The District Attorneys Council, in collaboration with several other state agencies, is participating in the OKGrants Grants Management System. Developed by Agate Software Inc., OKGrants is a web-based platform which allows for the on-line application of grant funding that is available through the District Attorneys Council. If awarded, subgrantees are able to more easily and effectively manage their grant online as well.
OKGrants may be accessed at https://grants.ok.gov
Grants Available in OKGrants:
The following grant programs are available and must be submitted through OKGrants:
• Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
• Justice Assistance Grant (JAG-LLE)
• Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant (RSAT)
• Sexual Assault Services Program Grant (SASP)
• S.T.O.P. Violence Against Woman Act (VAWA)
• Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
Unfortunately, at this time, not all grant programs managed by the District Attorneys Council may be submitted through the OKGrants. The following grants are still submitted in paper form: CESF, NCHIP, NARIP, NFSIA, and RURAL.
OKGrants Tips:
- Staff and Board Reviews
- Updating Personnel in OKGrants
- EFT Payment Memo
- Award Documents
- JAG LLE Close Out Process
- What to do when you forget your User ID or password