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How to Complete a Request for a Background Check

Complete a request for a background check. 
Visit to submit a request for a child care background check.  
To submit a background check on a DHS network computer, please use: 
 Helpful tips:

  • The first field “TCN# or EU ID#” is to enter the fingerprinting receipt number. This field is not required if the individual has not been recently fingerprinted.
  • All child care background checks are fingerprint-based. 
  • All fields with an asterisk (*) are required. The system will not allow the background check to be submitted with missing or incorrectly entered information in these fields.
  • It is critical that every names the individual has used, or has been known as, is listed as an alias. Failure to include all names may result in an incomplete background check. In this case, a new background check request will be required. 
  • Once the background check request has been electronically submitted, a physical copy must be printed. The individual must then sign the printed request –agreeing to the consents for the background check. 
  • The program must maintain the printed and signed background check request for 5 years. This information is subject to be audited. 
  • See NCPA/VCA & Qualified Entity for more information on the requirements for receiving results for child care background checks. 
  • See Child Care Notifications for more information on the types of response that may be expected from OBI.
Last Modified on Jul 16, 2024