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Veteran Owned Business Directory

Veteran Owned Business Stats of Oklahoma City and Tulsa   OKC rank #3 in nation, Tulsa ranks #11 in nation, OKLAHOMA Ranks #6 overall in nation.  Oklahoma veteran owned businesses exceed 5300, employee over 60,000, and generate over $5 BILLION each year

Welcome to the OKVetWorks - Oklahoma Veteran-owned business guide with over 1000 veteran, active duty, reservists and military spouse-owned businesses! Get an authentic shopping experience by shopping small while supporting our troops and military families at the same time.

Find the perfect gift for somebody special or discover a new local coffee shop. You can also browse our large variety of services which include consultants, healthcare, financial services, and more. OKVetWorks is proud to support all veteran and military-connected businesses.

*Not with standing anything to the contrary, the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs does not directly or indirectly endorse any of the Veteran Owned Businesses listed in this directory.

Last Modified on Sep 26, 2024
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