Library: Policy
340:105-10-79. Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Revised 9-15-22
(a) Policy. NSIP rewards, through cash or commodities, Title III-C nutrition projects for efficiently delivering nutritious meals to participants. Title III-C nutrition projects maintain certification of eligible participants for NSIP.
(b) Authority. The authority for this Section is Section 311 of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.
(c) Procedures. The requirements for implementing this Section are outlined in this subsection.
(1) Projects and their respective vendors apply to the appropriate state distributing agency for certification as eligible participants in NSIP.
(2) Vendors and projects accept, store, and use donated food commodities as supplied to them. Donated commodities, and cash in lieu of commodities, are only used in meal preparation funded through Title III‑C.
(A) Vendors allow credit for the amount of commodities used during each billing period.
(B) Community Living, Aging and Protective Services (CAP) and Support Services Commodity Distribution Unit (CDU) of Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) determines the amount of credit per pound.
(3) Projects develop management procedures pertaining to handling food commodities.
(4) Documenting recruitments include:
(A) NSIP foods utilized in each day's menu;
(B) participant eligibility, on required OKDHS forms, to obtain NSIP support for eligible meals. Eligible meals are those meals served to eligible participants, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:105‑10‑69(a)(1) and 340:105-10-83(a). The participant's eligibility and meal reimbursement documentation is recorded on:
(i) Title III Program Registration
(ii) Nutrition Project Attendance Form or comparable CAP pre‑approved form; and
(iii) activity roster generated by current nutritional participants in the database;
(C) the number of meals served at nutrition sites entered into the database with all required documentation no later than the fifteenth day of the month following the report month; and • 1
(D) age eligibility, only when project management has reasonable cause to question the accuracy of age the participant or the participant's representative provides on Title III Program Registration.
(5) CAP provides projects with NSIP cash or cash and commodity allocations of food commodities based on the number of eligible meals actually served in the previous year in relationship to the total number of meals actually served by all Title III-C projects. OKDHS CDU distributes commodities to the projects.
(d) Cross references. See OAC 340:105-10-50.1(a)(4) and (7), 340:105-10-51, 340:105-10-68 through 340:105-10-78, and 340:105‑10-80.
Revised 6-1-07
1. Documentation of meals served, on a monthly basis, includes, at minimum:
(1) nutrition project name;
(2) Area Agency on Aging name;
(3) site and county location;
(4) month and year;
(5) number of eligible meals budgeted for the month;
(6) number of eligible meals served during the month;
(7) number of eligible meals budgeted to date;
(8) number of eligible meals served to date;
(9) average number of meals budgeted per day;
(10) average number of days served per month;
(11) total number of meals prepared each day, and a monthly total;
(12) number of congregate meals served each day to eligible participants 60 years of age or older, and a monthly total;
(13) number of congregate meals served each day to eligible participants under 60 years of age, such as spouses and adult disabled children, and a monthly total;
(14) total number of congregate meals served each day to eligible participants, (12) and (13) of this Instruction, and a monthly total;
(15) number of home delivered meals served each day to eligible participants 60 years of age or older, and a monthly total;
(16) number of home delivered meals served each day to eligible participants younger than 60 years of age, such as spouses and adult disabled children, and a monthly total;
(17) total number of home delivered meals served each day to eligible participants, (15) and (16) of this Instruction, and a monthly total;
(18) number of congregate meals served each day to guests younger than 60 years of age, and a monthly total;
(19) number of congregate meals served each day to volunteers younger than 60 years of age, and a monthly total;
(20) number of congregate meals served each day to staff younger than 60 years of age, and a monthly total;
(21) total number of meals served each day, (14), (17), (18), (19), and (20) of this Instruction, and a monthly total; and
(22) number of other meals served each day, and a monthly total.