Library: Policy
340:105-12-29. Termination
Issued 9-15-2021
(a) The sub-grantee provides a 30-calendar day written notice for all terminations that states the reason for termination and informs the participants of grievance procedures and rights to appeal.
(b) The participant can be involuntarily terminated for:
(1) fraud in providing eligibility information;
(2) the grantee or sub-recipient incorrectly determines a participant is eligible;
(3) ineligibility at recertification;
(4) reaching the individual durational limit and not qualify for an extension, when available;
(5) becoming employed, but not notifying the grantee or sub-recipient;
(6) refusing to accept a reasonable number of job offers or referrals, with no extenuating circumstances with approval from the United States Department of Labor (DOL); and
(7) cause with DOL approval.
(c) The participant is given an opportunity to correct behavior or conduct, or failure to comply with the Individual Employment Program requirements, except in cases involving serious harm or imminent threat to health, safety, or property. If at any point, the participant makes a positive effort or his or her lack of action is justified, corrective action is discontinued.