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Consumer Complaints

First, discuss your problem with the funeral director and/or management of the funeral establishment. If you feel you were not treated fairly, the funeral director should be given the opportunity to correct the matter. If this is not acceptable, you may file a complaint by completing our complaint form.

The complaint form must be filed in writing and signed by the complainant, specifying the circumstances of the problem as well as how the problem may be corrected. Completed complaints must be emailed or mailed. 

After we receive the complaint, the complaint will be acknowledged in writing, and respondent given the opportunity to respond to the allegations.

The Board’s executive committee will review the complaint and response to determine whether an investigation is warranted. If warranted, an investigation will be made and a summary of the complaint sent to Board members.

If there are reasonable grounds for belief that a violation may have occurred, it may be set for a hearing before the Board.

The Board does not have the authority to award damages, settle contractual disputes, or offer legal advise. Contact a private attorney regarding these matters.

Last Modified on May 23, 2023
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