- 340:1-1-1. Purpose, legal basis, and Director of Human Services (Director)
- 340:1-1-2. Legal basis [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:1-1-4. The Director of Human Services [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:1-1-17. Organizational structure [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:1-1-19. Open Meeting Act [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:1-1-20. Confidentiality
- 340:1-1-21. Copyrighted software and documents
- 340:1-11-1. Statement of compliance
- 340:1-11-1.1. Definitions
- 340:1-11-4. Administration responsibilities
- 340:1-11-8. Data regarding race, ethnicity, conditions of disability, and limited English proficiency (LEP)
- 340:1-11-9. Composition of planning and rulemaking bodies
- 340:1-11-10. Interpreter Services Program
- 340:1-11-11. Execution of compliance reviews
- 340:1-11-12. Complaint policy and procedures
- 340:1-11-13. Determination of site or location of facilities
- 340:1-11-14. Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) responsibility to contractors, vendors, and sub-grantees
- 340:2-1-55. Individual personnel records
- 340:2-1-56. Criminal history background checks
- 340:2-1-57. Tobacco Policy [REVOKED 7-1-12]
- 340:2-1-58. Reduced services and temporary office or facility closures
- 340:2-1-59. Conducting background checks and utilizing Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) records of abuse, neglect, and exploitation for OKDHS investigations
- 340:2-5-60. Legal basis
- 340:2-5-61. Client hearings conducted by the Appeals Unit
- 340:2-5-62. Definitions
- 340:2-5-63. Time
- 340:2-5-64. Hearing request
- 340:2-5-65. Explanations by the local office when a client or authorized representative indicates that a hearing is desired
- 340:2-5-66. Hearing summary
- 340:2-5-67. Appeals Unit action following hearing request receipt
- 340:2-5-68. Communications with the administrative hearing officer (AHO)
- 340:2-5-69. Local office contact with client after hearing notice receipt
- 340:2-5-70. Hearing continuance, withdrawal, and dismissal
- 340:2-5-71. Presence of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) employees or DHS records at hearings
- 340:2-5-72. Hearing issue, standard of review, and burden of proof
- 340:2-5-73. Hearing procedures
- 340:2-5-74. Evidence
- 340:2-5-75. Reopened hearings
- 340:2-5-76. Hearing decision
- 340:2-5-77. Action by local office following receipt of decision
- 340:2-5-78. Administrative disqualification hearings
- 340:2-5-79. Telephonic hearings
- 340:2-5-80. Director review of administrative hearing officer (AHO) decision
- 340:2-5-81. General authority of the appeals unit supervisor and administrative hearing officer
- 340:2-5-90. Legal basis
- 340:2-5-91. Fair hearings conducted by the Appeals Unit
- 340:2-5-92. Definitions
- 340:2-5-93. Time
- 340:2-5-94. Hearing request
- 340:2-5-95. Appeals Unit action following receipt of a hearing request
- 340:2-5-96. Hearing summary
- 340:2-5-97. Communications with the administrative hearing officer (AHO)
- 340:2-5-98. Hearing continuance, withdrawal, and dismissal
- 340:2-5-99. Presence of Department of Human Services (DHS) employees or DHS records
- 340:2-5-100. Standard of review and burden of proof
- 340:2-5-101. Hearing procedures
- 340:2-5-102. Evidence
- 340:2-5-103. Hearing decision
- 340:2-5-104. Action by local office following receipt of decision
- 340:2-5-105. Director review of administrative hearing officer (AHO) decision
- 340:2-5-110. Legal basis
- 340:2-5-111. Hearings conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) Legal Services Appeals Unit
- 340:2-5-112. Definitions
- 340:2-5-113. Time
- 340:2-5-114. Hearing request
- 340:2-5-115. Appeals Unit action following receipt of a hearing request
- 340:2-5-116. Communications with the administrative hearing officer (AHO)
- 340:2-5-117. Hearing continuance, withdrawal, and dismissal
- 340:2-5-118. Presence of Department of Human Services (DHS) employees or DHS records at hearings
- 340:2-5-119. Standard of review and burden of proof
- 340:2-5-120. Hearing procedures
- 340:2-5-121. Evidence
- 340:2-5-122. Hearing decision
- 340:2-5-123. Action by local office following receipt of decision
- 340:2-5-124. Appeals to district court
- 340:2-7-17. Use of force [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-8-1. Legal basis, purpose, and hybrid designation
- 340:2-8-2. Definitions
- 340:2-8-3. Training
- 340:2-8-4. Client rights to access personal health information (PHI)
- 340:2-8-5. Privacy officer
- 340:2-8-6. Uses and disclosures without authorization
- 340:2-8-7. Authorization
- 340:2-8-8. Disclosures to friends and relatives
- 340:2-8-9. Personal representative
- 340:2-8-10. Minimum necessary standards
- 340:2-8-11. Safeguarding protected health information
- 340:2-8-12. Business associate
- 340:2-8-13. Uses and disclosures for research or marketing purposes
- 340:2-8-14. Privacy complaints
- 340:2-11-79. Purpose [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-11-79.1. Legal base and purpose
- 340:2-11-85. Collecting funds
- 340:2-11-86. State Treasury Revolving Funds 700 Series
- 340:2-11-87. Investments
- 340:2-11-91. Claims audit
- 340:2-11-92. Warrant control
- 340:2-11-97. Cost allocation
- 340:2-11-98. Information system [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-11-100. State Bureau of Social Security, Old Age Survivors Insurance
- 340:2-11-121. Per diem
- 340:2-11-151. Retailer adjustments for food benefits
- 340:2-13-75. Purpose and legal base [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-76. Delegation of OKDHS [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-77. Funding [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-78. Records retention [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-79. OKDHS audit responsibilities [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-80. Penalties for noncompliance of purchasing procedures [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-81. Definitions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-82. General contracting and purchasing provisions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-83. Supplier registration [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-84. Reports of supplier non-compliance to DCS [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-85. Contact with suppliers [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-86. Internal solicitation [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-87. Solicitation response submission [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-88. Award of contract [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-89. Terms and conditions for acceptable responses [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-90. Protest of award [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-91. State Use Committee [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-92. Statewide contracts [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-93. Oklahoma Correctional Industries [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-94. Exempt professional service contracts [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-95. Sole source or sole brand acquisitions exceeding $5,000 and not exceeding $50,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-96. Acquisitions of $5,000 or less [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-97. Acquisitions in excess of $5,000 and not exceeding $10,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-98. Acquisitions in excess of $10,000 and not exceeding $25,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-99. Acquisitions in excess of $25,000 and not exceeding $50,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-100. Acquisitions in excess of $50,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-101. Emergency purchases not exceeding $100,000 [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-102. Contract monitoring and evaluation [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-103. Purchase card [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-13-104. Trade-in of equipment [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-1. Purpose [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-2. Definitions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-4. Risk and safety management functions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-5. Incident reporting responsibilities [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-7. Driver and motor vehicle safety and liability [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-25. Purpose [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-27. Scope [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-27.1. Definitions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-28. Elements of compliance [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-40. Purpose [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-40.1. Adoption by reference [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-41. Definitions [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-42. Implementation of alcohol and drug testing of affected OKDHS employees, applicants, and volunteers [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-43. Disciplinary action [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-44. Use of prescribed medications [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-45. