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Important Notice: Please Read

Pursuant to Senate Bill 1215, effective November 1, 2021, all new applicants for sales tax exemption based on a veteran’s 100% service-connected disability status are required to register in the Oklahoma Veterans Registry to verify eligibility.  Veterans (and surviving spouses) previously awarded sales tax exempt status prior to November 1, 2021 must register in the Oklahoma Veterans Registry in order to remain eligible for the benefit of sales tax exemption. 

If you have not already registered, please do so immediately to avoid a delay or suspense in this important state benefit.

The Oklahoma Veterans Registry can be accessed at the following link:


The ODVA benefit browser allows you to explore available veteran benefits from public and private sources all in one place. Choose a tab to see a list of benefits and choose a benefit to show more information. Contact us directly for answers to any questions or to begin the application process. Download the initial application:

Oklahoma City Office 
2132 NE 36th Street,
Oklahoma City, OK 73111 
Ph: 405-523-4000 
Toll-Free: 888.655.2838 
Fax: 405-523-4008

Muskogee Office
OK Dept of Veterans Affairs
P.O. Box 769
Muskogee, OK 74402 
Ph: 918-781-7766


In establishing employment lists of eligible persons for competitive and noncompetitive appointment, certain preferences shall be allowed for veterans honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United State[74:840-4.14(A)].

  1. Five points shall be added to the final grade of any person who has passed the examination and has submitted proof of having status as a:
    A. veteran [74:840-4.14(A)(1)]; or
    B. surviving spouse (not remarried) of a veteran [74:840-4.14(A)(1)]; or
    C. spouse of a veteran who is unemployable due to a service-connected disability as certified by the Veterans Administration or agency of the Defense Department within six (6) months of the date of application [74:840-4.14(A)(2)].
  2. Ten points shall be added to the final grade of any war veteran as defined in Section 67.13a of  Title 72 of the Oklahoma Statutes who has passed the examination and has submitted proof of having a service-connected disability as certified by the Veterans Administration or Agency of the Defense Department within six (6) months of date of application [74:840-4.14(A)(3)].
  3.  In addition to the 10 points preference provided in (2) of this subsection, such eligible war veterans who are in receipt of benefits payable at the rate of 30% or more because of the service-connected disability, shall be considered Absolute Preference Veterans. Their names shall be placed at the top of the register, ranked in order of their examination scores. Absolute Preference Veterans shall not be denied employment and passed over for others without showing cause. [74:840-4.14(A)(3)]

Direct Hire Authority 530:10-9-111 and 10-9-112 [74:840-4.13(C)]. Applicants for LPN, RN, and Nurse Manager positions may apply directly to the veterans centers.

Special Disabled Veterans 530:10-9-100  Veterans with 30% or more service-connected disability may be hired directly at this agency, in accordance with the “Persons with Severe Disabilities Program”, [74:840-1.15] and Senate Bill 200. This program provides exemption from entrance exams and other hiring procedures. A one-year probationary period applies.

Noncompetitive Appointments 530:10-9-95  Appointing Authorities who have classes of positions of unskilled or semi-skilled labor, or similar classes designated by the Administrator as noncompetitive, may appoint qualified veterans or non-veterans in accordance with 530:10-9-71 and 530:10-9-92.

Military/Veteran License Plates

The Oklahoma Tax Commission issues many official special license plates for Oklahoma Veterans.

Special license plates shall not be transferred to any other person but shall be removed from the vehicle upon transfer of ownership and retained.  The special license plate may then be used on another vehicle but only after such other vehicle has been registered for the current year with a motor license agent.

The Commission shall take applications by October 1 of each year for the following calendar year for special license plates and shall issue such plates to each applicant.

Free License & Renewal for 100% Disabled Military/Veteran

Pursuant to Title 47 O.S. § 6-101 P. No person who has been honorably discharged from active service in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or Oklahoma National Guard and who has been certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, its successor, or the Armed Forces of the United States to be a disabled veteran in receipt of compensation at the one-hundred-percent rate for a permanent disability sustained through military action or accident resulting from disease contracted while in such active service shall be charged a fee for the issuance or renewal of an Oklahoma driver license.

