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Division Responsibilities

The District Attorneys Council, Federal Grants Division serves as the contact point on behalf of the State of Oklahoma with a number of federal granting agencies for several formula and discretionary grant programs. As such, the District Attorneys Council advocates and upholds good stewardship of the awarded federal funds.

Federal Grant Responsibilities

  • Preparing the applications for the federal grant funds

  • Ensuring coordination between the federal funding sources and the subgrantees

  • Providing staff support to the five oversight Boards and Task Forces

  • Developing and distributing the grant application notices and the grant application forms

  • Receiving and coordinating the distribution of the grant applications to the various Boards for review  

  • Reviewing and making recommendations to the Boards regarding the funding for submitted grant applications 

  • Receiving funds from the federal granting agency and disbursing funds to the subgrantees throughout the grant cycles

  • Evaluating and monitoring compliance of subgrantees in meeting state and federal requirements 

  • Providing guidance and technical assistance to subgrantees

  • Collecting statistical data from the subgrantees to assess program effectiveness and providing information to the federal granting agency

  • Preparing and submitting the required progress, financial, and evaluation reports to the federal granting agency

  • Monitoring subgrantees to ensure fiscal accountability and programmatic integrity

Each grant program is assigned a Program Specialist. It is the responsibility of the assigned Program Specialist to assist the subgrantees in implementing approved projects within a framework of relevant state and federal statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines to achieve maximum success. To speak with a Grant Program Specialist about a particular grant, call 405-264-5008.

Last Modified on Oct 11, 2024
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