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340:75-1-86. Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

​• 1 through 7 & 9

Revised 7-1-13

 (a) Purpose.  The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a means to ensure protection and services to children who are placed across state lines.  The ICPC establishes orderly procedures for the interstate placement of children and fixes responsibility for those involved in placing the child.

(b) Legal base.  The ICPC is an agreement adopted by all state legislatures and is consistent with constitutional law.  The legal basis for the compact is found in Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution and Section 571 of Title 10 of the Oklahoma Statutes.  Oklahoma is one of 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Virgin Islands that adopted the ICPC and agreed to follow the Articles and Regulations of the ICPC when placing children out-of-state and when children are placed in Oklahoma from another state.

(c) Sending or requesting agency.  The sending or requesting agency is:

(1) a party state, officer, or employee thereof;

(2) a subdivision of a party state, officer, or employee thereof;

(3) a court of a party state;

(4) a person, corporation, association, or charitable agency; or

(5) an entity that sends, brings, or causes to be sent or brought any child to another party state.

(d) Receiving state.  The receiving state is the state to which a child is sent or brought or caused to be sent or brought, whether:

(1) by public authorities or private persons or agencies; and

(2) for placement with state or local public authorities, private agencies, or persons.

(e) Types of Placements.  ICPC applies to placement of a child:

(1) preliminary to adoption;

(2) into foster care, including foster homes, group homes, residential treatment facilities, and child caring institutions for treatment of chronic or long-term conditions;

(3) with the parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or sister, or adult aunt or uncle when any such relative is not making the placement; and

(4) adjudicated delinquent and placed in institutions in other states.

(f) Exceptions to ICPC.  ICPC does not apply to:

(1) placement of a child in a hospital, medical facility, or mental health facility for the primary purpose of treating an acute or short-term medical or emotional problem;

(2) placement of a child in any institution primarily educational in character;

(3) placement of a child by the parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or sister, adult uncle or aunt, or child's non-state agency guardian with any such relative or non-state agency guardian in the receiving state;

(4) visits in another state;   • 8

(5) a child's placement with a non-offending, noncustodial biological parent when the court does not:

(A) have evidence that such parent is unfit;

(B) seek such evidence; and

(C) retain jurisdiction over the child after the court transfers custody;

(6) placement of a child in or from another country; and

(7) interstate supervision of a parent's treatment and service plan.

(g) Oklahoma as the sending agency or state.  For an out-of-state placement request, the child must be under Oklahoma court jurisdiction but is not required to be in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody.

(h) Home study time requirements.  Home studies requested by other states to assess the safety and suitability of placement are conducted, and a report addressing the extent to which the proposed placement meets the needs of the child is completed.

(1) The report is provided to the requesting state within 60 calendar days after receipt of the request.

(2) When the home study is not completed and provided to the requesting state within 60 calendar days, the specific reasons it is not completed are documented in an email to the Oklahoma ICPC compact administrator.

(3) The requesting state must accept the receiving state's home study as meeting the requirements of the receiving state unless, within 14 calendar days of receiving the study, the requesting state determines that making a decision in reliance on the study would be contrary to the welfare of the child.

(4) A completed home study does not require the requesting state to place the child.


Revised 2-2-24

1.  General information regarding the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).

(1) ICPC intent.  ICPC ensures that the child placed out-of-state has the same protections and services provided in the home state.  ICPC also ensures the child's return to the original county of jurisdiction when the:

(A) placement is determined contrary to the child's interests; or

(B) need for out-of-state services ceases.

(2) Types of placements the ICPC Program Unit does not process or approve.  ICPC Program Unit does not:

(A) process a placement request for a person older than 18 years of age from out-of-state; or

(B) approve out-of-state placements into a residential treatment center (RTC), child caring institution, or group home facility for a child who has committed homicide or rape, requires a secured facility, or has a missing from care history.  The ICPC Program Unit considers exceptions on a case-by-case basis.  When requesting an exception, the sending state must provide the ICPC Program Unit with:

(i) the child's age when the homicide, rape, or missing from care activity occurred;

(ii) a court order from the sending state finding the child's condition does not pose a danger to others in the facility or to the community if the child is missing from care from the facility;

(iii) the complete juvenile delinquent record;

(iv) a psychological evaluation of the child within the last 90-calendar days;

(v) all discharge summaries from other treatment facilities and detention centers;

(vi) the full disclosure of details regarding the homicide or rape incident;

(vii) the complete history and circumstances of the missing from care activity;

(viii) a summary of the child's history of violence, abuse, or physical aggression; and

(ix) any information ICPC Program Unit staff determines is necessary.

2.  Oklahoma as the sending state to place a child that is under the jurisdiction of an Oklahoma court.

(1) Initiating a placement request.  The child welfare (CW) specialist:

(A) uses Form 04IC006E (ICPC-107), Out-of-State Placement Request Checklist, when submitting an ICPC request; and

(B) completes KIDS ICPC screen located under the placement icon for foster (paid placement), relative (non-paid placement), parent, adoption, institution care-adjudicated delinquent, group home care, or residential requests.

(i) For foster care, relative, parent, residential, or group home care requests, the permanency planning (PP) specialist requests his or her supervisor's approval through KIDS.  The PP specialist prints Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A), Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children Request, signs, and saves it to the KIDS document management system (DMS) along with all required documents.

(ii) For adoptive requests, the PP specialist coordinates with the Resource Unit for completion of an adoption ICPC request.  The adoption specialist requests ICPC request approval in KIDS.  After verifying all supporting documentation is saved to the KIDS DMS, the resource supervisor approves the request in KIDS.

(iii) Once ICPC Program Unit staff reviews the outgoing adoption request and submits it to the other state, ICPC Program staff opens "Other Workload Request (OWR)" in KIDS to document that a home study was requested in another state.  The type of service request is documented as "ICPC Adoption-Sending Out-of-State."