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-46. Confidentiality [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-47. Traffic violations [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-48. Individual driver's licenses [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-15-49. Training [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-23-13. Purpose and legal basis
- 340:2-23-14. Definitions [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-15. Legal base [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-16. Administrative Review Unit [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-17. Scope of quality control case reviews [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-18. Sampling [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-19. Quality control (QC) review process
- 340:2-23-20. ARU participation in Department error reduction activities [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-23-21. Reports
- 340:2-23-22. Federal reviews
- 340:2-28-1. Purpose
- 340:2-28-2. Definitions
- 340:2-28-3. Scope of rules
- 340:2-28-3.1. Waiver
- 340:2-28-4. Office of Administrative Hearings: Child Support
- 340:2-28-4.1. Districts
- 340:2-28-4.2. Terms and location of Office of Administrative Hearings: Child Support
- 340:2-28-4.3. Clerk of Office of Administrative Hearings: Child Support
- 340:2-28-4.4. Electronic filing [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-28-8. Qualifications and power of administrative law judge
- 340:2-28-9. Power of the administrative law judge [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:2-28-11. Disqualification or recusal of an administrative law judge (ALJ)
- 340:2-28-11.1. Ex parte communication
- 340:2-28-12. Judges' conferences
- 340:2-28-13. Districts [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 340:2-28-4.1]
- 340:2-28-14. Terms and location of Court [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 340:2-28-4.3]
- 340:2-28-15. Clerk of Office of Administrative Hearings [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 340:2-28-4.3]
- 340:2-28-16.1. Docketing cases
- 340:2-28-16.2. Service of orders
- 340:2-28-17.1. Hearing room
- 340:2-28-17.2. Pleadings and motion practice
- 340:2-28-18. Discovery
- 340:2-28-19. Evidentiary purpose
- 340:2-28-20. Entry of appearance
- 340:2-28-21. Exclusion from hearing for misconduct
- 340:2-28-22. Professional conduct and dress requirements
- 340:2-28-22.1. Use of devices at hearings
- 340:2-28-23. Official transcript
- 340:2-28-24. Case Record Management
- 340:2-28-25. Record for appeal
- 340:2-28-25.1. Privacy and confidentiality
- 340:2-28-25.2. Redaction of original paper documents
- 340:2-28-26. Case numbering
- 340:2-28-27. Pleadings [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 340:2-28-17.2]
- 340:2-28-29. Dismissals [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:2-28-30. Continuances
- 340:2-28-31. Objections to service and venue
- 340:2-28-33. Default and agreed judgements
- 340:2-28-34. Matters taken under advisement
- 340:2-28-48. Temporary orders
- 340:2-28-50. Effect of administrative order
- 340:2-28-55. Appeal from administrative order
- 340:2-28-57. Certification of copies of administrative orders
- 340:2-35-1. Volunteer services
- 340:2-35-2. Volunteer job design
- 340:2-35-3. Specialized volunteer placement
- 340:2-35-4. Requirements for volunteers
- 340:2-35-5. Administrative staff roles and responsibilities
- 340:2-35-6. Reimbursement for mileage and necessary expenses
- 340:2-35-7. Documentation of volunteer services
- 340:2-35-8. Recognition of volunteers
- 340:5-1-1. Adult Protective Services (APS) authority, core principles, and mission
- 340:5-1-4. Adult Protective Services (APS) ethical considerations
- 340:5-1-5. Confidentiality
- 340:5-1-6. Definitions
- 340:5-1-8. Complaints and concerns regarding Adult Protective Services (APS) or Long-Term Care investigations
- 340:5-5-1. Statutory authority
- 340:5-5-2. Initiating investigations
- 340:5-5-3. Elements of an investigation
- 340:5-5-4. Special referral considerations
- 340:5-5-5. Documentation of Adult Protective Services (APS) cases
- 340:5-5-6. Provision of protective services to vulnerable adults
- 340:5-5-7. Termination of adult protective services
- 340:5-5-8. Case destruction
- 340:5-7-1. Referrals submitted to Long-Term Care Investigations
- 340:5-7-3. Complaints concerning Long-Term Care investigators [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:5-7-5. Initiating long term care investigations
- 340:5-7-6. Long-Term Care Investigation elements
- 340:5-7-7. Information available to Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) offices [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:10-2-1. Work requirements
- 340:10-2-2. Sanction process
- 340:10-2-3. Employability planning
- 340:10-2-4. Employment
- 340:10-2-5. Job search activities
- 340:10-2-6. Job readiness
- 340:10-2-6.1. Educational services
- 340:10-2-7. Training
- 340:10-2-8. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Work support services
- 340:10-3-1. Resources defined [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:10-3-2. Resource general provisions
- 340:10-3-3. Home property
- 340:10-3-4. Real property other than home property
- 340:10-3-5. Personal property
- 340:10-3-6. Trust accounts
- 340:10-3-9. Family relations as a resource
- 340:10-3-10. Maximum resources [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:10-3-26. General provisions regarding income
- 340:10-3-27. Monthly maximum gross income
- 340:10-3-28. Lump sum payments
- 340:10-3-30. When to consider of income of a relative-payee
- 340:10-3-31. Earned income
- 340:10-3-31.1. Earned income disregard
- 340:10-3-32. Earned income determination
- 340:10-3-33. Individual earned income exemptions
- 340:10-3-39. Unearned income determination
- 340:10-3-40. Income disregards
- 340:10-7-1. Residence
- 340:10-7-2. Homeless individuals [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:10-10-1. Deprivation of parental support or care by a natural or adoptive parent
- 340:10-10-2. Physical or mental incapacity of the natural or adoptive parent
- 340:10-10-3. Unemployed parent
- 340:10-10-4. Continued absence of the natural or adoptive parent(s) from the home
- 340:10-10-5. Requirement for assignment of support rights and cooperation
- 340:10-10-6. Good cause
- 340:10-10-7. Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) responsibilities in relation to support payments
- 340:10-19-1. Legal base
- 340:10-19-2. Emergency assistance to needy families with children
- 340:10-19-3. Eligibility conditions for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA)
- 340:10-19-4. Substantiation of eligibility for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA)
- 340:10-19-5. Application and disposition of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA)
- 340:10-19-6. Payments for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA)
- 340:10-19-8. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA) non-conditioning of payments
- 340:10-19-9. Title IV-A/EA Emergency Family Services (EFS)
- 340:10-19-10. Eligibility requirements for Emergency Family Services (EFS)
- 340:15-1-1. Purpose and legal basis
- 340:15-1-2. Definitions
