Library: Policy
317:40-5-57. Developmental Disabilities Services Division case management roles and responsibilities
Revised 9-12-22
In addition to other identified roles and responsibilities, the DDS case manager is responsible for:
(1) Reporting any significant changes with the member or the SFC household to the DDS social service specialist (SSS);
(2) The member's guardianship needs;
(3) Pre-placement visits when approved by the DDS SSS;
(4) Reviewing the member's backup plan, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 317:40-5-59;
(5) Reporting policy violations to the DDS SSS per OAC 317:40-5-63, and assists the DDS SSS in developing the provider's action plan when appropriate;
(6) Ensuring the SFC provider documents the member's personal belongings on Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) Form 06AC022, Personal Possession Inventory, including adaptive equipment;
(7) Attending court hearings for children in OKDHS and tribal custody;
(8) Forwarding quarterly progress reports to the OKDHS Child Welfare Services (CWS) specialist for children in OKDHS custody;
(9) Notifying the CWS or legally authorized representative of needed medical consents for pre-planned or emergency services; and
(10) Completing the appropriate section of OKDHS Form 06AC024E, SFC/Agency Companion Services (ACS) Annual Review, and providing the information to the DDS SSS.