(iv) The OWR is sent to the ICPC liaison who assigns it to the appropriate resource staff.

(2) ICPC approval process and use of placement.

(A) The receiving state's local office completes the home study and sends a recommendation to the ICPC compact administrator in the receiving state.

(B) The receiving state ICPC office determines if placement is approved and sends the completed home study with signed Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100-A) to the sending ICPC Program Unit.

(C) ICPC Program Unit routes the documents to the PP specialist or adoption specialist who initiated the request.

(D) Oklahoma, as the requesting state, accepts the completed home study unless, within 14-calendar days of receiving the report, it is determined making a decision in reliance on the report is contrary to the child's welfare.

(i) Relative, foster, and parent placements require receipt of an approved home assessment and approved Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A).

(ii) An adoptive placement requires receipt of an approved home assessment, approved Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A), and Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) approval or authorization.

(iii) The CW specialist, CW supervisor, and court make the final decision regarding the use of an approved ICPC placement.

(iv) The home's approval and permission to place by the receiving state is valid for six months.

(v) When the placement is not utilized within the six-month period, the CW specialist submits a new ICPC request if the CW specialist wants to place the child in the previously-approved ICPC home.

(E) Prior to placement into an approved adoptive ICPC placement, authorization and full disclosure must be completed, per OAC 340:75-15-41.3.

(3) ICPC status changes.  When placement is made in the receiving state in an approved ICPC resource, the CW specialist or adoption specialist prepares Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B), Report on Child's Placement Status, indicating the placement's date.

(A) The CW specialist or adoption specialist submits Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B) to the ICPC Program Unit within five-business days of placement or status change.

(B) Supervision of the child's placement begins after the receiving state receives Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B) indicating the placement's date.

(C) The CW specialist or adoption specialist completes Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B) for other status changes in the case, such as when the:

(i) proposed placement request is withdrawn;

(ii) child's treatment is completed in the facility;

(iii) custody of the child is transferred to a relative or parent;

(iv) child reaches the age of majority or is legally emancipated;

(v) sending state terminates jurisdiction with concurrence of the receiving state or unilaterally;

(vi) adoption is finalized;

(vii) non-paid relative placement becomes licensed;

(viii) child returns to sending state;

(ix) child moves to another state; or

(x) approved resource is not used for placement.

(4) ICPC resources and supportive services for a child in OKDHS custody placed out-of-state in a relative or foster care placement.

(A) OKDHS does not pay out-of-state placement provider training stipends, initial kinship start-up stipends, or for child care services.

(B) Upon receipt of the approved home study, Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100-A) recommending placement, and a copy of the foster care license or certification, when applicable, ICPC Program Unit staff creates a resource for an ICPC:

(i) relative placement by selecting Category - Other Services and Type - Kinship/Non-Relative Non-Paid or Kinship/Relative Non-Paid in the KIDS Resource Directory screen; or

(ii) foster care placement by selecting Category - Foster Family and Type - Kinship/Relative/CW Foster Family Care, or Kinship/Non-Relative/CW Foster Family Care in the KIDS Resource Directory screen.

(C) OKDHS makes foster care payments only to resources that meet the receiving state's requirements as a foster home.  OKDHS pays the foster parent the receiving state's foster care rate.  When the receiving state's foster care rate is lower than Oklahoma's rate, the Oklahoma rate is paid.  ICPC Program Unit staff:

(i) sends the foster parent an applicable OKDHS contract for signature.  The foster parent returns the signed contract to the ICPC Program Unit;

(ii) sends the contract to Foster Care Contracts for processing;

(iii) after the contract number is entered in KIDS by Resource Section, enters the receiving state's foster care daily rate in the KIDS Difficulty of Care screen with rate IX, when applicable; and

(iv) files a copy of the foster parent's current license or certification, home study, and receiving state's foster care rate, and maintains re-assessments in the resource record, as dictated by the receiving state's policy.

(D) The foster parent must maintain compliance with the receiving state's foster care requirements for payment to continue.

(E) The child receives medical coverage, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:75-13-75.

(F) The CW specialist and the worker supervising the case in the receiving state coordinate independent living or successful adulthood services, per OAC 340:75-6-110.

(G) The CW specialist ensures a receiving state agency caseworker makes a face-to-face contact with the child placed in a parent, relative, or foster home at least once every month, as verified through phone calls or email to the assigned supervision worker in the receiving state.  The receiving state submits a written report on the content of the contact on a quarterly basis.  Refer to OAC 340:75-6-48, ITS # 8, for additional guidance on child contacts for children placed out-of-state.

(5) ICPC resources and supportive services for a child in OKDHS custody placed out-of-state in an adoptive placement.

(A) The adoption specialist closes the adoption OWR and creates an adoption resource when the completed approved home study is received.  The resource category is Adoption.

(B) When the child is placed in the adoptive home:

(i) the adoption specialist opens an adoptive case in KIDS with the case type of Adoption;

(ii) the receiving states provides post-placement supervision upon that state's receipt of Form 04IC003E (ICPC 100-B), Report on Child's Placement Status.  ICPC Program Staff forwards quarterly reports to the assigned staff upon receipt; and

(iii) the adoption specialist documents visits and services the receiving state provides to the family in the Adoption case in KIDS Contacts screen.

(C) Medical expenses for the child placed out-of-state.  A child in permanent OKDHS custody may be eligible for Oklahoma Medicaid  when the adoptive family cannot provide medical care.

(i) The child who is Title IV-E eligible before placement is eligible to receive Medicaid in the receiving state.  The majority of states cover children who are not Title IV-E eligible, but coverage is verified prior to placement.

(ii) A referral is made to the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance Program Unit (Post-Adoption Services), per OAC 340:75-15-129, for assistance obtaining medical services in the receiving state.

(iii) When the receiving state does not provide Medicaid to the child who is not Title IV-E eligible, the adoptive parent is responsible for the child's medical expenses.