(page 204)

Property Tax

Oklahoma law creates an exemption for certain Veterans from property tax. The exemption applies to certain injured veterans and surviving spouse of those veterans. The exemption would be for the full fair cash value of the homestead. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Honorably discharged from a branch of the Armed Forces or the Oklahoma National Guard
  • Oklahoma resident
  • 100% permanent disabled-service connected
  • Disability must have been sustained through military action or accident, or result from a disease contracted while in active service
  • The disability must be certified by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA can help you obtain this certification letter)

Oklahoma Income Tax

One hundred percent (100%) of income received as salary or compensation in any form by an Oklahoma resident as a member of any component of the Armed Forces of the United States can be deducted from taxable income.  The Oklahoma Tax Commission has the authority to grant an extension to any member of the United States Armed Forces when filing is impractical or impossible.  See 68 O.S. 2358, E(5)(b).

Exemption For Sales Tax

Sales of tangible personal property or services to persons who are residents of Oklahoma and have been honorably discharged from active service in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or Oklahoma National Guard and who have been certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor to be in receipt of disability compensation at the one-hundred-percent rate and the disability shall be permanent and have been sustained through military action or accident or resulting from disease contracted while in such active service.

Exemption For Retirement Benefits

Retirement benefits received by an individual from any component of the Armed Forces of the U.S. shall be exempt from taxable income in an amount not to exceed the greater of 75% of such benefits or $10,000.

All honorably discharged veterans who are currently Oklahoma residents shall be allowed free admission to all state-owned or state–operated parks and museums. A valid Oklahoma driver license or state photo identification card and military discharge papers (DD Form 214) or similar evidence of an honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces shall be required for free admission.

Free hunting and fishing permit for legal resident veterans having a disability of sixty percent (60%) or more exempt from the Wildlife Land Stamp requirements;

Legal residents having proper certification from the USDVA or its successor certifying that the person is a disabled veteran may purchase a disability lifetime combination hunting/fishing license. The fees for the license are:

  • $200 for veterans having a disability of LESS THAN 60%;

and $25.00 for veterans having a disability of 60% OR MORE.  (The $25.00 license provides some additional tags not included in the free permit for veterans with a 60% or more certified disability.)

Persons with proper certification from the USDVA or its successor, certifying that the person is a disabled veteran in receipt of compensation at the 100% rate are exempt from the fees for:

  • the DEER GUN HUNTING License;

There shall be no exemptions except for residents sixty-four (64) years of age or older provided such residents have obtained a senior citizen’s license pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-133 of this title.

Legal resident veterans having a disability of 60% or more are exempt from the Wildlife Land Stamp requirements.

***NOTE: The Hunting and Fishing Application will open in a new window.



Disability Compensation

Disability compensation is a monthly tax-free benefit paid to Veterans who are at least 10% disabled because of injuries or diseases that were incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. A disability can apply to physical conditions, such as a chronic knee condition, as well as a mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


The benefit amount is graduated according to the degree of the Veteran’s disability on a scale from 10 percent to 100 percent (in increments of 10 percent). Compensation may also be paid for disabilities that are considered related or secondary to disabilities occurring in service and for disabilities presumed to be related to circumstances of military service, even though they may arise after service. Generally, the degrees of disability specified are also designed to compensate for considerable loss of working time from exacerbations or illnesses.


  • Service in the Uniformed Services on active duty, OR
  • ​Active duty for training, OR
  • Inactive duty training, AND
  • You were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions, AND
  • ​​You are at least 10% disabled by an injury or disease that was incurred in or aggravated during active duty or active duty for training, or inactive duty training

Note: If you were on inactive duty for training, the disability must have resulted from an injury, heart attack, or stroke.

ODVA Veterans Service Representatives can help you file a claim for service-connected disability compensation.

Life isn’t always easy after a deployment. That’s where Vet Centers can help.

Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families. Vet Centers guide Veterans and their families through many of the major adjustments in lifestyle that often occur after a Veteran returns from combat. Services for a Veteran may include individual and group counseling in areas such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), alcohol and drug assessment, and suicide prevention referrals. All services are free of cost and are strictly confidential.

Oklahoma City Vet Center

6804 N. Robinson
Oklahoma City, OK 73116

Phone: 405-456-5184 Or 877-927-8387

Tulsa Vet Center

14002 E. 21st Street
Tulsa, OK 74134-1412

Phone: 918-628-2760 Or 918-628-2760

Lawton Vet Center

1016 SW C Avenue, Suite B
Lawton, OK 73501

Phone: 580-585-5880 Or 877-927-8387

A VA Veteran who is eligible for an evaluation under Chapter 31 must first apply for services and receive an appointment with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC). The VRC will work with the Veteran to determine if an employment handicap exists as a result of his or her service connected disability. If an employment handicap is established and the Veteran is found entitled to services. The VRC and the Veteran will continue counseling to select a track of services and jointly develop a plan to address the Veteran’s rehabilitation and employment needs. For additional information, please visit the Federal VA site at Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment.