- 340:15-1-3. Legal basis for State Supplemental Payment Program [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:15-1-4. State Supplemental Payment (SSP) plan
- 340:15-1-5. State Supplemental Payment (SSP)
- 340:15-1-6. Special requirements
- 340:15-1-7. Non-conditioning of assistance payments [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-1. Purpose, legal basis, and nondiscrimination provisions
- 340:20-1-2. Legal base [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-2.1. Non-discrimination provisions [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-3. Program operation, components, and priorities
- 340:20-1-4. Coordination and outreach
- 340:20-1-5. Coordination with Adult and Family Services (AFS) income support programs [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-6. Coordination with utility suppliers [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-7. Outreach [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-8. Citizenship and alien status [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-9. Priorities [REVOKED 9-15-22]
- 340:20-1-10. Program factors
- 340:20-1-11. Income and liquid resources
- 340:20-1-12. Applications
- 340:20-1-13. Verification
- 340:20-1-14. Actions, method of payment, and notifications
- 340:20-1-15. Other procedures
- 340:20-1-17. Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP)
- 340:20-1-19. Winter heating
- 340:20-1-20. Summer cooling
- 340:25-5-110. Scope and applicability
- 340:25-5-110.1. Applications
- 340:25-5-114. Procedures for determining and processing noncooperation on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and non-TANF SoonerCare (Medicaid) cases
- 340:25-5-117. Initiation of Title IV-D cases
- 340:25-5-123. Case closure system
- 340:25-5-124. Assignment and transfer of cases to child support offices
- 340:25-5-124.1 Transfer of administrative establishment case to another district child support office [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:25-5-124.2. Tribal case referral of cases to an Oklahoma tribal child support office
- 340:25-5-124.3. Assignment and management of deprived cases
- 340:25-5-124.4. Multiple case processing
- 340:25-5-133. Current child support follows the child when physical custody changes
- 340:25-5-134. Default orders
- 340:25-5-176. Establishment of parentage
- 340:25-5-176.1. Challenges to establishment of parentage
- 340:25-5-178. Calculating new and modified child support obligations
- 340:25-5-179. Duration of support [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:25-5-179.1. Establishment of support for a prior period
- 340:25-5-183. Establishment of medical support [AMENDED and RENUMBERED to 340:25-5-168]
- 340:25-5-184. Establishment of medical support only [AMENDED and RENUMBERED to 340:25-5-169]
- 340:25-5-185.1. Docketing
- 340:25-5-190. Service of process
- 340:25-5-200. Enforcement
- 340:25-5-200.1. Administrative review process
- 340:25-5-201.1. Termination or amendment of income withholding
- 340:25-5-203. Intercepts
- 340:25-5-203.1. Collection from lottery prize winnings [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:25-5-203.2. Insurance intercept [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:25-5-211.1. License revocation and reinstatement for failure to comply with child support order
- 340:25-5-212. Financial institution data match reporting system
- 340:25-5-213. Annual notice
- 340:25-5-214. Passport denial, revocation, restriction, or limitation
- 340:25-5-345.1. Accounting and fiscal policies and procedures
- 340:25-5-345.2. Definitions
- 340:25-5-350.2. Unreimbursed public assistance
- 340:25-5-350.3. Payment of support through Centralized Support Registry
- 340:25-5-350.4. Undistributed and pended Issuance payments
- 340:25-5-351. Allocation and distribution of collections
- 340:25-5-352. Distributed payment adjustments [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:40-7-1. Categories of eligibility
- 340:40-7-3. Age requirements
- 340:40-7-3.1. Child with disabilities
- 340:40-7-4. Identity and Social Security number
- 340:40-7-5. Resources, residence, and citizenship
- 340:40-7-6. Household composition and income consideration
- 340:40-7-7. Establishing the need factor for child care
- 340:40-7-8. Defining the need factor for child care benefits
- 340:40-7-9. Exploration and development of potential income
- 340:40-7-10. General provisions regarding income
- 340:40-7-11. Income sources considered
- 340:40-7-12. Excluded income sources
- 340:40-7-13. Computation of income
- 340:50-1-1. Purpose
- 340:50-1-2. Legal basis [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:50-1-3. Utilization of benefits
- 340:50-1-4. Complaints [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:50-1-5. Program and civil rights complaints and responsibilities
- 340:50-1-6. Disclosure of household and public information
- 340:50-1-7. Availability of public information [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:50-1-8. Reporting racial/ethnic groups
- 340:50-1-9. Rights and responsibilities
- 340:50-5-1. Food benefit household composition
- 340:50-5-4. Definition of elderly or disabled household member
- 340:50-5-5. Non-household members
- 340:50-5-7. Households or household members participating in a food distribution program (FDP) operated by Indian tribal organizations (ITO)
- 340:50-5-7.1. Residents of institutions
- 340:50-5-8.1. Ineligible and illegal aliens [REVOKED 9-15-21]
- 340:50-5-10.1. Excluded household members
- 340:50-5-85. Work registration
- 340:50-5-86. Persons exempt from work registration
- 340:50-5-87. Work registration procedures
- 340:50-5-89. Voluntary quit and reduction of work effort
- 340:50-5-92. Good cause determination for voluntary quit or reduction in work effort
- 340:50-5-94. Penalty for voluntary quit
- 340:50-10-1. Scope and applicability
- 340:50-10-2. [RESERVED]
- 340:50-10-3. Initial issuance of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card
- 340:50-10-4. [RESERVED]
- 340:50-10-5. Replacement of lost, stolen, or destroyed Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards
- 340:50-10-6. [RESERVED]
- 340:50-10-8. [RESERVED]
- 340:50-10-9. Expungement of benefits
- 340:50-10-10. [RESERVED]
- 340:50-11-111. Categorically eligible household
- 340:50-11-112. When to classify categorically eligible households [REVOKED 10-2-23]
- 340:50-11-113. Financial eligibility factors [REVOKED 10-2-23]
- 340:50-11-114. Non-financial eligibility factors [REVOKED 10-2-23]
- 340:50-11-115. Review of categorical eligibility [REVOKED 10-2-23]
- 340:65-3-1. Determination of eligibility
- 340:65-3-2. Definitions
- 340:65-3-2.1. Counting days for providing proof, interview dates, and application time limits
- 340:65-3-4. Investigation of eligibility conditions and services planning
- 340:65-3-5. Application process
- 340:65-3-6. Cash assistance payment procedures
- 340:65-3-6.1. Electronic Benefits Transfer
- 340:65-3-7. Application denial
- 340:65-3-8. Continuing eligibility determination
- 340:65-3-9. Variable conditions of eligibility
- 340:65-5-60. Circumstances under which a guardian or conservator may be needed
- 340:65-5-61. Responsibilities of guardians or conservators
- 340:65-5-62. Change in name
- 340:65-5-63. Natural guardianships
- 340:65-5-64. Legal guardianships
- 340:65-5-65. Conservatorships
- 340:65-5-66. Substitute payee for the TANF Program
- 340:70-9-2. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:70-9-5. Mandatory offer of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:70-9-9. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services for persons not receiving SoonerCare [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:70-9-17. Family planning services [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:75-1-2. Child Welfare Services mission, purpose, scope, and legal base
- 340:75-1-7. Eligibility for Child Welfare services
- 340:75-1-9. Oklahoma Department of Human Services authority to administer a child welfare program
- 340:75-1-9.1. Programs and services design, evaluation, and reports
- 340:75-1-12. Grievances
- 340:75-1-12.6. Fair hearings
- 340:75-1-13. Requests for assistance from other states
- 340:75-1-14. Legal system related to child welfare services
- 340:75-1-16. Custody hearings, placement hearings, and court orders
- 340:75-1-16.1. Right to be heard and hearing notification to placement providers