(6) Communication between states and case updates.  The local office in the receiving state and the CW specialist may communicate about the placement, but all written communication is routed through the ICPC Program Unit.  No later than 30-calendar days after a court hearing, the CW specialist submits by email to the ICPC Program Unit the:

(A) court report;

(B) current treatment and service plan; and

(C) court journal entry.  ICPC Program Unit staff sends this information to the receiving state.

(7) Jurisdiction and placement supervision.  The CW specialist does not make a recommendation to the court for a change of custody, guardianship, or adoption by the placement provider in the receiving state or for case dismissal while the child is in the receiving state without the written concurrence of the receiving state's ICPC.

(A) The CW specialist may request concurrence by sending a written request to the ICPC Program Unit.

(B) The Oklahoma court retains jurisdiction over the child sufficient to determine all matters in relation to custody, supervision, care, and disposition of the child that the court had when the child remained in Oklahoma.

(i) The court does not dismiss jurisdiction until the child is adopted, reaches the age of majority, becomes self-supporting or emancipated, or is discharged with the concurrence of the receiving state ICPC.

(ii) When the court dismisses jurisdiction without concurrence of the receiving state's ICPC, the district director contacts the ICPC Program Unit immediately.

(8) ICPC directive authorizing consent to adoption when the child is placed out-of-state.

(A) When the adoptive parent is ready to proceed with finalization of the adoption, the adoption specialist completes the Form 04AN031E, Consent to Adopt for Child Placed Out-of-State, and sends it as an attachment by email to the Post-Adoption Services Unit.

(B) The director's designee signs and returns the form to the adoption specialist.

(C) The adoption specialist sends the signed consent with the signed adoption assistance agreements to the adoption attorney or to the receiving state’s supervision worker prior to finalization.

(9) Adoption finalization when the child is placed out-of-state.

(A) After the court finalizes the adoption, the adoption specialist submits all records pertaining to the adoption to Post-Adoption Services, per OAC 340:75-15-103.

(B) The adoption specialist sends Form 0IC003E (ICPC 100-B) and the final adoption decree to the ICPC Program Unit for case closure.

3.  Oklahoma as the receiving state for a child who is under the jurisdiction of another state.  When a home study request is received from a sending state, ICPC Program Unit staff processes the request and sends it to the appropriate designated staff, and sends a copy of the Pre-Resource or OWR request  to the designated staff with instructions.

(1) Parent home study procedures.

(A) The CW specialist uses Form 04IC016E, Parent Home Study Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, to assess the safety and suitability of placing a child in the home.

(B) The CW specialist completes the parent home study  and provides a report addressing the extent to which the home meets the child's needs  to ICPC within 55-calendar days from the date the CW specialist receives the request from the ICPC Program Unit.

(C) The ICPC Program Unit provides the parent home study report to the requesting state within 60-calendar days of the initial request.

(D) The CW specialist emails Form 04IC016E, to the ICPC Program Unit and saves Forms and reports (i) through (vi) in the OWR DMS:

(i) 04AD003E, Request for Background Check, with results on all household members 18 years of age and older;

(ii) 04AF010E, Resource Family Financial Assessment;

(iii) 04AF004E, House Assessment;

(iv) at least three references, using any combination of Forms:

(I) 04AF015E, Resource Family Reference Letter for Adult Children;

(II) 04AF014E, Resource Family Reference Letter for School Personnel;

(III) 04AF011E, Resource Family Reference Letter for an Employer;

(IV) 04AF012E, Child's Behavioral Health Reference Letter;

(V) 04AF013E, Adult Behavioral Health Reference Letter; or

(VI) 04AF016E, Resource Family Personal Reference Letter;

(v) reports or collateral contacts from current service providers and therapists or certificates of completion to verify compliance with the treatment plan, when applicable; and

(vi) 04AF007E, Records Check Documentation.

(E)  OKDHS requires out-of-state CW history  for any person living in the home who is not a parent when that person has not lived in Oklahoma continuously for the previous five years.

(i)  The assigned specialist may request out-of-state CW history on a parent  when the assigned specialist has concerns about the parent's CW history.

(ii) A parent's CW history from another state is often included with the ICPC request; however, the assigned CW specialist may make additional requests for CW records on a parent when concerned.

(F) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) results are not required for parents; however, when there are concerns about out-of-state criminal history, the assessing staff may request parents be fingerprinted to evaluate any out-of-state criminal history.  All persons 18 years of age and older in a parent's home must be fingerprinted including step-parents.

(G) A separate state name-based criminal background check is not needed for other adult household members who are not parents.   As part of the parent's household, an individual's criminal history is assessed by using FBI results.

(2) Relative home study procedures.

(A)  OKDHS conducts a relative home study  when the sending state  chooses not to provide a foster care reimbursement to the family.

(B) The CW specialist uses Form 04AF003E, Resource Family Assessment, to assess the safety and suitability of placing a child in the home.

(C) The CW specialist completes Form 04AF003E  and provides a report, addressing the extent to which the home would meet the child's needs,  to the ICPC Program Unit within 55-calendar days from receipt of request.

(D) The ICPC Program Unit provides the relative home study report to the requesting state within 60-calendar days of the initial request.

(i) The relative must agree to attend pre-service training before Form 04AF003E is submitted to the ICPC Program Unit.

(ii)  The relative must complete pre-service training  within 90-calendar days from the child's placement date.

(iii) After training is completed, the CW specialist sends pre-service training verification via KIDS Individual Training Record or training certificates to the ICPC Program Unit.

(E) When the placement provider's income is not sufficient to meet the child's needs because relative requests are unpaid, OKDHS denies the home study  and placement is not approved.

(F) The CW specialist completes a full home study as required for foster care resources, per OAC 340:75-7.