The rehabilitation plan will specify an employment or independent living goal, identify intermediate goals, and outline services and resources that VA will provide to assist the Veteran to achieve his / her goals. The VRC and the Veteran will work together to implement the plan to assist the Veteran to achieve his or her employment and / or independent living goals.

A Veteran found not to be entitled to services, the VRC will help him or her locate other resources to address any rehabilitation and employment needs identified during the evaluation. Referral to other resources may include state vocational rehabilitation programs; Department of Labor employment programs for disabled veterans; state, federal or local agencies providing services for employment or small business development; internet-based resources for rehabilitation and employment; and information about applying for financial aid.

For complete details on government life insurance, visit the VA Internet site at or call VA’s Insurance Center toll-free at 1-800-669-8477. Specialists are available between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Eastern Time, to discuss premium payments, insurance dividends, address changes, policy loans, naming beneficiaries and reporting the death of the insured.

If the insurance policy number is not known, send whatever information is available, such as the veteran’s VA file number, date of birth, Social Security number, military serial number or military service branch and dates of service to:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Regional Office and Insurance Center
Box 42954
Philadelphia, PA 19101

For information about Service-members’ Group Life Insurance, Veterans Group Life Insurance, Service-members’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection, or Service-members’ Group Life Insurance Family Coverage, visit the Web site above or call the Office of Service-members’ Group Life Insurance directly at 1-800-419-1473.

VA home loan guarantees are issued to help eligible service-members, veterans, reservists, and certain unmarried surviving spouses obtain homes, condominiums, residential cooperative housing units, and manufactured homes, and to refinance loans. For additional information or to obtain VA loan guaranty forms, visit

Loan Uses: A VA guarantee helps protect lenders from loss if the borrower fails to repay the loan. It can be used to obtain a loan to:

  1. Buy or build a home.
  2. Buy a residential condominium unit.
  3. Buy a residential cooperative housing unit.
  4. Repair, alter or improve a residence owned by the veteran and occupied as a home.
  5. Refinance an existing home loan.
  6. Buy a manufactured home and/or lot.
  7. Install a solar heating or cooling system or other energy-efficient improvements.

Eligibility: In addition to the periods of eligibility and conditions of service requirements, applicants must have a good credit rating, sufficient income, a valid Certificate of Eligibility (COE), and agree to live in the property in order to be approved by a lender for a VA home loan.

A COE can be obtained either directly from the VA Eligibility Center (in hard-copy form), or electronically, either through your lender or by applying online at VA’s COE Website.

In applying for a hard-copy COE from the VA Eligibility Center, it is typically necessary that the eligible veteran present a copy of his/her report of discharge or DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty or other adequate substitute evidence to VA. An eligible active duty service-member should obtain and submit to the VA Eligibility Center a statement of service signed by an appropriate military official. To obtain a COE, complete VA Form 26-1880 — “Request for a Certificate of Eligibility” — and mail to VA Eligibility Center, P.O. Box 20729, Winston-Salem, NC 27120.

Please note that while VA’s Internet-based system can establish eligibility and issue an online COE in a matter of seconds, not all cases can be processed online. The system can only process those cases for which the VA has sufficient data in its records.

However, veterans and service-members are encouraged to apply online before seeking a hard-copy COE from the VA Eligibility Center.


Veterans discharged from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable and service members who die while on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training, as well as spouses and dependent children of Veterans and active-duty service-members, may be eligible for VA burial and memorial benefits. The Veteran does not have to die before a spouse or dependent child for them to be eligible.

With certain exceptions, active duty service beginning after Sept. 7, 1980, as an enlisted person, and after Oct. 16, 1981, as an officer, must be for a minimum of 24 consecutive months or the full period of active duty (as in the case of reservists or National Guard members called to active duty for a limited duration). Active duty for training, by itself, while serving in the reserves or National Guard, is not sufficient to confer eligibility. Reservists and National Guard members, as well as their spouses and dependent children, are eligible if they were entitled to retired pay at the time of death, or would have been upon reaching requisite age. See Chapter 8 for more information.

VA’s National Cemetery Scheduling Office or local national cemetery directors verify eligibility for burial. A copy of the Veteran’s discharge document that specifies the period(s) of active duty and character of discharge is usually sufficient to determine eligibility. In some instances, a copy of the deceased’s death certificate and proof of relationship to the Veteran (for eligible family members) may be required.