- 340:75-1-17. Adjudication hearing
- 340:75-1-18. Dispositional hearing and options, and placement guidelines
- 340:75-1-18.1. Permanency hearings
- 340:75-1-18.4. Reasonable efforts not required determination
- 340:75-1-20. Judicial review hearings
- 340:75-1-21. Post-adjudication review board
- 340:75-1-22. Administrative review and procedures
- 340:75-1-23. Termination of parental rights
- 340:75-1-26. Child Welfare Services records
- 340:75-1-26.1. Safety procedures for field visits
- 340:75-1-26.2. Death certificates
- 340:75-1-28. Child Welfare Services contingency fund
- 340:75-1-29. Child Welfare Services case responsibility
- 340:75-1-30. Address Confidentiality Program
- 340:75-1-31. Citizenship and immigration status
- 340:75-1-32. Transporting children and families
- 340:75-1-42. Client Information confidentiality
- 340:75-1-44. Disclosure of client information and records without a court order
- 340:75-1-45. Child Welfare Services records released pursuant to court order
- 340:75-1-46. Transfer and release of confidential information with the standard Consent for Release of Information form
- 340:75-1-113. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or Human Innumodeficiency Virus (HIV) requirements related to the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody
- 340:75-1-114. Placement provider and residential care contractor requirements related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- 340:75-1-150. Oklahoma Children's Services
- 340:75-1-151. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) referral procedure
- 340:75-1-151.1. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) contracting agency's request to reject a referral
- 340:75-1-151.2. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) emergency service response
- 340:75-1-151.3. Role of Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) contract liaison
- 340:75-1-152. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) waiting list
- 340:75-1-152.3. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) initiation, transfer staffings, ongoing staffings, and family team meetings (FTM)
- 340:75-1-152.5. Request for extended Oklahoma Children’s Services (OCS)
- 340:75-1-152.6. Comprehensive Home-Based Services (CHBS) maintenance level services
- 340:75-1-152.7. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) early termination of services
- 340:75-1-152.9. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) contractor's notification to Child Welfare Services (CWS) of increased risk
- 340:75-1-154. Funding for the purchase of goods and services for open Oklahoma Children's Services cases
- 340:75-1-230. Child Welfare specialist training
- 340:75-1-231. New Child Welfare Specialist Development Plan
- 340:75-1-232. Specialized training for the experienced CW specialist, supervisor, and programs staff person
- 340:75-1-233. Support services for the Child Welfare Services employee
- 340:75-1-240. Child Welfare Professional Enhancement program
- 340:75-1-241. Educational practicums
- 340:75-3-120. Definitions and substantiation protocol
- 340:75-3-130. Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
- 340:75-3-140. Child Abuse and Neglect Information System (CANIS) also known as KIDS
- 340:75-3-200. General protocols for Child Protective Services (CPS) assessments and investigations
- 340:75-3-210. Assessment protocol
- 340:75-3-220. Investigation protocol
- 340:75-3-300. Child safety evaluation
- 340:75-3-400. Reports of child abuse and neglect with specialized protocols
- 340:75-3-410. Investigation protocol for reports of abuse or neglect of a child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody in a foster or trial adoptive home
- 340:75-3-420. Protocol for investigating reports of abuse or neglect in child care centers or homes
- 340:75-3-430. Protocol for investigating alleged medical neglect of infants born alive and infants born with disabilities
- 340:75-3-440. Multidisciplinary child abuse team
- 340:75-3-450. Drug-endangered child
- 340:75-3-460. Child death or near-death and critical incidents review
- 340:75-3-500. Child Protective Services investigation findings
- 340:75-3-510. Reports to the district attorney regarding child abuse or neglect investigations
- 340:75-3-520. Closure of the child protective services assessment or investigation
- 340:75-3-530. Appeal process for substantiated findings of child abuse or neglect
- 340:75-6-30. Child's visitation with parents and siblings
- 340:75-6-31. Permanency planning (PP) for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-6-31.1. Family meeting (FM) process
- 340:75-6-31.2. Reunification services for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients
- 340:75-6-31.3. Trial home reunification
- 340:75-6-31.4. Legal guardianship
- 340:75-6-31.5. Establishing paternity for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody
- 340:75-6-40. Case plan
- 340:75-6-40.1. Child's individualized service plan
- 340:75-6-40.2. Placement provider information
- 340:75-6-40.3. Permanency Assessments
- 340:75-6-40.4. Individualized Service Plan (ISP)
- 340:75-6-40.5. Court reports
- 340:75-6-40.6. Case contacts
- 340:75-6-40.8. Reinstatement of parental rights
- 340:75-6-40.9. Termination of parental rights (TPR)
- 340:75-6-48. Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) contacts with child, placement providers, parents, and service providers
- 340:75-6-48.1. Appointment and role of the child's attorney, guardian ad litem, and court-appointed special advocate
- 340:75-6-48.3. Children missing from care
- 340:75-6-49. Religious and cultural observation
- 340:75-6-50. Education
- 340:75-6-85. Placement considerations for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-6-85.2. Diligent search for relatives and kin
- 340:75-6-85.4. Permanency plan of adoption
- 340:75-6-85.5. Supervision only cases
- 340:75-6-85.6. Voluntary foster care for a child born to a youth in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody
- 340:75-6-86. Changes in child's living arrangements
- 340:75-6-89. Travel and transportation of children and families
- 340:75-6-91. Child care services for parents with a child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-6-92. Services to youth who are in OKDHS custody and pregnant
- 340:75-7-10. Resource family recruitment and retention
- 340:75-7-10.1. Resource parent framework
- 340:75-7-14. Training requirements
- 340:75-7-15. Background information search and assessment of results
- 340:75-7-18. Resource family assessment (RFA)
- 340:75-7-18.1. Specialized community home
- 340:75-7-19. Joint approval of resource homes
- 340:75-7-24. Kinship placement for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-7-37. Resource parent responsibilities
- 340:75-7-37.1. Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) resource specialist responsibilities
- 340:75-7-38. Discipline for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Service (OKDHS) custody placed in foster family care
- 340:75-7-41. Placement considerations and requirements for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-8-1. Purpose, legal basis, and definitions
- 340:75-8-4. Contract procedures for therapeutic foster care (TFC) or intensive treatment family care (ITFC)
- 340:75-8-6. Required protocol for therapeutic foster care (TFC) or intensive treatment family care (ITFC) contractors
- 340:75-8-7. Contracted therapeutic foster care services
- 340:75-8-8. Therapeutic foster care or intensive treatment family care (ITFC) contractor requirements
- 340:75-8-9. Placement procedures in therapeutic foster care homes (TFC) or intensive treatment family care (ITFC)
- 340:75-8-10. Therapeutic foster care placement in close proximity to child's home community
- 340:75-8-11. Therapeutic foster care (TFC) or intensive treatment family care (ITFC) placement stability
- 340:75-8-11.1. Contracted foster care (CFC) in therapeutic foster care (TFC) or intensive treatment family care (ITFC) homes
- 340:75-8-12. Responsibilities of therapeutic foster care (TFC) coordinators
- 340:75-8-13. Additional responsibilities of the Child Welfare worker
- 340:75-8-14. Therapeutic foster care (TFC) program staff responsibilities
- 340:75-8-36. Identification, application, and needs assessment