(G) The CW specialist e-mails Form 04AF003E to the ICPC Program Unit for review and:

(i) saves other required documents for a resource family assessment to the Pre-Resource DMS, per OAC 340:75-7-18 Instructions to Staff (ITS); and

(ii) sends an email to ICPC Program Unit advising when fingerprint results for all household members 18 years of age and older are available for review in Background Investigations Determination Search (BIDS).  Fingerprint results are required prior to final placement approval.

(H)  The ICPC Program Unit may give initial placement approval  for relative home studies without FBI results when all adult household members have lived in Oklahoma for the past five consecutive years.  When FBI results are received, the CW specialist and supervisor sign the signature page to Form 04AF003E, Resource Family Assessment,  indicating FBI results were received and then final placement approval is given.

(3) Foster home study procedures.   OKDHS conducts a foster home study  when the sending state chooses to provide a foster care reimbursement.  The CW specialist uses Form 04AF003E, Resource Family Assessment, to assess the safety and suitability of placing a child in the home.  The CW specialist:

(A) completes a full home study as required for foster care resources, per OAC 340:75-7-18.  The home study is:

(i) completed and a report, addressing the extent to which the home would meet the child's needs, is provided to the ICPC Program Unit within 55-calendar days from receipt of request; and

(ii) provided by the ICPC Program Unit to the requesting state within 60-calendar days of the initial request; and

(B) emails the ICPC Program Unit for review:

(i) Form 04AF003E;

(ii) other required documents for a resource family assessment saved to the Pre-Resource DMS, per OAC 340:75-7-18 ITS;

(iii) verification of pre-service training completion via KIDS Individual Training Record or training certificates; and

(iv) notification when fingerprint results for all household members 18 years of age and older are available for review in BIDS.  Fingerprint results are required prior to final placement approval.

(4) Preliminary home study procedures.  When a foster home study cannot be completed within 55-calendar days, the CW specialist submits a written summary describing the study's progress  as the preliminary home study.  When the home study is typed and other required documents are missing, a copy of the preliminary study is submitted.

(5) Adoption home study procedures.

(A) OKDHS only accepts an adoption home study for assessment and assignment as the assessing and supervising agency when the child(ren) subject to the ICPC is:

(i) initially placed into Oklahoma under ICPC relative or ICPC foster approval with the identified resource; and

(ii) in placement with the identified resource for a minimum of 90-calendar days prior to the ICPC adoption request being sent.

(B) OKDHS does not accept direct ICPC Adoption only requests for assessments; however, a sending agency may contract with a private child placing agency or individual for the purpose of requesting a home study and placement supervision for a direct adoption ICPC request, if desired.

(C) When a public agency in another state requests an adoptive home study in Oklahoma, the CWS ICPC Program Unit ensures the request meets requirements for assignment by ensuring that:

(i) the child is legally free for adoption;

(ii) the sending agency has the authority to plan for the child's

adoptive placement;

(iii) the identified placement provider has provided care for the child under ICPC relative or ICPC foster approval, if OKDHS is the agency identified to provide the ICPC adoption home study and placement supervision; or

(iv) the sending agency has contracts with a licensed child-placing agency, or an individual authorized to conduct home studies and provide post-placement supervision, if the sending state is requesting to make a direct adoptive placement.

(D) When a prospective ICPC adoptive home is already an open Oklahoma resource home, CWS ICPC Programs Unit sends an assignment by way of a pre-resource or OWR to the assigned resource specialist assigned to the resource home, and requests completion of an adoption addendum and annual update, when applicable.

(i) In situations when the family was originally approved by way of a Regulation 7 Expedited Home Study, a full Resource Family Assessment, per OAC 340:75-18, is required.

(ii) The specific action required for each individual incoming ICPC adoption request is included with the instructions attached to each request when the assignment is sent from the CWS ICPC Programs Unit.

(iii) When the assigned resource specialist completes the required actions associated with the incoming ICPC adoption request, the assigned staff:

(I) emails Form 04AF003E to the ICPC Program Unit for review within 55-calendar days of the receipt's request;

(II) saves other forms and required documents for a resource family assessment to the Resource DMS; and

(III) emails notification when fingerprint results for all household members 18 years of age are available for review in BIDS.  Fingerprint results are required prior to final placement approval.(6) Opening ICPC resources for placement providers for children under another state's jurisdiction.

(A) KIDS resources are not created for parent placements.

(B) ICPC Program Unit staff creates a resource for an ICPC:

(i) relative placement by selecting Category - Other Services and Type – ICPC/Relative in the KIDS Resource Directory screen.  A request for a relative home study is a non-paid placement request and the relative does not receive foster care payment;

(ii) foster placement by selecting Category – Other Services and Type – ICPC/Foster in the KIDS Resource Directory screen.  A request for a foster home study is a paid placement request and the sending state may pay the placement provider a foster care payment upon approval; or

(iii) adoptive placement by selecting Category - Other Services and Type - ICPC/Adoption in the KIDS Resource Directory screen.  ICPC program staff does not create ICPC adoption resources and ICPC adoption KK for incoming children who upgrade to adoption status from foster or relative placements.  The assigned specialist continues to manage the ICPC case from the original ICPC Relative or ICPC Foster resources and ICPC KK’s.

(7) Sending state financially responsible for the child's care.  The sending state agency, guardian, or person is financially responsible for the child's care.  The prospective placement provider in Oklahoma is not entitled to OKDHS training stipends, foster care child care services, foster care payments, contingency funds, mileage reimbursement, OKDHS-contracted services, or clothing vouchers.  An ICPC approved resource family caring for an out-of-state child may be eligible for child care subsidy through OKDHS, per OAC 340:40-3-1. 

(8) Placement of an out-of-state child with parent, relative, or foster parent in Oklahoma.  ICPC Program Unit staff forwards Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B), verifying the child's placement to the county of placement and a CW specialist is assigned to the case.

