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340:75-1-232. Specialized training for the experienced  Child Welfare (CW) specialist, supervisor, and programs staff person

Revised 9-14-24

     Oklahoma Human Services provides ongoing professional development for the CW specialist, supervisor, and programs staff through in-service training opportunities as a component of the employee's professional development plan.   • 1 through 6

(1) Training requirements for the experienced CW specialist.  After completing each New CW Specialist Development Plan (CORE) requirement, that includes successful completion of the CORE Comprehensive Skill Assessment and Level I and II training, the CW specialist completes a minimum of 40 hours of Level III job-related training per performance evaluation period until Level III training is complete.  Thereafter, the 40 hours of required training per evaluation period is job-related to meet the specialist's needs.    • 3   

(2) Training requirements for programs staff without supervisory responsibility.  Programs staff who does not have supervisory responsibility completes a minimum of 40 hours of job-related training per performance evaluation year.  • 3, 4, & 7

(3) Training requirements for CW supervisor and programs staff with supervisory responsibility.  Each CW supervisor and programs staff completes a minimum of 40 hours of job-related training during each performance evaluation period.  Per Section 840-3.1 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes each:

(A) employee appointed to his or her first supervisory position completes 24 hours of management training within 12 months of assuming the supervisory position; and

(B) supervisor completes 12 hours of management training during each performance evaluation period.  • 2 through 7


Revised 9-14-24

1. Performance Management Process (PMP).  The child welfare (CW) supervisor documents the CW specialist's yearly training plan on the specialist's MP.  The yearly training plan is based on mandatory training requirements and job-related training needs the CW specialist and supervisor identify.

2. CW specialists I - IV must complete certification.

3.  Qualified training courses.

(1) Child Welfare Services (CWS) Training Program workshops.  All specialized workshops offered through CW Training are considered job-related and count toward training-hour requirements.

(2) Other mandatory training.  Training designated as mandatory for the CWS employee is credited toward his or her training-hour requirements.

(3) Training during staff meetings.  Formalized training that exceeds one hour in length, during staff meetings qualifies as job-related training.  Program maintenance agenda items, such as memorandum or statistical, report review, or project updates do not qualify as training.

(A) The person in charge of the meeting obtains and maintains all necessary training documentation, including a content outline and completed Form 11PE203E, Training Attendance Record.

(B) CWS staff enters the training session into the KIDS Non-CWCTP screen and requests approval for training-hours from the appropriate supervisor.

(4) National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS).   Each NRCYS workshop is considered job-related training and is credited toward training hour requirements and is entered into the KIDS Non-CWCTP screen.

(5) Training credit for other approved training courses and workshops.  When the employee's supervisor approves other job-related training, courses, workshops, or seminars, the employee receives credit for successful completion of the session and the supervisor documents the approval in KIDS non-CWCTP screens.

(A) Trainings offered through, but not limited to, state or private agencies, conferences, or seminars may be approved for credit through the KIDS Non-CWCTP screen.

(B) When determined job-related, college and university courses count for only the number of credits given for the course and not the actual number of classroom hours involved.

4.  Training schedules.  Requirements for Level 2 and 3 workshops are found on the training website  The training schedule for the entire fiscal year is found on the training website website.  Training enrollment is completed through the Learning Management System (LMS) at

(1) The CW specialist does not enroll in Level 3 training until the specialist completes all required Level 1 and 2 training.

(2) The CW specialist and supervisor determine the CW specialist's training needs and the CW specialist enrolls in the Level 3 sessions relevant to his or her job duties and level of expertise.

5.  New Supervisor Academy.  The new mandatory Supervisor Academy and program training is for each CW supervisor and any individual who has not been a supervisor for more than 12 months.  The academy provides training to expand the supervisor's management and supervisory knowledge, skills, and abilities and provides an opportunity for cross training.

6. Training at the annual CW supervisors' meeting.  The annual CW supervisors' meetings are mandatory for each CW supervisor and programs staff person.  The meeting is designed to provide training, share information, maintain open lines of communication within Child Welfare Services, and provide a support system for CW supervisors.  Training credit is approved for breakout sessions only and attendance is tracked in LMS.

7.  Attendance requirements for CW Training workshops.  Full participation in the workshops is critical to the CWS professional's development.  The participant who misses more than a total of 30 minutes of a CWS Training workshop does not receive credit for the training.  Partial attendance is reported to the immediate supervisor.  When a CW specialist has a subpoena or order to appear in court for any day during specialized training and cannot change the hearing date, the CW specialist reschedules the training for another date.

(1) Punctuality.  A participant who arrives late, leaves early, or returns late from lunch or breaks is advised by the training coordinator to return to his or her duty station for the duration of the training.

(2) Inability to attend or complete a training session.

(A) Prior to, or during a training session, a participant who becomes ill, has an ill family member who requires the participant's care, or chooses to leave the training session for any reason, notifies the training coordinator and the participant's immediate supervisor.

(B) When the training session is mandatory, such as the CW Specialist Development Plan (CORE), the participant makes arrangements with the appropriate CORE coordinator to attend the training at a later date.

(C) When the training is non-mandatory, such as specialized training, and the participant is unable to attend, the participant enrolls in a later training session.

(3) Inclement weather.  In case of inclement weather, the participant is notified of cancellations as early as possible.  The Training Unit and Oklahoma Human Services monitors weather conditions.  A decision to delay start times or cancel and reschedule trainings is communicated by email.  When a Training workshop is canceled, the participant is expected to be at his or her duty station or take appropriate leave.  The participant is not required to travel when he or she believes travel is unsafe.  Notices regarding weather are included on the training website:

(A) A supervisor with a specialist who chooses not to attend CORE training due to inclement weather notifies the Training Unit to explore options to make-up the missed training.

(B) A specialist attending other Level trainings notifies notify his or her supervisor and the Training Unit to cancel attendance.

(4) Scheduling make-ups.  The CORE coordinator automatically schedules a make-up session for CORE and Level 1 training for the new CW specialist.  The participant schedules needed make-up sessions for Level 2 or Level 3 training by emailing the Training Unit.

(5) CWS Training.  Attendance at CWS Training is tracked in LMS.  The CWS Training Section contractor obtains attendance information from the workshop sign-in logs at the time of training.  Attendance records are available on LMS within 30-calendar days after the workshop.

(6) Non-CWCTP training.  Attendance at non-CWCTP training is tracked through KIDS.  CWS staff attending the training enters the workshop information in KIDS Non-CWCTP Training screen and requests supervisor approval.

(7) Individual staff training records.  Current training records that include both CWS Training and non-CWCTP training are available in KIDS Training Reports and LMS.  Individual training records through KIDS date back to July, 1995.

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