- 340:75-8-37. Child welfare (CW) specialist responsibilities for a child receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
- 340:75-8-38. Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) case manager responsibilities for a child receiving home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
- 340:75-8-39. Child welfare (CW) specialist and Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) staff shared responsibilities for a child receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
- 340:75-8-40. Accessing Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) for a child with an intellectual disability
- 340:75-10-8. Purpose and authority
- 340:75-10-8.1. General requirements
- 340:75-10-8.2. Medical services in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) managed and operated shelters
- 340:75-10-8.3. Care and supervision of shelter residents
- 340:75-10-8.4. Runaway or abducted children in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) managed and operated shelters
- 340:75-11-230. Purpose, legal basis, and definitions
- 340:75-11-233. Placement of children into more restrictive community-based residential care (CBRC) placements
- 340:75-11-233.1. Placement services
- 340:75-11-234. Community-based residential care (CBRC) placement contracts
- 340:75-11-236. Child welfare (CW) facility liaisons
- 340:75-11-237. Rights of a child in community-based residential care (CBRC)
- 340:75-11-238. Assigned child welfare (CW) specialist general responsibilities for children placed in community-based residential care (CBRC)
- 340:75-11-239. Child welfare (CW) facility liaison's general responsibilities for children placed in community-based residential care (CBRC) and CBRC placement providers
- 340:75-11-240. General requirements for contracted community-based residential care (CBRC) placement providers
- 340:75-11-320. Non-funded and funded contracted residential maternity services placements
- 340:75-11-321. Placements for infants of youth in non-funded and funded, contracted residential maternity services
- 340:75-11-322. Responsibilities of the assigned child welfare (CW) specialist and CW facility liaison for children in contracted residential maternity services placements
- 340:75-13-11. Title IV-E of the Social Security Act
- 340:75-13-12. Title IV-E applications for children in OKDHS or tribal custody
- 340:75-13-13. Title IV-E eligibility criteria
- 340:75-13-16. Title IV-E reimbursement and eligibility re-determination
- 340:75-13-17. Title IV-E annual eligibility re-determination review
- 340:75-13-18. Title IV-E eligibility for minor parent and child in care
- 340:75-13-19. IV-E adoption assistance
- 340:75-13-21. Title IV-E reimbursement for the child in custody of an Indian tribe
- 340:75-13-22. Trial home visit
- 340:75-13-61. Medical services to children in placement
- 340:75-13-62. Medical services to children in own home
- 340:75-13-63. Prior authorization and claims procedures for medical services
- 340:75-13-64. Sources of funding for medical services
- 340:75-13-74. Medical identification cards
- 340:75-13-75. Out-of-state Medicaid coverage
- 340:75-13-77. Potential payment from third party sources
- 340:75-13-78. Third party liability, accident, or injury
- 340:75-13-79. Transportation and travel expenses for necessary medical services outside the child's community
- 340:75-13-80. Determination of medical eligibility
- 340:75-13-81. Withdrawal of life support, withholding or withdrawal of hydration and nutrition, resuscitation efforts, and organ donation
- 340:75-13-82. Funeral expenses for children
- 340:75-13-83. Child Welfare Targeted Case Management
- 340:75-14-1. Purpose, definitions, and assessment
- 340:75-14-2. Rights of a child served by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS)
- 340:75-14-3. Medical services for the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody
- 340:75-14-4. Child placed with a parent in a licensed residential family-based treatment facility
- 340:75-15-82. Adoptive family recruitment
- 340:75-15-84. Adoption application process
- 340:75-15-84.1. Background information search
- 340:75-15-87. Assessing the adoptive applicant
- 340:75-15-88. Resource Family Assessment (RFA) disposition
- 340:75-15-89. Adoptive resource continual evaluation
- 340:75-15-91. Adoptive home closure
- 340:75-15-93. Centralized Paternity Registry
- 340:75-15-124. Post-adoption services
- 340:75-15-126. Insurance coverage
- 340:75-15-128. Adoption Assistance Program
- 340:75-15-128.1. Adoption assistance benefits
- 340:75-15-128.2. Title IV-E adoption assistance eligibility requirements
- 340:75-15-128.3. State-funded adoption assistance eligibility requirements
- 340:75-15-128.4. Special needs determination
- 340:75-15-128.5. Adoption assistance application process
- 340:75-15-128.6. Denial and fair hearing
- 340:75-15-129. Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)
- 340:75-15-132. Mutual Consent Voluntary Registry
- 340:75-15-133. Confidential Intermediary Search Program (CISP)
- 340:75-16-28. Purpose and legal basis
- 340:75-16-29. Definitions
- 340:75-16-30. Admission to inpatient mental health treatment
- 340:75-16-31. Individualized plan of care
- 340:75-16-32. Length of stay and extensions for inpatient behavioral health services
- 340:75-16-33. Discharge and transition plan
- 340:75-16-35. Responsibilities of the inpatient behavioral health services Child Welfare (CW) facility liaison
- 340:75-16-36. Out-of-state inpatient behavioral health services
- 340:75-16-37. Child who no longer meets medical necessity criteria for inpatient behavioral health treatment
- 340:75-16-38. Rights of a child in an inpatient behavioral health service facility
- 340:75-16-39. Victim's protection order
- 340:75-19-1. Child Welfare Services Tribal Program purpose and designation as review location for child's tribe or Secretary of the Interior
- 340:75-19-340:75-19-2.Legal authority and applicability of the Federal and State Indian Child Welfare Acts (ICWA) to child custody proceedings
- 340:75-19-3. Definitions
- 340:75-19-5. Tribal and state court jurisdiction
- 340:75-19-6. Tribal intervention in state court proceedings and tribal inspection of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) records without a court order
- 340:75-19-7. Transfer of proceeding to tribal court
- 340:75-19-8. Identification of an Indian child
- 340:75-19-9. Child Protective Services reports of abuse or neglect regarding the Indian child
- 340:75-19-10. Emergency removal of Indian children
- 340:75-19-11. Notice of Indian child custody proceedings
- 340:75-19-12. Adjudication of an Indian child
- 340:75-19-13. Qualified expert witness testimony in the case requiring Indian Child Welfare Act compliance
- 340:75-19-14. Placement preferences for the Indian child
- 340:75-19-18. Permanency planning for Indian children
- 340:75-19-19. Termination of parental rights to the Indian child
- 340:75-19-20. Special procedures for placement of the Indian child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) custody in a tribal-certified foster home or residential placement
- 340:75-19-21. Reports of abuse or neglect of the child in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) or tribal custody placed in tribal foster resource care
- 340:75-19-23. Adoptive placement of the Indian child
- 340:75-19-24. Voluntary consent to adoption by the Indian parent or custodian
- 340:75-19-25. Records of adoption
- 340:75-19-26. Foster care maintenance payment for the child in tribal custody
- 340:75-19-26.1. Therapeutic foster care (TFC) or intensive treatment family center (ITFC) for the child in tribal custody
- 340:75-19-28. Difficulty of care payments for the child in tribal custody
- 340:75-19-29. Voluntary foster care for the child in tribal custody younger than 18 years of age
- 340:75-19-30. Voluntary foster care for the child in tribal custody after 18 years of age
- 340:75-19-31. Oklahoma Successful Adulthood (OKSA) program services for youth in tribal or Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) custody
- 340:75-19-32. Agreement for foster care
- 340:75-19-33. Role of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) tribal program staff
- 340:75-19-34. Role of Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) tribal IV-E program staff
- 340:100-3-1. Eligibility determination for Developmental Disabilities Services state-funded services