(A) ICPC Program Unit staff:

(i) opens an ICPC case in KIDS using the oldest child's last name and provider's address and selects case Type – ICPC; and

(ii) enters the child's placement using the placement provider's resource.  When the child is placed with a parent, the KIDS Living Arrangement and Demographics screens are completed.

(B)The assigned CW specialist:

(i) provides quarterly progress reports to the ICPC Program Unit using Form 04IC004E (ICPC-108), Progress Report for ICPC Cases;

(ii) visits the child monthly and documents the visits in the KIDS Contacts screen;

(iii) refers the family for services, as needed;

(iv) ensures placement providers approved as ICPC relative, foster care, or adoption resources maintain compliance with OKDHS resource requirements; and

(v) notifies the ICPC Program Unit immediately of:

(I) placement disruptions;

(II) child abuse or neglect referrals; and

(III) policy violations involving ICPC placement providers.

(9) Placement of an out-of-state child with adoptive parent.

(A) ICPC Program Unit staff does not create ICPC Adoption Resources and ICPC Adoption cases for incoming placements that subsequently upgrade from foster or adoption approvals with the same ICPC family that will be adopting the child(ren).

(B) When a child's status changes from foster or relative to adoption, the CWS ICPC Program Unit sends notice to the assigned staff and ICPC field liaison to notify them of the change, and the ICPC field liaison or assigned CW specialist visiting the children assists with coordinating finalization efforts with the sending state, if necessary.

(C) The assigned field staff must continue to complete ongoing worker visits to the child(ren) placed in the approved ICPC adoptive placement until ICPC case closure.

(10) Permanency for the child.  After a minimum of six months of placement supervision, the CW specialist may recommend the sending state seek permanency for the child.

(A) Recommendations may include transfer of custody to the placement provider through guardianship, adoption, or return of custody to a biological parent.

(B) Recommendations are discussed with, and approved by, the CW supervisor.

(C) Recommendations are not final until approved by the ICPC Program Unit.

(D) The ICPC case remains open until Form 04IC003E (ICPC-100-B) is received from the sending state terminating the case or closure notification is received from the ICPC Program Unit.

(E) When a child turns 18 years of age while in an approved ICPC placement, the child remains in the sending state's custody with verification from the sending state, and continues to attend high school or is working on his or her General Educational Development (GED).  The assigned worker continues to provide supervision until the child graduates, receives his or her GED, or exits custody, whichever occurs first.  Staff assigned to provide supervision to a child placed through ICPC who is 18 years of age or older follows contact policy, per OAC 340:6-48 ITS # 8.

(11)   Closure of incoming ICPC KK or ICPC Resource.  The ICPC Program Unit approves case closures for placements made through ICPC when permanency is established, or the child is returned to the sending state, and the sending state submits Form 04IC003E to the CWS ICPC Program Unit.

(A) When assigned field staff have entered all documentation into KIDS, CWS ICPC Program Unit staff are responsible for end-dating the placement and closing the ICPC KK for any incoming ICPC placement, when applicable.

(B) CWS ICPC Program Unit staff advises any assigned resource staff of the need to close the ICPC placement resource, when applicable, that is associated with the Form 04IC003E closure notice from a sending state.

(12) Non-public agency requests and independent adoptions.

(A) When Oklahoma is the receiving state for a child who is in the custody of a person or non-public agency, the person or non-public agency arranges an assessment and placement supervision by a licensed child-placing agency or a person qualified by training or experience.

(B) OKDHS may not complete a home assessment for private or independent adoptive home assessments.   CWS Deputy Director of Placement Programs approves any exceptions.

(C) Home assessments completed by OKDHS may not be used for private or independent adoptions.

4.        Foster parent movement out-of-state.

(1) When a foster parent requests to move to another state with the child in foster care as an intact family and the move is per the child's case plan, the CW specialist:

(A) submits, 45-calendar days prior to the planned move, an ICPC foster request for placement;

(B) prepares the ICPC request immediately and sends to the ICPC Program Unit for prompt handling, when the decision to relocate to another state is not made until 45-calendar days or fewer before the intended move;

(C) obtains and attaches a memorandum approved by the district director to the ICPC request, per OAC 340:75-6-86 ITS;

(D) notifies the court and placement provider about the move; and

(E) obtains the placement provider's signature on Form   04AF049E Consent for Release of Information to Community Partners that permits the CW specialist to attach the home study, annual update(s),  or reassessment(s) to the ICPC request.

(2) OKDHS does not give approval for the foster family to relocate with the child in OKDHS custody  until ICPC Program Unit staff  reviews and  approves the request to be submitted to the receiving state.

(3) The foster family must comply with the receiving state's requirements for licensing or certification as a foster care provider.  The receiving state determines the ability of the placement to meet the child's needs under the circumstances of the proposed relocation.

(4) The foster parent continues to receive the foster care payment after the move, provided the foster parent is cooperating with the certification or licensing process in the receiving state.  When the foster parent fails to cooperate with the certification or licensing process by receipt of the denied Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A), Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children Request, payment is stopped.  The placement becomes an illegal placement and the child must return to Oklahoma.

(5) Once the family is licensed in the receiving state, Oklahoma reimburses the family according to the receiving state's foster care rate unless Oklahoma's rates are higher.

5.  ICPC placement supervision of Oklahoma facilities.  OKDHS staff is not required to supervise ICPC placements into an Oklahoma RTC, child caring institution, or group home.  Supervision requirements and progress report submission is agreed upon by the child's sending state and RTC.

6.  (a) ICPC Regulation No. 7 for Expedited Placement Decision.  The intent of ICPC Regulation No. 7 is to:

(1) expedite receiving state's ICPC approval or denial for the placement of the child with a:

(A) parent;

(B) stepparent;

(C) grandparent;

(D) adult uncle or aunt;

(E) adult brother or sister; or

(F) the child's guardian;

(2) protect the child's safety while minimizing the potential trauma to the child caused by interim or multiple placements while ICPC approval to place with the parent, relative, or guardian is sought through a more comprehensive home study process; and

(3) provide the sending state court or sending agency with expedited approval or denial.  An expedited denial underscores the urgency for the sending state to explore alternative placement resources.

