Library: Policy
340:40-9-1. Review of child care eligibility
Revised 02-10-25
(a) Child care renewal. The client must complete the child care renewal at the end of the 12-month eligibility period to continue receiving benefits per Section 98.21(a) of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Refer to Oklahoma Administrative Code 340:40-9-2(f) for reasons child care is closed prior to the renewal. • 1 At renewal, the client is sent a computer-generated notice informing the client:
(1) the renewal is due;
(2) the methods the client may use to complete the renewal;
(3) types of verification that may be required; and
(4) when benefits close when the renewal is not completed.
(b) Renewal time frame. A child care renewal is due no earlier than 12 months from the approval date or the last renewal.
(c) Signature requirement. The client or the client's authorized representative must sign the renewal. • 2
(d) Interview requirement. An interview is not required at renewal for the Child Care Subsidy Program. • 3
(e) Eligibility determination. An eligibility determination is made when the renewal is signed and all required verification is provided and evaluated. • 4
(1) The eligibility determination results in:
(A) completing the renewal without changes;
(B) completing the renewal with changes; or
(C) closing the child care benefits. • 5
(2) Benefits, when closed, may be reopened when the client provides required information within 30-calendar days of closure. • 6
Revised 02-10-25
1. (a) Methods the recipient may use to electronically complete the renewal include:
(1) accessing; or
(2) getting help from a community partner to access
(b) Other methods the client may use to complete the renewal include:
(1) downloading Form 08MP004E, Renew My Benefits, from and completing, signing, and submitting the form to an Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) office in person, by mail, fax, or email; or
(2) completing the renewal with a worker in a county office using the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) system.
(c) When the client's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefit closes and subsidized child care benefits are open, the worker must determine if the child care renewal is due.
(1) When the child care renewal is due, the worker:
(A) evaluates when there is a continued need for child care since the client is no longer involved in TANF Work activities. When there is not a continued need, the worker closes the child care benefit effective the last day of the renewal month. When there is a continued need, the worker determines when changes in the number of units and unit type are needed;
(B) calculates the client's income to determine when a family share copayment needs to be assessed. When the client is responsible for paying a family share copayment, the worker informs the client of the copayment amount. When the client expresses concern about the client's ability to pay this copayment, the worker refers the client for budgeting assistance;
(C) makes changes in the number of units, unit types, or copayment effective the next deadline date, per OKDHS Appendix B-2, Deadlines for Case Actions; and
(D) documents the changes in FACS case notes.
(2) When the child care renewal is not due, the worker:
(A) does not assess a family share copayment until the renewal is due;
(B) informs the client that the client may be responsible for paying a family share copayment, when the renewal is due;
(C) determines if the client needs additional child care days and hours. When there is a need for increased care, the worker updates the number of units and unit type in the FACS Interview and Eligibility Notebooks' Child Care tabs; and
(D) documents changes in FACS case notes.
(3) When the client's TANF benefit closes, and subsidized child care benefits are needed but are not open, the worker completes a child care application with the client, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:40-3-1. The worker must close the TANF benefit on the system prior to approving the child care application to ensure that a family share copayment is assessed based on the income threshold per family size, per Appendix C-4, Child Care Eligibility/Copayment Chart.
(4) When the TANF benefit closes due to a sanction because the client stops participating in TANF Work activities, the worker closes child care benefits effective 90-calendar days from the date the client stops participating, per OAC 340:40-9-2(f)(4).
2. (a) An electronic signature is considered the same as a handwritten signature.
(b) After the client signs the renewal, the worker documents additional information in FACS case notes.
3. When the worker interviews the client for the TANF or State Supplemental Payment renewal and completes the child care renewal at the same time, the worker documents interview details and eligibility information for both programs in FACS case notes.
4. (a) When the client completes the renewal, the worker analyzes the information to determine:
(1) what changes occurred;
(2) if the client provided all required verification. Required verification includes proof of income and when applicable, the client's current training or school schedule.
