Provider Update: January 24, 2020
To: All Providers
Subject: Provider Communications
The Medicaid Services Unit is excited to announce a new method for disseminating Provider Communications using the GovDelivery system.
This new system will allow all individuals that need to receive communication regarding the ADvantage Waiver or State Plan Personal Care Programs to sign up directly to receive email or text notification. Users also have the ability to remove themselves from notifications in the future if they are no longer needed.
Starting today through 2/29/2020, MSU will continue sending Bulletins as normal through SmarterMail and will also begin sending through GovDelivery.
Starting 3/1/2020, all communication will be sent solely through the GovDelivery system.
Please encourage your staff to sign up for notifications following the directions below. *Do not use a SmarterMail address when you sign up for notifications as MSU is still analyzing the need for this system going forward. Also, if text notification is selected, standard text message rates may apply.
Signing up for Provider Communications
1. Open the Provider Updates & Bulletins web page
This web page may also be accessed by selecting “Provider Updates and Bulletins” in Harmony on the My Harmony Chapter/Tasks Column.
2. Click on the Red envelope
3. Select Subscription Type (Email or Text)
Enter Email Address or Mobile Phone Number
Select “Submit”
4. Scroll down to the section for Aging Services and select the type(s) of communications you would like to receive.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Submit”.
*Please send any questions or concerns regarding this information through the Harmony PQ chapter.