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OKDHS:2-1-21. Procedures for opening Form OPM-111

Revised 6-1-04

(a) The performance management process (PMP) is conducted on an annual basis.  The evaluation period begins when Form OPM-111, Performance Management Process (PMP), is opened, establishing accountabilities, performance measures, and expectations of behaviors.  At the beginning of the evaluation period, the immediate supervisor meets with the reviewing supervisor for agreement on the basic outline of Form OPM-111.  Supervisors must ensure each employee receives a completed Form OPM-111 within 12 months of the previously closed Form OPM-111

(b) The immediate supervisor completes sections (A) through (F) of Form OPM-111.

  • (1) Section A - Employee name and status information.  Information entered in this Section is self-explanatory on Form OPM-111.
  • (2) Section B - Accountabilities.  Enter a statement addressing each item listed in (A) through (D) regarding each accountability.
    • (A) List each accountability including a task statement and performance standard that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based (SMART).  List only those tasks that are essential to the overall accomplishment of the job.  The reviewing supervisor has final authority on accountabilities.
      • (i) Assign a relative importance status of important or critical to each accountability.
      • (ii) When standardized accountabilities for a job family descriptor (JFD) and level have been implemented, those accountabilities must be implemented.  This does not preclude expansion of accountability for specific situations.
      • (iii) When standardized accountabilities are not available, the immediate supervisor and employee write the accountabilities in standard sentence structure of action verb, followed by the object of the verb, and describe methods where appropriate.
    • (B) The performance standard is stated following each accountability and is written to reflect the level of performance required for a rating of Meets Standards.  Performance standards include one or more of the factors listed in (i) through (vi).
      • (i) Quantity means how much work is completed, generally a combination of quantity and timeliness.
      • (ii) Accuracy or quality means the number of errors in the work completed, based upon a combination of quality and timeliness.
      • (iii) Timeliness means how fast the work is completed, and if it is completed within assigned time frames.
      • (iv) Manner means the way or style in which the work is completed.
      • (v) Method means the procedural and technical methods used in compliance with policy.
      • (vi) Cost means the dollar and human resource factors.
    • (C) General sources of information used to arrive at the performance rating for each accountability may include:
      • (i) monthly or other regularly scheduled reports;
      • (ii) computer printouts;
      • (iii) case reviews;
      • (iv) supervisory observation;
      • (v) client feedback;
      • (vi) random surveys; or
      • (vii) other sources of information as identified by the supervisor(s).
    • (D) Only those tasks that are essential to the overall accomplishment of the job are indicated on Form OPM-111.  Each accountability is assigned a level of relative importance, either critical or important.
      • (i) Critical.  This level indicates it is one of the most crucial parts of the employee's accountabilities in terms of the impact on the accomplishment of the unit's mission and problems that may occur if the work is not completed satisfactorily.
      • (ii) Important.  This level indicates the accountability is an important or significant factor in job performance.  An employee rated below standards in this area may still be considered good overall if he or she does well in critical accountabilities.
  • (3) Section C - Overall Accountability Rating.  This Section is completed when closing Form OPM-111 in accordance with DHS:2-1-24(1)(C).
  • (4) Section D - Behaviors.  This Section is completed in accordance with DHS:2-1-24(2)(A).  Behavior factors must be evaluated.
  • (5) Section E - Overall Performance Rating.  This Section is completed when closing Form OPM-111 in accordance with DHS:2-1-24(3)(E).
  • (6) Section F – Summary/Development Plan.  Performance strengths, areas for development, and a development plan are completed when closing Form OPM-111 in accordance with DHS:2-1-24(4)(A) through (C).
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