- 340:100-3-1.2. Rights
- 340:100-3-2. Client records, confidentiality, and security [REVOKED 9-15-23]
- 340:100-3-4. Service recipient personal funds
- 340:100-3-5. Advocacy and guardianship
- 340:100-3-5.1. Volunteer guardians and advocates
- 340:100-3-5.2. Guardianship Voucher Program
- 340:100-3-11. Right to refuse services
- 340:100-3-12. Prohibition of client abuse
- 340:100-3-13. Fair hearings
- 340:100-3-14. Statewide Human Rights and Behavior Review Committee (SHRBRC)
- 340:100-3-16. Provider enrollment
- 340:100-3-25. Advisory Committee on Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- 340:100-3-26. Contracting and purchasing
- 340:100-3-27. Quality assurance
- 340:100-3-27.1. Contract performance surveys and administrative inquiries
- 340:100-3-27.2. Performance Review Committee (PRC), sanctions, and emergency determinations
- 340:100-3-27.5. Provider agency quality assurance and fiscal controls
- 340:100-3-31. Student placements
- 340:100-3-32. Fire/disaster/emergency plan
- 340:100-3-33. Service authorization
- 340:100-3-33.1. Criteria to establish service necessity
- 340:100-3-33.2. Provision of waiver services by legally responsible persons and other family members or guardians
- 340:100-3-34. Incident reporting
- 340:100-3-35. Death of a DDSD service recipient
- 340:100-3-38. Training requirements for community staff
- 340:100-3-38.1. Training requirements for staff providing residential supports
- 340:100-3-38.2. Training requirements for staff providing employment services
- 340:100-3-38.3. Training requirements for staff providing supports in family's or service recipient's home through Community Waiver or Homeward Bound Waiver, other than residential supports
- 340:100-3-38.4. Training requirements for persons providing specialized foster care
- 340:100-3-38.5. Training requirements for staff providing supports in family's or service recipient's home through an In-Home Supports Waiver
- 340:100-3-38.6. Training for Developmental Disabilities Services Division case managers and case management supervisors
- 340:100-3-38.7. Training requirements for program coordinators
- 340:100-3-38.8. Training requirements for employment services program managers
- 340:100-3-38.9. Training requirements for all Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) and provider agency supervisory staff
- 340:100-3-38.10. Medication administration training
- 340:100-3-38.12. Training requirements for direct support staff providing respite, homemaker, or homemaker respite services
- 340:100-3-38.13. Training requirements for staff providing supports in alternative group homes
- 340:100-3-38.14. Training requirements for staff providing extensive residential supports (ERS)
- 340:100-3-39. Pre-employment screening for community services workers
- 340:100-3-40. Community records
- 340:100-3-41 Telehealth
- 340:100-5-15. Developmental Disabilities Services Division case manager activities
- 340:100-5-20. Respite Voucher Program
- 340:100-5-22. Residential services
- 340:100-5-22.1. Community residential supports
- 340:100-5-22.2. Assisted Living without Waiver supports
- 340:100-5-22.4. Residential options for Homeward Bound class members
- 340:100-5-22.5. Supported living services
- 340:100-5-22.6. Alternative group homes
- 340:100-5-22.7. Supplemental room and board funding for persons receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers
- 340:100-5-26. Health and wellness
- 340:100-5-26.1. Psychotropic medication
- 340:100-5-26.2. End-of-life issues
- 340:100-5-26.3. Health-related services
- 340:100-5-27. Skilled nursing services
- 340:100-5-29. Monitoring for dyskinesia
- 340:100-5-30. Adult day care
- 340:100-5-32. Medication administration
- 340:100-5-33. Medication events
- 340:100-5-34. Service for persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
- 340:100-5-35. Non-Residential Habilitation Training Specialist (HTS) services
- 340:100-5-35.1. Habilitation training specialist (HTS) services in acute care hospitals
- 340:100-5-50. Principles of individual planning
- 340:100-5-51. Individual assessment
- 340:100-5-52. The Personal Support Team (Team)
- 340:100-5-53. Individual Plan
- 340:100-5-54. Planning for obstacles
- 340:100-5-56. Risk assessment
- 340:100-5-57. Protective intervention protocol (PIP)
- 340:100-5-58. Prohibited procedures
- 340:100-17-10. General state-funded employment (sheltered workshop) expectations
- 340:100-17-12. Termination of state funded employment (sheltered workshop) services to a service recipient
- 340:100-17-13. Physical plant expectations for state-funded employment services (sheltered workshops)
- 340:100-17-14. Personnel expectations for state-funded employment (sheltered workshop)
- 340:100-17-15. Requirements for agencies providing state-funded employment (sheltered workshop) services
- 340:100-17-16. State-funded employment (sheltered workshop) reimbursement
- 340:100-17-17. Billing for state-funded employment (sheltered workshop) services [REVOKED]
- 340:105-1-1. Purpose
- 340:105-1-2. Overall responsibility
- 340:105-1-3. Background
- 340:105-1-4. Responsibilities of Aging Services Division
- 340:105-1-5. Description of programs administered
- 340:105-1-6. Area agencies on aging
- 340:105-1-7. Advocacy assistance
- 340:105-1-8. SAFETEA-LU, Section 5310
- 340:105-1-9. Appeals procedure
- 340:105-1-10. State Council on Aging
- 340:105-7-1. Adult day services for older adults
- 340:105-7-2. Eligibility for adult day services
- 340:105-7-3. Redetermination of eligibility
- 340:105-7-4. Termination of authorization
- 340:105-7-5. Fair hearings
- 340:105-7-6. Overpayments and underpayments
- 340:105-7-6.1. Repayment of client or vendor overpayments or underpayments
- 340:105-7-7. Adult day services vendor contracts
- 340:105-7-8. Adult day services rates and claims payment
- 340:105-7-9. Program development grants
- 340:105-10-10. Designation of State Agency
- 340:105-10-11. Responsibilities of State Agency
- 340:105-10-12. State Council on Aging
- 340:105-10-13. State Plan on Aging
- 340:105-10-14. State Plan amendments
- 340:105-10-15. State Plan administration - Title III compliance monitoring
- 340:105-10-16. Coordination and resource development
- 340:105-10-17. Advocacy
- 340:105-10-18. Designation of planning and service areas
- 340:105-10-19. Revising the boundaries of planning and service areas
- 340:105-10-20. Designation of Area Agencies on Aging
- 340:105-10-21. Withdrawal of Area Agency on Aging designation
- 340:105-10-22. Clearinghouse of information
- 340:105-10-23. Consultation, technical assistance, and training to Title III staff
- 340:105-10-24. Policy and program standards [REVOKED]
- 340:105-10-25. Commodity and cash in lieu election
- 340:105-10-30. Designation of Area Agencies on Aging
- 340:105-10-31. Responsibilities of area agencies on aging
- 340:105-10-32. Area Agency on Aging advisory council
- 340:105-10-33. Area Plan on Aging
- 340:105-10-34. Amendments to the Area Plan
- 340:105-10-35. Area Plan Management Plan
- 340:105-10-36. Area Plan administration
- 340:105-10-37. Coordination and resource development
- 340:105-10-38. Targeting resources to older persons in greatest economic or social need
- 340:105-10-39. Advocacy
- 340:105-10-40. Funding local sponsors for the provision of direct Title III services
- 340:105-10-41. Title III direct services waivers
- 340:105-10-42. Designation of community focal points
- 340:105-10-43. Monitoring and evaluation of Title III projects
- 340:105-10-44. Provision of technical assistance and training to Title III projects
- 340:105-10-45. Area agency on aging disaster planning
- 340:105-10-50.1. Title III services taxonomy
- 340:105-10-51. General Title III service standards
- 340:105-10-52. Title III Project Advisory Council
- 340:105-10-53. Political and sales activities at Title III projects
- 340:105-10-54. Supportive services
- 340:105-10-56. Senior centers [REVOKED 9-14-24]
- 340:105-10-57. Outreach service standards
- 340:105-10-58. Outreach service eligibility
- 340:105-10-59. Outreach service assessment
- 340:105-10-60. Outreach methods
- 340:105-10-61. Information and assistance services
- 340:105-10-62. Information and assistance eligibility
- 340:105-10-63. Information and assistance (I&A) methods
- 340:105-10-64. Legal services
- 340:105-10-65. Legal services eligibility
- 340:105-10-66. Legal services methods