Under Section 2411 of Title 38 of the United States Code, certain otherwise eligible individuals found to have committed federal or state capital crimes are barred from burial or memorialization in a VA national cemetery, and from receipt of government-furnished headstones, markers, medallions, burial flags, and Presidential Memorial Certificates. Veterans and other claimants for VA burial benefits have the right to appeal decisions made by VA regarding eligibility for national cemetery burial or other memorial benefits. Chapter 13 discusses the procedures for appealing VA claims. This chapter contains information on the full range of VA burial and memorial benefits. Readers with questions may contact the nearest national cemetery, listed by state in the VA Facilities section of this book, call 1-800-827-1000, or visit the Web site at

Burial in VA National Cemeteries

Burial in a VA national cemetery is available for eligible Veterans, their spouses and dependents at no cost to the family and includes the gravesite, grave liner, opening and closing of the grave, a headstone or marker, and perpetual care as part of a national shrine. For Veterans, benefits also include a burial flag (with case for active duty) and military funeral honors. Family members and other loved ones of deceased Veterans may request Presidential Memorial Certificates.

VA operates 131 national cemeteries, of which 72 are open for new casket interments and 18 are open to accept only cremated remains. Burial options are limited to those available at a specific cemetery but may include in-ground casket, or interment of cremated remains in a columbarium, in-ground or in a scatter garden. Contact the national cemetery directly, or visit our Website at to determine if a particular cemetery is open for new burials, and which other options are available.

The funeral director or the next of kin makes interment arrangements by contacting the National Cemetery Scheduling Office or, in some cases, the national cemetery in which burial is desired. VA normally does not conduct burials on weekends. Gravesites cannot be reserved; however, VA will honor reservations made under previous programs.

Surviving spouses of Veterans who died on or after Jan. 1, 2000, do not lose eligibility for burial in a national cemetery if they remarry. Burial of dependent children is limited to unmarried children under 21 years of age, or under 23 years of age if a full-time student at an approved educational institution. Unmarried adult children who become physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support before age 21, or age 23 if a full-time student, also are eligible for burial.

Certain Eligible Parents. A new federal law passed in 2010 (Public Law 111-275) extends burial benefits to certain parents of service members who die as a result of hostile activity or from training-related injuries who are buried in a national cemetery in a gravesite with available space. The biological or adopted parents of a service-member who died in combat or while performing training in preparation for a combat mission, who leaves no surviving spouse or dependent child, may be buried with the deceased service-member if the Secretary of Veterans Affairs determines that there is available space. The law applies to service-members who died on or after Oct. 7, 2001 and to parents who died on or after Oct. 13, 2010.

Headstones, Markers and Medallions: Veterans, active duty service members, and retired Reservists and National Guard service members, are eligible for an inscribed headstone or marker for their grave at any cemetery – national, State Veterans, or private. VA will deliver a headstone or marker at no cost, anywhere in the world. For eligible Veterans whose deaths occurred on or after Nov. 1, 1990, VA may provide a government headstone or marker even if the grave is already marked with a private one, or VA may provide a medallion instead of a headstone or marker for Veterans’ graves in private cemeteries when the grave is already marked with a privately-purchased headstone or marker. Spouses and dependent children are eligible for a government headstone or marker only if they are buried in a national or State Veterans cemetery.

Flat markers are available in bronze, granite or marble. Upright headstones come in granite or marble. In national cemeteries, the style provided will be consistent with existing monuments at the place of burial. Niche markers are available to mark columbaria used for the inurnment of cremated remains. Medallions are made of bronze and are available in three sizes: 5-inch, 3-inch, and 1 ½-inches.

Headstones, markers, and medallions previously provided by the government may be replaced at the government’s expense if badly deteriorated, illegible, vandalized or stolen. To check the status of a claim for a headstone or marker for placement in a national or State Veterans cemetery, call the cemetery. To check the status of one being placed in a private cemetery, call 1-800-697-6947.

Inscription: Headstones and markers must be inscribed with the name of the deceased, branch of service, and year of birth and death. They also may be inscribed with other optional information, including an authorized emblem of belief and, space permitting, additional text including military rank; war service such as “World War II;” complete dates of birth and death; military awards; military organizations; civilian or Veteran affiliations; and personalized words of endearment.

