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Licensing Requirements

Child Care Programs: are programs which provide care and supervision of children in child care centers, day camp, drop-in, out-of-school time, part-day and programs for sick children.

Child Care Centers: A program that operates 30 or more hours per week.

Day Camps: A program that operates during school breaks for 12 hours or less per day,    serves children who are 5-years-old and older who are attending or have completed kindergarten or above, and uses the outdoors as a major program component for at least 50 percent of the daily hours of operation.

Drop-In Programs: A program that operates 30 or more hours per week with individual children attending six hours or less per day and 24 hours or less per week, with an allowance for three extra six-hour days per 12 months per child.

Out-of-School Time Programs: A program that operates when school is not in session, such as before- and after-school and school breaks, and serves children three years old and older who are attending or have completed pre-kindergarten or above.

Part-day Programs: A program that operates for more than 15 but less than 30 hours per week.

Programs for Sick Children: A program that serves children with illnesses or symptoms preventing them from comfortable participation in activities in a program caring for children who are well. The children require more care than personnel in a program caring for children who are well can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children in care.

To order copies of these publications, please contact Child Care Services at (405) 521-3561 or 1-844-834-8314.


Licensing Requirements for Child Care Programs 

Licensing Requirements for Family Child Care Homes & Large Child Care Homes

Family Child Care Homes offer care and supervision for up to seven children in a family home. 
Large Child Care Homes offer care and supervision for 8 to 12 children and may have more than one provider. 

Licensing Requirements for Community Hope Centers 

a hand holding a heart

Are you interested in providing Child Care?

Last Modified on Mar 21, 2025
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