- 340:105-10-68. Congregate meals service standards
- 340:105-10-69. Congregate meals service eligibility
- 340:105-10-70. Congregate meals service assessment
- 340:105-10-71. Congregate meals service facilities
- 340:105-10-72. Congregate meals project staffing requirements
- 340:105-10-73. Congregate meals project advisory council
- 340:105-10-74. Nutrition education
- 340:105-10-75. Congregate meals planning
- 340:105-10-76. Congregate meals food procurement
- 340:105-10-77. Congregate meals food preparation and service
- 340:105-10-78. Food stamp benefit assistance for project participants
- 340:105-10-79. Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
- 340:105-10-80. Supportive social services for nutrition projects
- 340:105-10-82. Home delivered meals service standards
- 340:105-10-83. Home delivered meals service eligibility
- 340:105-10-84. Home delivered meals planning
- 340:105-10-85. Home delivered meals packaging and delivery
- 340:105-10-86. Congregate and home delivered meals site change of status
- 340:105-10-89. Disease prevention and health promotion services
- 340:105-10-90.1. National Family Caregiver Support Program
- 340:105-10-91. Homemaker service standards
- 340:105-10-92. Chore service standards
- 340:105-10-93. Personal care service standards
- 340:105-10-95. Intrastate funding formula
- 340:105-10-96. Title III-B priority supportive services
- 340:105-10-97. Priority supportive services waiver
- 340:105-10-100. Area Agency on Aging funding formula for the allocation of Title III funds
- 340:105-10-101. Request for proposal procedures
- 340:105-10-102. Appeal procedures for Title III service providers
- 340:105-10-103. Budget revisions for Area Agencies and Title III Projects
- 340:105-10-104. Unexpended grant funds and carry-over policy
- 340:105-10-105.1. Commercial and contractual activities of Area Agencies on Aging and Title III projects
- 340:105-10-106. Audits for Title III projects and Area Agencies on Aging
- 340:105-10-107. Audits of grantees receiving state funds only
- 340:105-10-108. Audits of government entities and nonprofits receiving less than $50,000 in federal and state funds from all sources
- 340:105-10-109. Audits of profit-making grantees
- 340:105-10-110. Audits of local governments and nonprofit organizations expending $500,000 or more in federal funds from all sources
- 340:105-10-110.1. Audits of government entities and nonprofit agencies receiving between $50,000 and $500,000 in federal and state funds from all sources
- 340:105-10-111. Fraud, abuse, or illegal acts
- 340:105-10-112. Audit report and fiscal review report distribution
- 340:105-10-113. Resolution of findings
- 340:105-10-114. Financial management standards for area agencies on aging and Title III projects
- 340:105-10-115. Procurement standards for Area Agencies on Aging and Title III Projects
- 340:105-10-116. Property management standards for area agencies on aging and Title III projects
- 340:105-10-117. Employment policies and procedures
- 340:105-10-120. Area Agency on Aging and Title III project job descriptions
- 340:105-10-121. Area Agency on Aging and Title III project salaries
- 340:105-10-122. Fair labor practices for Area Agencies on Aging and Title III projects
- 340:105-11-230. Purpose
- 340:105-11-231. Definitions
- 340:105-11-232. Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman responsibilities
- 340:105-11-233. Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman policies and procedures
- 340:105-11-233.1. Grievance process
- 340:105-11-234. Designation of area programs and area representatives including staff and volunteers
- 340:105-11-234.1. Responsibilities of agencies hosting local ombudsman representatives
- 340:105-11-234.2. Duties of representatives of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (Office)
- 340:105-11-235. Conflict of interest
- 340:105-11-235.1. Organizational conflict of interest
- 340:105-11-236. Conflict of interest remedies
- 340:105-11-237. Complaint investigation
- 340:105-11-237.1. Complaint processing
- 340:105-11-237.2. Complaint investigation timeframes
- 340:105-11-238. Systems Advocacy, monitoring laws, regulations, and policies
- 340:105-11-239. Provision of information
- 340:105-11-240. Training
- 340:105-11-241. Assistant Secretary for Aging's initiatives
- 340:105-11-242. Access
- 340:105-11-243. Records, confidentiality, and disclosure
- 340:105-11-243.1. Procedures related to the disclosure of witnessed abuse, neglect, or exploitation
- 340:105-11-244. Reporting system
- 340:105-11-245. Facility visitation
- 340:105-11-246. Liability and legal counsel
- 340:105-11-247. Other policies
- 340:105-11-248. Ombudsman volunteer rules and guidelines
- 340:105-11-249. Area Agency on Aging ombudsman supervisor
- 340:105-11-250. Area Agency on Aging ombudsman supervisor II
- 340:105-11-251. Screening criteria for ombudsman
- 340:105-11-252. Conflict of interest statement and ethical guidelines
- 340:105-11-253. Freedom from conflict of interest assurances
- 340:105-11-254. Ombudsman complaint handling guidelines [REVOKED 9-15-17]
- 340:105-11-255. Office of the State Long-Term Care (Office) ombudsman staff and volunteer training
- 340:105-12-8. Program eligibility and data validation
- 340:105-12-9. Appeals procedure
- 340:105-12-10. Applicant recruitment and selection process
- 340:105-12-11. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) orientation
- 340:105-12-12. Assessment and Individual Employment Program
- 340:105-12-13. Participant wages
- 340:105-12-14. Required participant benefits
- 340:105-12-15. Prohibited partipant benefits
- 340:105-12-16. Participant leave of absence
- 340:105-12-17. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act coordination
- 340:105-12-18. Collaboration and leveraged resources
- 340:105-12-19. Supportive services
- 340:105-12-20. Customer Service Assignment (CSA) and host agencies
- 340:105-12-21. Maintenance of effort
- 340:105-12-22. Durational limits
- 340:105-12-23. Performance data validation
- 340:105-12-24. Right of return and reenrollment
- 340:105-12-25. OKjobMatch.com and SCSEP Performance and Results QPR (SPARQ)
- 340:105-12-26. Case file documentation requirements
- 340:105-12-27. Maintenance of files and privacy information
- 340:105-12-28. Data collection and reporting
- 340:105-12-29. Termination
- 340:105-12-30. Grievance procedures
- 340:105-12-31. Optional United States Department of Labor (DOL) policy requests
- 340:105-12-32. Required United States Department of Labor (DOL) forms
- 340:105-12-33. Budget revisions for the Title V sub-grantees
- 340:105-12-34. Fiscal and project performance monitoring and reporting requirements
- 340:110-1-1. Purpose [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-3. Legal base and authority [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-5. Inquiries [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-6. Inquiries and request for license process
- 340:110-1-8. Types of issuance
- 340:110-1-8.1. Background investigations
- 340:110-1-8.3. Certification of programs to receive a quality rating and improvement level
- 340:110-1-8.4. Licensing status and compliance criteria
- 340:110-1-8.5. Administrative criteria
- 340:110-1-8.6. Director, personnel, and primary caregiver qualification criteria
- 340:110-1-8.7. Professional development criteria
- 340:110-1-8.8. Learning and development criteria
- 340:110-1-8.9. Family partnership criteria
- 340:110-1-8.10. Program evaluation for continuous quality improvement criteria
- 340:110-1-8.11. Additional four- and five-star criteria
- 340:110-1-9. Case management
- 340:110-1-9.1. Certification of child care facilities to receive increased reimbursement rate for the care of children with disabilities
- 340:110-1-9.2. Complaint investigations
- 340:110-1-9.3. Non-compliance with requirements
- 340:110-1-9.4. Emergency Order
- 340:110-1-9.5. Consent agreement
- 340:110-1-10. Revocation or denial of license
- 340:110-1-10.1. Restricted Registry
- 340:110-1-11. Voluntary case closures
- 340:110-1-13. Unlicensed facilities
- 340:110-1-14. Public inspection of licensing files
- 340:110-1-15. Grievance policy and procedure
- 340:110-1-17. Child Care Advisory Committee bylaws
- 340:110-1-20. Professional development of OCCS staff
- 340:110-1-21. Child Care Services program evaluation