Private Cemeteries: To submit a claim for a headstone, marker or medallion for a private cemetery, mail a completed VA Form 40-1330 (available at , Application for Standard Government Headstone or Marker, and a copy of the Veteran’s military discharge document to Memorial Programs Service (41A1), Department of Veterans Affairs, 5109 Russell Rd., Quantico, VA 22134-3903. The form and supporting documents may also be faxed toll-free to 1-800-455-7143.

Before ordering, check with the cemetery to ensure that the Government-furnished headstone or marker will be accepted. All installation fees are the responsibility of the applicant.

“In Memory Of” Markers: VA provides memorial headstones and markers with “In Memory Of” as the first line of inscription, to memorialize those whose remains have not been recovered or identified, were buried at sea, donated to science or cremated and scattered. Eligibility is the same as for regular headstones and markers. There is no fee when the “In Memory Of” marker is placed in a national cemetery. All installation fees at private cemeteries are the responsibility of the applicant.

Medallions in Lieu of Government Headstone/Marker: Public Law 110-157 enacted December 26, 2007, expanded VA authority to provide a medallion instead of a headstone or marker for Veterans’ graves in private cemeteries when the grave is already marked with a privately-purchased headstone or marker. Claimants will have the option to apply for either a traditional headstone or marker to place on the grave, or a medallion to affix to a privately-purchased headstone or marker. VA anticipates the medallion will be available during 2010. Current information regarding medallion availability is located at

Presidential Memorial Certificates are issued upon request to recognize the United States military service of honorably discharged deceased Veterans. Next of kin, relatives and other loved ones may apply for a certificate by mailing, emailing, or faxing a completed and signed VA Form 40-0247 along with a copy of the Veteran’s military discharge documents or proof of honorable military service. The form and eligibility requirements can be found at  All requests must be sent with supporting military documents or proof of honorable military service.

Burial Flags: VA will furnish a U.S. burial flag to memorialize:

  1. Veterans who served during wartime or after Jan. 31, 1955.
  2. Veterans who were entitled to retired pay for service in the Reserve or National Guard, or would have been entitled if over age 60.
  3. Members or former members of the Selected Reserve who served their initial obligation, or were discharged for a disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or died while a member of the Selected Reserve.

The next of kin may apply for the flag at any VA regional office or U.S. Post Office by completing VA Form 27-2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes, available at In most cases, a funeral director will help the family obtain the flag.

Reimbursement of Burial Expenses: VA will pay a burial allowance up to $2,000 if the Veteran’s death is service-connected. In such cases, the person who bore the Veteran’s burial expenses may claim reimbursement from VA.

In some cases, VA will pay the cost of transporting the remains of a Veteran whose death was service-connected to the nearest national cemetery with available gravesites. There is no time limit for filing reimbursement claims in service-connected death cases.

Burial Allowance: VA will pay a $300 burial and funeral allowance for Veterans who, at time of death, were entitled to receive pension or compensation or would have been entitled if they were not receiving military retirement pay. Eligibility also may be established when death occurs in a VA facility, a VA-contracted nursing home or a State Veterans nursing home. In cases in which the Veteran’s death was not service-connected, claims must be filed within two years after burial or cremation.

Plot Allowance: VA will pay a plot allowance when a Veteran is buried in a cemetery not under U.S. government jurisdiction if: the Veteran was discharged from active duty because of disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty; the Veteran was receiving compensation or pension or would have been if the Veteran was not receiving military retired pay, or the Veteran died in a VA facility.

The plot allowance may be paid to the state for the cost of a plot or interment in a state-owned cemetery reserved solely for Veteran burials if the Veteran is buried without charge. Burial expenses paid by the deceased’s employer or a state agency will not be reimbursed.

Military Funeral Honors: Upon request, DoD will provide military funeral honors consisting of folding and presentation of the United States flag and the playing of “Taps.” A funeral honors detail consists of two or more uniformed members of the armed forces, with at least one member from the deceased’s branch of service.

Family members should inform their funeral director if they want military funeral honors. DoD maintains a toll-free number (1-877-MIL-HONR) for use by funeral directors only to request honors. VA can help arrange honors for burials at VA national cemeteries. Veterans service organizations or volunteer groups may help provide honors. For more information, visit

Veterans Cemeteries Administered by Other Agencies

Arlington National Cemetery: Administered by the Department of the Army. Eligibility is more restrictive than at VA national cemeteries. For information, call (703) 607-8000, write Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA 22211, or visit

Department of the Interior: Administers two active national cemeteries – Andersonville National Cemetery in Georgia and Andrew Johnson National Cemetery in Tennessee. Eligibility is similar to VA national cemeteries.