(b) ICPC Regulation No. 7 not applicable.  ICPC Regulation No. 7 does not apply when the:

(1) child is placed in violation of the ICPC in the receiving state, unless the receiving state compact administrator approves a visit in writing and the sending state court enters a subsequent order authorizing the visit with a fixed return date per ICPC Regulation No. 9;

(2) intention of the sending state is for licensed or approved foster care or adoption.  In the event the intended placement is already licensed or approved in the receiving state at the time of the request, such licensing or approval would not preclude application of this regulation; or

(3) court:

(A) authorizes placement of the child with a parent from whom the child was not removed;

(B) has no evidence the parent is unfit;

(C) does not seek any evidence from the receiving state that the parent is either fit or unfit; and

(D) the court relinquishes jurisdiction over the child immediately upon placement with the parent.

(c) Criteria required before requesting ICPC Regulation No. 7.  An ICPC Regulation No. 7 request must meet at least one of the criteria in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of paragraph (4) when the:

(1) child is under the jurisdiction of a court as a result of action taken by a child welfare agency;

(2) court has the authority to determine custody and approve placement of the child;

(3) child is no longer in the home of the parent from whom the child was removed; and

(4) child is being considered for placement in another state with a parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult uncle or aunt, adult brother or sister, or the child's guardian.

(A) The child has an unexpected dependency due to the sudden or recent incarceration, incapacitation, or death of the parent or guardian.  Incapacitation means the parent or guardian is unable to care for the child due to a medical, mental, or physical condition.

(B) The child considered for placement is four years of age and younger including older siblings considered for placement with the same proposed placement resource.

(C) The court finds the child or any child in the sibling group sought to be placed has a substantial relationship with the proposed placement resource.  Substantial relationship means the proposed placement has a familial or mentoring role with the child, spent more than cursory time with the child, and established more than a minimal bond with the child.

(D) The child is currently in an emergency placement.

(d) Provisional approval or denial.  Upon request of the sending agency and with agreement of the receiving state, a provisional determination may be made.  The receiving state may, but is not required to, provide provisional approval or denial for the child to be placed with a parent, relative, or guardian including a request for an approved placement when the receiving state has a separate licensing process available to relatives that includes a waiver of a non-safety issue.

(1) Upon receipt of the documentation set forth in subsection (e), the receiving state expedites the provisional determination of the appropriateness of the proposed placement by completing (A) through (E) of this paragraph.

(A) The receiving state's caseworker performs a physical walk-through of the prospective placement's home to assess the residence for risks and appropriateness for the child's placement.

(B) A search of the receiving state's child protective services database for prior history of abuse or neglect regarding the prospective placement and adult household members is conducted as required by the receiving state for emergency placement of a child in the receiving state's custody.

(C) A local criminal background check of the prospective resource placement and adult household members is conducted.

(D) Other determinations as agreed upon by the sending and receiving state compact administrators are undertaken.

(E) A provisional written report to the receiving state compact administrator as to the appropriateness of the proposed placement is provided.

(2) OKDHS makes a request on Oklahoma's behalf as the sending agency for a determination for provisional approval or denial.  The request includes the ICPC Regulation 7 Order for Expedited Placement Decision, which is an order from the court.

(3) The receiving state compact administrator completes a determination for a request for provisional approval or denial within seven-calendar days of receipt of the completed request packet, unless the receiving state is unable to meet the time requirement due to situations, such as staff shortages, budget cuts, or furloughs.

(A) The receiving state compact administrator communicates the provisional approval or denial to the sending state compact administrator in writing.

(B) The communication does not include the signed Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A), Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children Request, until the final decision is made, per subsection (g).

(4) Provisional placement, when approved, continues pending the receiving state's final approval or denial of the placement or until the receiving state requires the child's return to the sending state pursuant to ITS # 6.

(5) A provisional denial means the receiving state may not approve a provisional placement pending a more comprehensive home study or assessment process due to issues that need resolution.

(6) When provisional approval is given for placement with a parent from whom the child was not removed, the court in the sending state may direct its agency to request concurrence from the sending and receiving state compact administrators to place the child with the parent and relinquish jurisdiction over the child after final approval is given.

(A) When concurrence is not given, the sending agency retains jurisdiction over the child as otherwise provided, per Article V of the ICPC.

(B) When the child is placed in Oklahoma under provisional approval, OKDHS provides supervision of the child and placement consistent with OAC 340:75-6-48 ITS.

(e) Steps taken by sending agency before the sending court enters ICPC Regulation No. 7 Order of Compliance.

(1) To consider a placement resource for a receiving state's ICPC expedited placement decision, the sending agency, prior to submitting a request for an ICPC expedited placement decision, takes minimum steps that include:

(A) consulting with ICPC Program Unit staff to ensure no barriers exist to requesting an expedited placement decision;

(B) verifying with the proposed placement there are no known barriers to approval through completing Form 04IC015E, ICPC Regulation 7 Statement by Child Welfare Specialist Regarding Prospective Placement Resource;

(C) verifying with the proposed placement they can care for the child(ren) without foster care payments;

(D) completing an ICPC request through KIDS; and

(E) saving all required forms into KIDS DMS using Form 04IC006E, ICPC Checklist.

(2) The sending agency submits to the sending state court a statement that:

(A) based upon current information known to the sending agency, the sending agency is unaware of any fact that would prohibit the child from being placed with the prospective placement resource; and

(B) the sending agency completed and sent all required paperwork to the ICPC Program Unit.

