Federal Grants Division Staff
The District Attorneys Council (DAC) Federal Grants Division is staffed by ten individuals who are responsible for providing good stewardship of federal funds by effectively managing the fiscal and programmatic aspects of federal grant programs.
Doyle Albright
Federal Grants Division Director
The Division Director is responsible for the writing and submission of all DAC Federal Grants Division federal grant applications, as well as the programmatic and fiscal management of all the federal grant programs. The Division Director serves as the contact point for the state and the federal granting agencies and reports to the Boards and Task Forces on the implementation of the grant programs.
Grant Projects Manager
This position serves as the Programs Specialist for the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), the Justice Assistance Grant - Local Law Enforcement (JAG-LLE), the Byrne SCIP Grant, and the Coronavirus Supplemental Emergency Fund (CESF) grant. As the Programs Specialist, this position assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation, and technical assistance to subgrantees. This position coordinates quarterly meetings of the Drug and Violent Crime Task Force investigators. This position also helps in writing the federal grant applications and state strategic plans relevant to the assigned grants.
Grant Programs Specialist
This positions serves as the Programs Specialist for the Violence Against Women Act Grant (VAWA), the Sexual Assault Services Program Grant (SASP), the Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Assistance Program (RURAL), and the Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOCA). As the Programs Specialist, this position assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation and technical assistance to subgrantees. This position also helps in writing the federal grant applications for the assigned grants.
Grant Programs Specialist
Cassandra serves as the Programs Specialist for the National Criminal History Improvement Plan grants (NCHIP), the NICS Act Record Improvement Program grants (NARIP), the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Act grants (NFSIA), the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) grant, and Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Act grants (RSAT). As the Programs Specialist, Cassandra assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation and technical assistance to subgrantees. Cassandra also helps in writing the federal grant applications for the grants assigned to her.
Grant Programs Assistant
This position is the primary contact for persons calling the Federal Grants Division. This position is responsible for providing administrative support for the entire division, as well as support to the eight grant Boards and Task Forces. This position provides grant compliance maintenance for all subgrantees to ensure that federal regulations are met.
VOCA Program Specialist
This position serves as the Program Specialist for the Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOCA). The Programs Specialist assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation and technical assistance to subgrantees.
VOCA Program Specialist
This position serves as the Program Specialist for the Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOCA). The Programs Specialist assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation and technical assistance to subgrantees.
VOCA Program Specialist
This position serves as the Program Specialist for the Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOCA). The Programs Specialist assists subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines, in addition to providing monitoring, consultation and technical assistance to subgrantees.
Financial Manager- Team Lead
Michelle is responsible for maintaining and managing the fiscal aspects of the federal grant programs. She requests funds from the federal granting agencies, disburses the funds to subgrantees, and prepares and submits the numerous required financial reports to the federal granting agencies.
Financial Manager
Kiele is responsible for maintaining and managing the fiscal aspects of the federal grant programs. She requests funds from the federal granting agencies, disburses the funds to subgrantees, and prepares and submits the numerous required financial reports to the federal granting agencies.
Financial Manager
Dulce is responsible for maintaining and managing the fiscal aspects of the federal grant programs. She requests funds from the federal granting agencies, disburses the funds to subgrantees, and prepares and submits the numerous required financial reports to the federal granting agencies.
Financial Manager
Brooke is responsible for maintaining and managing the fiscal aspects of the federal grant programs. She requests funds from the federal granting agencies, disburses the funds to subgrantees, and prepares and submits the numerous required financial reports to the federal granting agencies.
Grants Financial Assistant
This position is responsible for data entry and assisting Financial Managers in their daily duties of maintaining and managing the fiscal aspects of the federal grant programs.