State Veterans Cemeteries: Seventy-nine State Veterans cemeteries offer burial options for Veterans and their families. These cemeteries have similar eligibility requirements but many require state residency. Some services, particularly for family members, may require a fee. Contact the State cemetery or State Veterans affairs office for information.

VA Health Eligibility

VA provides a Medical Benefits Package to all enrolled Veterans. This comprehensive plan provides a full range of preventive outpatient and inpatient services within VA health care system. Also, once you enroll in the VA’s health care system, you can be seen at any VA facility across the country.

VA operates an annual enrollment system that helps to manage the provision of health care by providing an overall population of beneficiaries. Additionally, the enrollment system ensures that Veterans who are eligible can get care and ensures that care is given to Veterans who are eligible. VA applies a variety of factors in determining Veterans’ eligibility for enrollment, but once a Veteran is enrolled, that Veteran remains enrolled in the VA health care system.

Do You Qualify?

There are many ways that a Veteran may qualify to receive top-notch VA health care at over 1,400 medical centers and clinics across the nation. The VA has highly trained physicians and clinicians that allow the VA to address many specialties. You may also be able to receive assistance with prescription medication. VA health care is portable. Once enrolled, you may receive care at your home facility as well as the nearest VA facility while traveling. If you are a Veteran, and you want low-cost, high-quality health care, please take a moment to see if you qualify.

Eligibility for Veterans Pension

Veterans with low incomes who are either permanently and totally disabled, or age 65 and older, may be eligible for monetary support if they have 90 days or more of active military service; at least one day of which was during a period of war. The 90-day active service requirement does not apply to veterans with a service-connected disability justifying discharge from the military. (Veterans who entered active duty on or after Sept. 8, 1980, or officers who entered active duty on or after Oct. 16, 1981, may have to meet a longer minimum period of active duty). The veteran’s discharge must have been under conditions other than dishonorable and the disability must be for reasons other than the veteran’s own willful misconduct.

Payments are made to bring the veteran’s total income, including other retirement or Social Security income, to a level set by Congress. Un-reimbursed medical expenses may reduce countable income for VA purposes.

Protected Pension

Pension beneficiaries, who were receiving a VA pension on Dec. 31, 1978, and do not wish to elect the Improved Pension, will continue to receive the pension rate received on that date. This rate generally continues as long as the beneficiary’s income remains within established limits, or net worth does not bar payment, and the beneficiary does not lose any dependents.

Beneficiaries must continue to meet basic eligibility factors, such as permanent and total disability for veterans. VA must adjust rates for other reasons, such as a veteran’s hospitalization in a VA facility.

Medal of Honor Pension

VA administers pensions to recipients of the Medal of Honor. Congress set the monthly pension at $1,194.

Improved Veterans Pension

Congress establishes the maximum annual improved Veterans pension rates. Payments are reduced by the amount of countable income of the veteran, spouse, and dependent children. When a veteran without a spouse or a child is furnished nursing home or domiciliary care by VA, the pension is reduced to an amount not to exceed $90 per month after three calendar months of care. The reduction may be delayed if nursing-home care is continued to provide the veteran with rehabilitation services.

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. This law helps provide generations of Veterans - and their survivors - with the care and benefits they have earned and deserve.

The Act expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam era, Gulf War era, and Post-9/11 era, and expands eligibility for benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic substances.

Click below for more info!

PACT Act Summary and Frequently Asked Questions

VA Survivor Benefits & the PACT Act


Veterans education is administered by the State Approving Agency.  Please select from our links at the top of the right column to access additional SAA pages.  If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, please email us using the form to the right.  Thank you.

ODVA Education benefit Information


Veterans Educational Transitions Success Center (VETS)

The Veterans Educational Transitions Success (VETS) Center at SNU serves as a single point of contact to coordinate veteran student support services on campus for both graduate and undergraduate students. Support services will assist veteran students in transitioning to campus life, including orientations, academic and career counseling, and connecting to community support. The VETS Center serves traditional, Professional Studies, and graduate student veterans.

SNU’s VETS program is one of thirteen Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) established this year through a U.S. Dept. of Education FIPSE grant awards to support student veteran success in college.

SNU accepts ACE credit for military training and experience.

SNU participates in the VA’s Principles of Excellence Program and endorses the President’s 8 Keys to Veterans’ Success. We were named a 2015 Military Friendly School® by Victory Media.