(f) Court orders required from the sending state.  The sending state court enters an order consistent with the ICPC Regulation 7 Order for Expedited Placement Decision subject to any additions or deletions required by federal law or the sending state's law.  The order sets forth:

(1) the factual basis for a finding that ICPC Regulation No. 7 applies to the child in question; and

(2) if the request includes a request for a provisional approval of the prospective placement and a factual basis for the request.

(g) Time requirements and methods for processing the ICPC expedited placement decision.

(1) Expedited transmissions.

(A) Documentation, requests for information, or decisions may be transmitted by:

(i) overnight mail;

(ii) facsimile transmission; or

(iii) any other recognized method for expedited communication, including electronic transmission, when acceptable.

(B) The receiving state must recognize and give effect to any such expedited transmission of Form 04IC002E (ICPC 100A) or supporting documentation provided it is legible and appears to be a complete representation of the original.  However, the receiving state may request and is entitled to receive originals or duly certified copies when the receiving state considers originals or certified copies necessary for a legally sufficient record under the receiving state's laws.

(C) Any state compact administrator may waive any requirement for the form of transmission of original documents in the event he or she is confident in the authenticity of the forms and documents provided.

(2) Sending state court orders to the sending state agency.  The local CW specialist:

(A) obtains the Regulation 7 Order for Expedited Placement Decision from the court within-two business days of the hearing or consideration of the request; and

(B) sends the Regulation 7 Order for Expedited Placement Decision to the sending ICPC Program Unit within three-business days.

(3) Sending state ICPC Program Unit sends ICPC request to receiving state ICPC office.

(A) Within two-business days after receipt of a complete ICPC Regulation No. 7 request, the sending state compact administrator transmits the complete request for the assessment and any provisional placement to the receiving state compact administrator.

(B) The request includes a copy of the Regulation 7 order issued in the sending state.

(4) Receiving state ICPC office renders an expedited placement decision.  The receiving state compact administrator makes his or her determination no later than 20-business days from the date he or she receives the forms and materials, per Article III(d) of the ICPC.  The receiving state compact administrator sends completed Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A) to the sending state compact administrator by expedited transmission.

(5) Receiving state ICPC office sends request packet to receiving local office.  The receiving state compact administrator sends the request packet to the local office within two-business days of receipt of the completed packet from the sending state compact administrator.

(6) Receiving state local office returns completed home study to the deputy compact administrator's office.  The receiving state's local office completes and returns the home study within 15-business days of receipt of the packet from the receiving state compact administrator.

(7) Time requirement for receiving state ICPC compact administrator to return completed home study to sending state.

(A) Upon completion of the decision process under the time requirements in this regulation, the receiving state compact administrator provides a written report and Form 04IC002E (ICPC-100A) approving or denying the placement.

(B) The determination is transmitted to the sending state compact administrator:

(i) as soon as possible, but no later than three-business days after receipt of the packet from the receiving state's local office; and

(ii) no more than 20-business days from the initial date the receiving state compact administrator receives the complete documentation and forms from the sending state compact administrator.

(h) Recourse when sending or receiving state determines documentation is insufficient.

(1) When the sending state compact administrator determines the ICPC request documentation is substantially insufficient, he or she specifies to the sending office what additional information is needed and requests it.

(2) When the receiving state compact administrator determines the ICPC request documentation is substantially insufficient, he or she specifies what additional information is needed and requests it from the sending state compact administrator.  Until the requested information is received, the receiving state is not required to continue with the assessment process.

(3) When the receiving state compact administrator determines the ICPC request documentation is lacking needed information, but is otherwise sufficient, he or she specifies what additional information is needed and requests the information from the sending state compact administrator.   When a provisional placement is pursued, the provisional placement evaluation process continues while the requested information is located and provided.

(4) Failure of the compact administrator in either the sending state or the receiving state to request additional documentation or information within two-business days of receipt of the ICPC request and accompanying documentation raises a presumption the sending agency has met its requirements under the ICPC Regulation No. 7.

(i) Failure of receiving state ICPC office or local office to comply with ICPC Regulation No. 7.

(1) When the receiving state compact administrator receives the ICPC Regulation No. 7 request and determines it is not possible to meet the time requirements for the ICPC Regulation No. 7 request, whether or not a provisional request is made, he or she:

(A) notifies the sending state compact administrator as soon as practical; and

(B) sets forth the receiving state's intentions in completing the request, including an estimated time for completion or consideration of the request as a regular ICPC request.

(2) When the receiving state compact administrator or the local receiving state office fails to complete action for the expedited placement request, per ICPC Regulation No. 7, within the time period allowed, the receiving state is deemed to be out of compliance with the regulation and the ICPC.  When there appears to be a lack of compliance, the sending state court seeking the expedited placement decision:

(A) may inform an appropriate court in the receiving state;

(B) provides the court in the receiving state with copies of relevant documentation and court orders entered in the case; and

(C) requests assistance with the ICPC Regulation No. 7 compliance.

6.        Removal of a child.

(1) When the receiving state compact administrator, after approval and placement of the child, determines the placement no longer meets the individual needs of the child, including the child's safety, permanency, health, well-being, and mental, emotional, and physical development, he or she may request the sending state compact administrator arrange for the immediate return of the child or make alternative placement, per Article V (a) of the ICPC.

(2) The receiving state compact administrator may withdraw the removal request when the sending state arranges services to resolve the reason for the requested removal and the receiving and sending state compact administrators agree to the plan.

(3) When an agreement is not reached, the sending state expedites the child's return to the sending state within five-business days unless otherwise agreed in writing between the sending and receiving state compact administrators.