- 340:110-1-40. Purpose [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-41. Definitions [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-42. Legal base and authority [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-43. Roles and responsibilities of licensing staff
- 340:110-1-44. Inquiries [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-45. Request for license process [REVOKED 6-1-22]
- 340:110-1-46. Types of issuances
- 340:110-1-47. Case management
- 340:110-1-47.1. Complaint investigations
- 340:110-1-47.2. Non-compliance with requirements
- 340:110-1-51. Background investigations [AMEMDED AND RENUMBERED to OAC 340:110-1-8.1 effective 11-1-13]
- 340:110-1-52. Legal actions
- 340:110-1-53. Case closures
- 340:110-1-54. Grievance policy and procedure [REVOKED 06-1-22]
- 340:110-1-54.1. Unlicensed facilities
- 340:110-1-55. Public inspection of licensing files
- 340:110-1-70. Purpose [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-71. Definitions [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-72. Legal base and authority [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-73. Overall responsibility as required by state and federal law [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-76. Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)
- 340:110-1-77. Contracting procedures [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-78. Monitoring procedures [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-1-79. Local projects [REVOKED 9-14-24 and RENUMBERED 340:110-1-76]
- 340:110-3-3. Necessity and issuance of license
- 340:110-3-5.1. Policy and procedure
- 340:110-3-6. Records
- 340:110-3-7.1. Requirements for child care center employees
- 340:110-3-9.1. Supervision of children
- 340:110-3-10. Parent - staff communication
- 340:110-3-11. Physical facilities
- 340:110-3-14. Indoor equipment
- 340:110-3-22. Outdoor safety and play equipment
- 340:110-3-25.1. Care of preschool children
- 340:110-3-25.2. Care of school-age children
- 340:110-3-25.3. Care of children with disabilities
- 340:110-3-25.4. Water activities
- 340:110-3-25.5. Rest time
- 340:110-3-25.6. Night-time care
- 340:110-3-26. Behavior and guidance
- 340:110-3-27. Health
- 340:110-3-28. Food and nutrition
- 340:110-3-29. Transportation
- 340:110-3-31. Food service and sanitation requirements
- 340:110-3-33. Fire safety
- 340:110-3-33.1. Requirements for drop-in centers
- 340:110-3-33.2. Requirements for child care centers for sick children
- 340:110-3-86.1. Emergency preparedness
- 340:110-3-80. Purpose and policy of the law
- 340:110-3-81. Definitions
- 340:110-3-82. Necessity and issuance of license
- 340:110-3-84. Ages and number of children
- 340:110-3-85. Caregiver requirements
- 340:110-3-86. Home environment
- 340:110-3-87. Transportation
- 340:110-3-88. Records
- 340:110-3-89.1. Parent communication
- 340:110-3-90. Child health
- 340:110-3-91. Daily routine and equipment
- 340:110-3-91.1. Rest time
- 340:110-3-92. Discipline and behavior guidance
- 340:110-3-93. Infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds
- 340:110-3-94. Food and nutrition
- 340:110-3-97. Fire safety
- 340:110-3-97.1. Requirements for large family child care homes
- 340:110-3-145. Purpose and policy of the law
- 340:110-3-146. Definitions
- 340:110-3-147. License
- 340:110-3-148. Technical assistance
- 340:110-3-149. Complaint investigation
- 340:110-3-150. Denial or revocation of license
- 340:110-3-151. Public records
- 340:110-3-152. Organization and administration
- 340:110-3-153. Finances
- 340:110-3-153.1. Personnel
- 340:110-3-153.2. Ratios and resident supervision
- 340:110-3-154. Social services
- 340:110-3-154.1. Program
- 340:110-3-154.2. Behavior management
- 340:110-3-154.3. Health and medical services
- 340:110-3-154.4. Food and nutrition
- 340:110-3-154.5. Transportation
- 340:110-3-157. Physical facility and equipment
- 340:110-3-163. Buildings, utilities, and grounds regulations
- 340:110-3-164. Food service requirements
- 340:110-3-165. Construction and fire safety
- 340:110-3-165.1. Safety and emergency preparedness requirements
- 340:110-3-166. Requirements for regimented residential programs
- 340:110-3-167. Requirements for children's shelters
- 340:110-3-168. Requirements for residential treatment facilities
- 340:110-3-169. Requirements for secure care facilities
- 340:110-3-170. Requirements for family-style living programs
- 340:110-3-275. Definitions
- 340:110-3-276. Necessity, issuance, and maintenance of a permit or license
- 340:110-3-277. Other business, shared facility, and collaaborations
- 340:110-3-278. Policy
- 340:110-3-279. Emergency preparedness
- 340:110-3-280. Reporting
- 340:110-3-281. General records and documentaiton
- 340:110-3-281.1. Posted records and documentation
- 340:110-3-281.2. Program records and documentation
- 340:110-3-281.3. Personnel and non-personnel records and documentation
- 340:110-3-281.4. Child records and documentation
- 340:110-3-282. Background investigations
- 340:110-3-283. Prohibited individuals
- 340:110-3-284. General qualifications, responsibilities, and professional development
- 340:110-3-284.1. Director and personnel in charge
- 340:110-3-284.2. Teaching personnel
- 340:110-3-284.3. Support personnel
- 340:110-3-284.4. Other personnel and non-personnel
- 340:110-3-285. Licensed capacity
- 340:110-3-286. Ratios and group sizes
- 340:110-3-287. Supervision
- 340:110-3-288. Discipline
- 340:110-3-289. Learning program principles
- 340:110-3-290. Higher risk activities
- 340:110-3-291. Water activities
- 340:110-3-292. Animals
- 340:110-3-293. Parent communication and family engagement
- 340:110-3-294. Health protection and disease control
- 340:110-3-295. Medication
- 340:110-3-296. Rest time
- 340:110-3-297. Diapering and toileting
- 340:110-3-298. Nutrition
- 340:110-3-299. Food service
- 340:110-3-300. Facility
- 340:110-3-301. Indoor and outdoor play areas
- 340:110-3-302. Equipment
- 340:110-3-303. Hazards
- 340:110-3-304. Cleanliness and sanitation
- 340:110-3-305. Transportation
- 340:110-3-306. Addendum requirements for child care centers
- 340:110-3-307. Addendum requirements for day camps
- 340:110-3-308. Addendum requirements for drop-in programs
- 340:110-3-309. Addendum requirements for out-of-school time programs
- 340:110-3-311. Addendum requirements for programs for sick children
- 340:110-3-400 Community Hope Centers
- 340:110-5-1. Purpose
- 340:110-5-2. Legal base
- 340:110-5-3. Definitions
- 340:110-5-4. License
- 340:110-5-6. Organization and administration
- 340:110-5-7. Finances
- 340:110-5-8. Personnel
- 340:110-5-9. Executive director qualifications
- 340:110-5-10. Child placement supervisor qualifications
- 340:110-5-11. Social services personnel qualifications
- 340:110-5-11.1. Contracted staff qualifications and requirements
- 340:110-5-12. Personnel records
- 340:110-5-13. Training for executive director or administrator and social services staff
- 340:110-5-14. Placement policy
- 340:110-5-24. Policy
- 340:110-5-25. Services for birth parents
- 340:110-5-27. Adoptive child study background information
- 340:110-5-29. Adoptive home orientation and screening
- 340:110-5-30. Adoptive family assessment
- 340:110-5-31. Notification to adoptive parents
- 340:110-5-32. Disposition of records and confidentiality
- 340:110-5-33. Placement
- 340:110-5-34. Adoption of older children and children with special needs
- 340:110-5-35. Placement of Indian children
- 340:110-5-36. International adoptions
- 340:110-5-37. Post-placement supervision
- 340:110-5-37.1. Post-adoption services
- 340:110-5-38. Subsequent adoptive placements
- 340:110-5-55. Requirements
- 340:110-5-56. Categories of foster care
- 340:110-5-57. Requirements for foster home agencies
- 340:110-5-58. Requirements for foster parents
- 340:110-5-59. Number of children
- 340:110-5-60. Foster home requirements
- 340:110-5-61. Children's rights
- 340:110-5-61.1. Alternative care arrangements
- 340:110-5-62. Discipline and behavior management
- 340:110-5-63. Records
- 340:110-5-115. Independent living
- 340:110-5-117. Program description
- 340:110-5-118. Responsibilities of the agency
- 340:110-5-119. Training and life-skills assessment
- 340:110-5-120. Service agreement
- 340:110-5-121. Physical facility
- 340:110-5-122. Supervision and support
- 340:110-5-123. Emergency procedures
- 340:110-5-124. Conclusion of participation