For more information on the SNU VETS Center program, contact 405.717.6228 or drop by the new VETS Center at the NW corner of 41st and Peniel on the Bethany campus.

Fisher House Foundation is best known for a network of comfort homes where military and Veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment at military and VA medical centers. The Foundation also manages a grant program that supports other military charities, the Hero Miles Program that uses donated frequent flyer points to bring family members to the beside of injured service members, and scholarship funds for military children, spouses and children of fallen and disabled Veterans.

UCO – Veteran Student Support

Ranked #7 in the nation by Military Friendly and #21 by the Best for Vets survey by Military Times, this school is very supportive of Oklahoma military and veteran students.  The University of Central Oklahoma provides a full-time Veteran Student Support Office to assist students who are eligible to receive Education Benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs.  All degree plans offered by the University of Central Oklahoma have been approved by the State Accrediting Agency for payment of federal benefits.  The UCO Veteran Student Support Office will certify enrollment for payment of VA Education Benefits for all students who meet eligibility criteria as set forth by the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Enrollment certification is also done for students eligible for CHAMPVA (VA Civilian Health and Medical Program).

VetHERO Office

VetHERO is a department of Veteran Support Services and is designed to support the veteran student as well as the military dependent on succeeding in post-secondary education by coordinating services to address the academic, financial, physical, and social needs of veterans and veteran dependent students. VetHERO is run entirely by students participating in the VA work-study program. VetHERO Opened April 26, 2012, as a collaborative effort of multiple UCO Departments. Our office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Of the one million-plus dependents adversely affected by deployments,
nearly nine out of 10 do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance.
Since 2007, the Folds of Honor has carried forth this singular, noble
mission. To close the gap, providing educational support to spouses and
children of America’s fallen and wounded soldiers.

Folds of Honor

Today’s veterans face numerous obstacles in their path of attaining a college degree. These challenges range from a missing sense of camaraderie to feeling like an outsider amongst 18-year-old traditional students to a lack of understanding by university faculty. When coupled with the visible and invisible wounds of war, a college degree can be an elusive goal for men and women returning from military service. Student Veterans of America (SVA) make that goal a reality.

SVA is a 501(c)(3) coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the globe. These member chapters are the “boots on the ground” that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically. Each chapter must be an officially recognized student group by their university or college and provide a peer-to-peer network for veterans who are attending the school. Additionally, chapters often coordinate campus activities, provide pre-professional networking, and generally provide a touchstone for student veterans in higher education.

Today’s veterans face numerous obstacles in their path of attaining a college degree. These challenges range from a missing sense of camaraderie to feeling like an outsider amongst 18-year-old traditional students to a lack of understanding by university faculty. When coupled with the visible and invisible wounds of war, a college degree can be an elusive goal for men and women returning from military service. Student Veterans of America (SVA) make that goal a reality.

SVA is a 501(c)(3) coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the globe. These member chapters are the “boots on the ground” that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically. Each chapter must be an officially recognized student group by their university or college and provide a peer-to-peer network for veterans who are attending the school. Additionally, chapters often coordinate campus activities, provide pre-professional networking, and generally provide a touchstone for student veterans in higher education.

Program Link

The Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education is committed to helping Oklahoma’s transitioning military members.

Program Link


The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission has Local Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program Specialists (DVOPs) at many Workforce Oklahoma Center Locations.  LVERs help disabled veterans obtain counseling, testing, and identify training and employment opportunities.

OESC Veteran Programs


The Center for Women Veterans was established by Congress in November 1994 by Public Law (P.L.) 103-446.

  • Monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care and benefits services, and programs for women Veterans.
  • Serve as an advocate for a cultural transformation (both within VA and in the general public) in recognizing the service and contributions of women Veterans and women in the military.
  • Raise awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect.

The Women In Military Service For America Memorial (Women’s Memorial) is the only major national memorial honoring all women who have defended America throughout history.

The Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization OKWVO is a 501 (c) (19) non-profit War Veterans Service Organization.  The OKWVO recognizes the contributions of Oklahoma’s daughters made in the defense of this great nation since the Civil War to present.  Each October, the OKWVO hosts the Oklahoma Women Veteran Recognition Event, please monitor the website for more details.

Women Veterans have the option of receiving full comprehensive health care through our Women Veterans Clinics located at the Muskogee hospital, Ernest Childers VA Outpatient Clinic (Tulsa), Vinita VA Outpatient Clinic, Hartshorne VA Outpatient Clinic and McCurtain County Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Idabel, which provide gender specific care by a provider trained and proficient in women’s health. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-888-397-8387.