(A) The worker evaluates all income verification to determine what is most indicative of future earnings and compares the pay information to the client's declared work schedule. Refer to OAC 340:40-7-13 for income calculation procedures.
(B) When the client is employed, the worker accepts the client's declaration of work hours as proof as long as pay stubs or other pay information supports the declaration. For example, when the client provides pay stubs or other pay information indicating the client works 30 to 40 hours a week and the client states the schedule is Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the declaration is accepted. The worker documents the work-schedule declaration in FACS case notes.
(C) When the client is not required to provide pay information because the client is an adoptive parent who meets criteria, per OAC 340:40-7-12(6), or is a caretaker not legally and financially responsible for the child, the client's work schedule must be verified by the client or the worker. When the adoptive parent or caretaker chooses to provide pay stubs, the worker accepts the client's work hours declaration, per OAC 340:40-7-8 Instructions to Staff 2(b). The worker documents the work schedule and how the worker verified it in FACS case notes.
(D) When the client attends school or training, the client must provide a copy of the class schedule, per OAC 340:40-7-8 ITS # 13. When the client is unable to provide a written schedule, the worker verifies the information with the school or training facility. The worker documents how the worker verified the class schedule, including which days and hours the student attends, in FACS case notes; and
(3) what system changes must be made.
(b) The renewal is complete after the worker:
(1) enters all renewal information in the FACS Interview and Eligibility Notebooks;
(2) evaluates information contained on the renewal, in the verification the client provides or is verified by the worker, and on data exchange screens for changes;
(3) enters any additional information in FACS case notes to explain any changes made and how continued eligibility was determined;
(4) updates the system; and
(5) uploads the signed renewal in the case record when the worker uses FACS or Form 08MP004E, Renew My Benefits, to complete the renewal. When the client submits the renewal via, the system stores renewal information.
(c) When the client is using a one-star child care provider at renewal time, the worker mails or gives pamphlet, OKDHS Pub. No. 01-18, "Look for the Stars When Choosing Child Care,", to the client to encourage him or her to choose a licensed provider with a higher star status. Refer to OAC 340:40-5-1(7) for more information on helping a client choose an appropriate child care provider.
5. (a) Reasons benefits may close include, but are not limited to, when :
(1) the parent or caretaker fails to submit the renewal or verify current circumstances. Prior to closing child care benefits, when the client submits an incomplete renewal, the worker attempts to contact the client to advise what is lacking. The worker documents all attempts to obtain needed information in FACS case notes. When the client does not submit the renewal or provide required information timely or the client is no longer eligible for subsidized child care, no further care is approved;
(2) the parent or caretaker is no longer income eligible for subsidized child care benefits, per OKDHS Appendix C-4. When the family continues to need child care services, the worker asks if the client needs help with budgeting to pay this expense or with information concerning lower cost child care alternatives. When necessary, the worker gives the needed information to the client and records this discussion in FACS case notes;
(3) the parent or caretaker is not pursuing available income, per OAC 340:40-7-9;
(4) the parent or caretaker does not meet a need factor, per OAC 340:40-7-8;
(5) the only child(ren) in the home no longer meets age requirements, per OAC 340:40-7-3; or
(6) an adoptive parent's income is no longer exempt, per OAC 340:40-7-12(6).
(b) When child care benefits close, the system sends a computer-generated closure notice to the client and the child care provider. Refer to OAC 340:40-9-2(f) for applicable closure dates.
(c) When the child care benefit closes and the client provides requested information by the end of the renewal month that shows the client is no longer eligible for child care, the worker sends the client Form 08MP038E, Client Notice of Action Taken, to inform the client of ineligibility.
6. Refer to OAC 340:40-9-2(g) for rules regarding when subsidized child care benefits may be reopened. When a client has new income at renewal and has not received a full paycheck, refer to the Quest article, "Unfinished Issuance Examples & Coding" for coding examples.