Library: Policy
340:110-3-154.3. Health and medical services
Revised 9-14-24
(a) Medical plan. The program maintains an operational plan meeting individual resident's medical needs based on:
(1) admission assessment information;
(2) physical examination by a health care professional; and
(3) observation during placement.
(b) Physical examination. Residents receive a physical examination annually, or more frequently as recommended by a health care professional.
(c) Medical care. Residents receive proper medical and dental care. When a serious injury or illness occurs , the program takes the necessary emergency action and notifies the parents or legal custodian immediately.
(d) Immunizations. Residents are immunized against communicable diseases , per Oklahoma State Department of Health guidelines.
(e) Medication. The program maintains current, written medication policy.
(1) On each shift, a personnel is designated ensuring compliance with the program's medication policy.
(2) Medications are:
(A) authorized by parents, legal custodian, licensed physician, or, when applicable, resident's agency representative;
(B) only administered by the designated personnel; and
(C) documented when administered, including:
(i) the resident's full name;
(ii) the name of the medication;
(iii) the dosage, date and time administered, and signature of the individual administering the medication;
(iv) reason the medication was administered; and
(v) any unusual reaction. The resident, parents or legal custodian, and all personnel responsible for the resident are informed of the medication side effects.
(3) Prescription medications are administered , per container instructions, including only administering when the medication is part of a prescribed therapeutic treatment and only to the resident whose full name is on the container label.
(4) Over-the-counter medications are administered, per:
(A) container instructions; or
(B) licensed physician instructions.
(5) Medications are stored in a locked container and under the supervision of the designated personnel.
(6) Unused or expired medication is disposed of, per program policy.
(f) First aid supplies. The program maintains first aid supplies.