If you have any questions about services for Women Veterans, please contact Susan Hartsell, RN, BSN, Women Veterans Program Manager, at 918-577-4277.

The Oklahoma City VA Health Care System offers a variety of health services to address the unique needs of women Veterans.

Medical Services

  • Gender-Specific Care including breast and cervical cancer screening
  • Preventive health screening
  • Contraceptive counseling and management
  • Menopause management
  • Osteoporosis Evaluation and care
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections evaluation and treatment
  • Surgical services for breast care, gynecological disorders, urinary incontinence, and oncology
  • Reproductive health care, including gynecological care and appropriate referrals for obstetrical care, infertility evaluation, and genetic testing
  • Comprehensive OEF/OIF clinic
  • Tobacco Dependence Treatment
  • Obesity counseling, weight loss – referral to MOVE!

Did you know that women are the fastest-growing group within the Veteran population? Learn more about the changing face of women Veterans and what VA is doing to meet their health care needs.


Mobile Apps for Women:…

The Women Veteran Program monitors the employment situation of women veterans to ensure DOL VETS programs serve women veterans and male veterans equitably.

Free employment services are available at American Job Centers nationwide, and they are effective for women veterans. In fact, one study showed that women veterans who used them experienced less of a wage gap than women nonveterans using comparable services. Veterans receive priority of service, and veterans with significant barriers to employment may receive more intensive case management, so be sure to tell them you are a veteran!


Hear stories of recovery, from veterans like you. is an online resource designed to connect Veterans, their family members and friends, and other supporters with information, resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives.

No matter when, where, or how you served, or what you’ve experienced in military or civilian life, you may be facing challenges that affect your health, relationships, and life.  Whether your military role ended two decades ago or two days ago, you share with Veterans everywhere the common bonds of duty, honor, and service to our nation.  Every day, veterans connect with resources and support to manage and confront the issues they may have and find solutions for improving their lives.

*Edit filters found at the top of the site for era served/branch of service/combat/gender.

Calling All Women Who Served in the United States Military! 

Do you know your Veteran status?  Do you have a Veteran ID card?  Should you receive any benefits from VA, like the GI Bill?  Do you know what health care benefits you have earned?   If you do not know the answer to even one of these questions, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has established the Women Veterans Call Center (WVCC) just for you.

The WVCC staff is trained to provide women Veterans, their families, and caregivers about VA services and resources.  We are ready to respond to your concerns.  The call is free, and you can call as often as you like until you have the answers to your questions.  The Call Center is available Monday through Friday 8 AM – 10 PM ET, and on Saturdays from 8 AM – 6:30 PM ET.

We’re introducing a new Chat Function.

The WVCC is expanding its outreach to women Veterans with a new online, one-to-one Chat Function.  The new service enables women Veterans to go online and anonymously chat via real-time text messaging with a trained WVCC representative.  The new feature provides women Veterans with another avenue to ask general questions about benefits, eligibility, and services specifically for women Veterans.  WVCC chat is available by visiting the Women Veterans Health Care webpage at and clicking the “Chat with the Women Veterans Call Center” icon.  As the Chat Function is anonymous; please do not use personally identifiable information such as social security numbers.  WVCC Chat is available Monday through Friday 8 AM – 10 PM ET, and on Saturdays from 8 AM – 6:30 PM ET.

Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?

Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.

Vet Center Call Center 877-WAR-VETS (927-8387)

Life isn’t always easy after a deployment. That’s where Vet Centers can help.

We are the people in VA who welcome home war veterans with honor by providing quality readjustment counseling in a caring manner. Vet Centers understand and appreciate Veterans’ war experiences while assisting them and their family members toward a successful post-war adjustment in or near their community. All services are free of cost and are strictly confidential.

Readjustment counseling is a wide range of psychosocial services offered to eligible Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families in the effort to make a successful transition from military to civilian life.  They include:

  • Individual and group counseling for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families
  • Family counseling for military-related issues
  • Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
  • Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
  • Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
  • Substance abuse assessment and referral
  • Employment assessment & referral
  • VBA benefits explanation and referral
  • Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc.

If you served in a branch of the military and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable you may be eligible for burial in a Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery.

Female veterans married to a veteran are entitled to their own separate grave, headstone or marker, a burial flag, and Presidential Memorial Certificate. However, they may choose to be buried in the same gravesite as their spouse.

No-cost burial benefits include:


Last Modified on Jan 31, 2025
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