Oklahoma Department of Commerce
- Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
- Oklahoma Department of Human Services
- Oklahoma Department of Mental health and Substance Abuse Services
- Oklahoma Department of Veteran Affairs
- Oklahoma Association of Centers for Independent Living
- Oklahoma Health Care Authority
- Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
- Oklahoma State Department of Education
- Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Oklahoma Departmentof Labor
Updates and Presentations
Oklahoma Pubic Transit Policy Plan Dec 2020
Last Modified on
Dec 19, 2024