Library: Policy
OKDHS:2-21-55. Records disposition schedules
Revised 5-1-14
(a) The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) records disposition schedules list all DHS records. The schedules describe how long the records must be kept, and what is done with them when that time expires.
(1) Records may not be destroyed except in a manner approved by the Archives and Records Commission (ARC).
(2) When an administrative unit has records that are not on an existing records schedule, the designated records custodian provides an inventory of those records to the Support Services Departmental Services Unit (DSU) records management coordinator.
(b) The DHS General Records Disposition Schedule covers administrative, financial, and personnel records that apply to all DHS offices, except those that are legally responsible for maintaining the office of record copy.
(c) The DHS Agency Records Disposition Schedule provides uniform dispositions for records specific to individual s DHS administrative areas.
(1) The DHS Agency Records Disposition Schedule provides legal authorization to dispose of records in prescribed ways and serves as a records management guide for agency personnel.
(2) The DSU records management coordinator provides copies and revisions of the DHS Agency Records Disposition Schedule to the records custodian.
(d) The records custodian:
(1) reviews the schedules annually to ensure schedules reflect current needs; and
(2) initiates amendments to the schedule when the review indicates:
(A) newer records are not included on the schedule;
(B) records that are listed are no longer being created or received;
(C) responsibility for maintaining records has administratively changed; or
(D) retention periods do not reflect changes in the law or DHS needs.
(e) Procedures for scheduling records.
(1) A Records Inventory Report, RMD Form 1, is completed by the records custodian and submitted to the DSU records management coordinator.
(2) The DSU records management coordinator reviews RMD Form 1, and prepares a records disposition draft. A copy of the draft is routed to the originating unit for change recommendations or approval.
(3) When all changes are made and agreement is received between the originating unit and the DSU records management coordinator, the disposition schedule is submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Libraries (ODL) Records Management Division for review.
(4) After review, the ODL Records Management Division prepares a records disposition draft for submission to the ARC for approval.
(A) A copy of the draft is sent to the DSU records management coordinator.
(B) The final draft is approved by the DHS Financial Services and Administration director and returned to the ODL Records Management Division.
(5) When approved by the ARC, the DSU records management coordinator returns a copy of the approved schedule to the records custodian. The original is entered into the official records disposition schedule.