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Library: Policy

OKDHS:2-21-57. Deletion and destruction of records

Revised 4-10-23

(a) Purpose.  Deletion and destruction of Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) records is carried out in strict accordance with all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, records disposition schedules, or records disposition authorizations.  Confidential records may be in any format, including paper, electronic, or magnetic media.  Each OKDHS office periodically reviews its records disposition schedule to determine records eligible for destruction.

(b) Approval.  Proper approval must be obtained and documented before the destruction of OKDHS documents.

(1) Only OKDHS records identified on an approved records disposition schedule and approved by the Archives and Records Commission (ARC) may be destroyed.  Approval to destroy records must be received from the ARC at least thirty calendar days prior to any document’s actual destruction.

(2) The Support Services Division (SSD) Records Management Administrator annually identifies and prepares a list of records eligible for destruction by OKDHS.  That list is submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the ARC.  Once ARC approval is obtained, the identified records are then eligible for destruction.

(3)  Records not on an approved records disposition schedule, or records involved in any type of litigation may not be destroyed.

(c) Definitions.  

(1) Confidential Records.  Records intended to be shared only for a specific purpose and only by authorized individuals and which contain information or materials not typically open for public inspection absent exceptional circumstances.  Such information includes (A) through (D) of this paragraph.  For additional information or clarification of confidentiality of records, reference OKDHS:2-21-59, Oklahoma Administrative Code 340:1-1-20, and 340:2-21-13.

(A) Personally Identifiable Information, including Employee Information.

(B) Federal Employee Identification Information.

(C) Protected Health Information.

(D) State or Federal Tax Information.

(2) Secure Destruction Bin.  A locked and secured bin within an OKDHS office designed to store confidential paper documents intended for destruction.

(3) Secure Destruction Box.  A standard box issued by the OKDHS Supply Warehouse, Item number 1000585 whose purpose is to store confidential paper documents during transport between a local OKDHS office and the Support Services Division Supply Warehouse or a contracted secure destruction facility.

(d) Security destruction.  Destruction of OKDHS records is permissible only Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approved records destruction facility under contract with OKDHS.  Security destruction procedures are followed for the destruction of all OKDHS records, regardless of format or storage device.

(1) Document Destruction.  The SSD Supply Warehouse staff is responsible for retrieving all OKDHS Secure Destruction Boxes from offices outside of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area and Secure Destruction Boxes containing electronically stored records.  Handling and disposal of Secure Destruction Boxes containing paper records for offices located within the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, including the Sequoyah Building, are the responsibility of the OKDHS Mail Center staff.  Both Supply Warehouse staff and Mail Center staff follows the procedures in (2) through (4) of this subsection to properly destroy both paper and electronic records.

(2) Paper Records.

(A) Local office staff is responsible for placing any documents containing confidential information that is intended for secure destruction into that office’s Secure Destruction Bins.

(B) Documents and records containing confidential information are kept secure when unattended in working areas until placed in a Secure Destruction Bin.

(C) Documents containing confidential information may not be placed or stored in unsecured, temporary containers such as cardboard boxes or in unattended, unsecured areas such as under desks or at work stations.

(D) When authority to securely destroy documents is obtained, the local office’s designated staff transfers the contents of a Secure Destruction Bin into an approved, standard issue Secure Destruction Box issued by the OKDHS Supply Warehouse, Item number 1000585.

(E) Each Secure Destruction Box is identified with a box label (Form 23RM001E) affixed to each end.  Each label is filled out and designated as “Secure Destruction.”  Boxes are to be packed completely full and taped securely shut.

(F) When one or more Secure Destruction Boxes are ready to be transported, Form 23AM095E, Supply Warehouse - Moving and Transfer Document is completed by designated personnel and submitted one week prior to that office’s regular supply delivery date.  The form includes the:

(i) number of boxes to be destroyed;

(ii) location and asset management code number of the local office; and

(iii) contact person's name and telephone number.

(G) Designated personnel pick up the Secure Destruction Boxes, transport them to the contracted records destruction facility for shredding, and obtain all signatures needed on the Form 23AM095E to verify destruction has taken place and ensure an appropriate chain of custody.

(H) Neither non-confidential information nor any employee’s personal records, including mail or bank statements, may be placed in the Secure Destruction Bins or a Secure Destruction Box.

(3) Electronic Records.  Electronic records containing confidential information must also receive approval before destruction.  Items containing records in an electronic or digital format can include but are not limited to computer hard drives, diskettes, back-up tapes, CD and DVD disks, servers, video or audio tapes, and mobile devices, such as laptop computers, cellular phones, flash drives, and personal digital assistants.

(A) Local office staff places electronic equipment and digital storage devices approved for destruction in the Secure Destruction Box issued by the SSD Supply Warehouse.

(B) Each Secure Destruction Box is identified with an appropriate box label, Form 23RM001E, Electronic Equipment and Mobile Devices Form.  The person responsible for filling out the form ensures the “Electronic Equipment and Mobile Devices” option on the form is chosen.  All necessary forms are taped to each end of every Secure Destruction Box containing electronic records or devices.

(C) When one or more full Secure Destruction Boxes containing electronic records or devices are ready to be transported, a separate and completed copy of Form 23AM095E, Supply Warehouse—Moving and Transfer Document, is completed by designated personnel and submitted to the SSD Supply Warehouse one week prior to the office’s regular supply delivery date.  The submitted form includes the:

(i) number of boxes to be destroyed;

(ii) location and asset management code number of the local office; and

(iii) contact person's name and telephone number.

(D) SSD Supply Warehouse personnel pick up Secure Destruction Boxes containing electronic records or devices, obtain needed signatures on the Form 23AM095E to ensure an appropriate chain of custody, and transports them to the OKDHS Supply Warehouse.

(E) Electronic devices and storage media received at the SSD Warehouse are cleansed or erased of client or business information before they are transported either to be handled as surplus equipment or destroyed at an IRS approved records destruction facility.

(4) Shredding Documents.  Documents that have been approved for destruction within a local office may only be shredded at an office that possesses a P5-level paper shredder issued and approved by the SSD Supply Warehouse. 

(A) After confidential documents have been shredded, the shredder’s contents are emptied into a large plastic trash liner, mixed by hand, tied shut, and placed into a regular trash refuge container. 

(B) Designated personnel monitor and assist with the shredding process to ensure shredding procedures are followed.

(C) Neither non-confidential information nor any employee’s personal records, including mail or bank statements, may be shredded using OKDHS equipment.

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