7.  Missing from care.  Children from Oklahoma who are missing from care, regardless of adjudication, and are found in another state are subject to the Interstate Compact on Juveniles (ICJ) administered by the Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA).  Children in OKDHS custody who are placed out-of-state through ICPC and are missing from care from the ICPC placement are returned to Oklahoma through ICJ, Sections 2-9-101 through 2-9-116 of Title 10 of the Oklahoma Statutes.  All efforts for the child's return are coordinated between the CW specialist, OJA, and the holding state.  Refer to OAC 340:75-6-48.3 for guidance regarding children in OKDHS custody or supervision who are missing from care.  All ICJ forms are located on the national ICJ website:  https//

(1) The CW specialist:

(A) completes and faxes or emails ICJ Form IX Absconder Report,  to the OJA deputy compact administrator (DCA) within 24 hours of notification from the holding state that the child was located;

(B) obtains a pick-up order (PUO) from the judge, or completes a Missing Person's Report (MPR) with law enforcement;

(C) requests law enforcement officials place the PUO or MPR onto the National Crime Information Center database; and

(D) when the child is willing to return to Oklahoma voluntarily, collaborates with the holding state to take the child before a judge in the holding state to sign ICJ Form III, Consent for Voluntary Return of Out-of-State Juvenile.

(2) The out-of-state judge informs the child of his or her rights and signs ICJ Juvenile Rights Form III, Interstate Compact for Juvenile Rights Form for Consent for Voluntary Return of Out-of-State Juvenile.  The out-of-state judge has the child sign ICJ Form III as well.

(3) The CW specialist immediately faxes or emails signed Forms ICJ Form III and ICJ Juvenile Rights Form III to OJA DCA.

(4) The child's return must occur within five-business days of the child signing ICJ Form III.

(5) When the child does not voluntarily consent to return, the CW specialist:

(A) requests the assistant district attorney complete ICJ Form A, Petition for Requisition to Return a Runaway Juvenile, for submission to the court of jurisdiction; and

(B) submits Forms ICJ Form A and a completed ICJ Form I, Requisition for Runaway Juvenile, to the Oklahoma judge with jurisdiction over the child for a judicial signature. A copy of each original form is faxed, or emailed, to the OJA DCA,

(6)  The CW specialist faxes or emails copies of the PUO and court journal entry verifying the child is in OKDHS custody  to the OJA DCA.

(7) Travel arrangements are coordinated with the OJA DCA for the child's return to Oklahoma.

8.   Out-of-state visits.

(1) A visit is an out-of-state stay of 30-calendar days or less with definite beginning and ending dates.  When an out-of-state stay does not, from the outset, have an expressed termination date, when the child has no current placement or a placement to return to at the visit's termination, or when the duration of the out-of-state stay is unclear from the circumstances, the out-of-state stay is considered a placement or proposed placement and is not considered a visit.

(2) Out-of-state visits may exceed 30-calendar days only when the visit begins and ends within the period of a child's school vacation.

(3) Visits and placements are distinguished on the basis of purpose, duration, and the intention of the person or agency with responsibility for planning the child's placement.

(4) Out-of-state visits are arranged by the CW specialist and do not require ICPC approval, unless there is a pending ICPC request.  When there is a pending ICPC request, ICPC Program Unit staff must approve the visit.

(5) The visit's purpose is to provide the child with a social or cultural experience of short duration, such as a stay in a camp or with a friend or relative who has not assumed legal responsibility for the child's care.

(6) Pre-placement visits with an adoptive placement do not occur until the adoptive placement is authorized and disclosure occurs.  An exception may be made when the potential adoptive placement is a relative and the visit is arranged through the CW specialist as a visit with a relative and not as an adoptive pre-placement visit.

(7) The visiting child does not receive supervision or services while out-of-state.

(A) Prior to approving an out-of-state visit, the CW specialist obtains:

(i) criminal background and child abuse and neglect results from the family's state of residence for all household members 18 years of age and older; and

(ii) three positive references regarding the proposed caregiver.

(B) The receiving state ICPC approves out-of-state visits when an ICPC home study is in progress.

(i) The visit must have beginning and ending dates corresponding to the child's vacation time or holiday from school.

(ii) Permission or approval for visits is obtained by sending a written request to the ICPC Program Unit.  The CW specialist's request includes the:

(I) visit's beginning and ending dates;

(II) name and address of the person the child will visit;

(III) reason the visit is necessary;

(IV) criminal background and child abuse and neglect results on all household members 18 years of age and older;

(V) three positive references on the proposed caregiver; and

(VI) details of the child's transportation to the receiving state.

9.        Travel arrangements for CW personnel and a child in OKDHS custody.

(1) ICPC Program Unit staff makes interstate travel arrangements for CW personnel and a child in OKDHS custody when:

(A) the decision is to place the child in an approved ICPC placement;

(B) the child is placed out-of-state and will be reunified with a parent in Oklahoma;

(C) the out-of-state placement disrupts and the child requires a return to Oklahoma; and

(D) visiting a relative, per OAC 340:75-1-86 ITS # 8.

(2) CWS regional deputy directors or assistant regional deputy directors authorize interstate travel arrangements for CW personnel and a child in OKDHS custody when:

(A) the child was taken from Oklahoma without permission and requires a return to Oklahoma;

(B) ordered by an Oklahoma court;

(C) the child requests approval to attend the funeral of a close family member;

(D) the child is to be reunited with a parent living out-of-state, when ICPC is not involved;

(E) there is to be an out-of-state visit, per OAC 340:75-1-86 ITS # 8, and there is not a pending ICPC; and

(F) OKSA authorizes travel.

(3) The CW specialist submits a request for travel arrangements using the OKDHS Travel Reservation Request Power App, which routes the request to the required authorized approvers prior to SSD Travel receiving the request to begin the process of coordinating the travel event.

(4) OKDHS and the family negotiate all travel expenses for ICPC placements prior to travel occurring.  The ICPC Program Unit is responsible for authorizing all expenses associated with ICPC travel.10.      ICPC record-keeping.  Copies of all ICPC information, including ICPC transmittals, are maintained in the child's or the resource's permanent case record in the local office when the child is received into or sent from Oklahoma, and scanned into the DMS under the ICPC section.

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