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Library: Policy

317:40-1-1. Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers for persons with intellectual disabilities or certain persons with related conditions

Revised 10-25-24

Rule text available at Oklahoma Health Care Authority website.

317:40-1-1(b)(1)  • 1


Revised 10-25-24

1.   Waiver Eligibility.

(1) When a request for DDS waiver services is received staff:

(A) conducts a structured interview to discuss the needs of the individual;

(B) discusses requirements of the waiver, including a diagnosis of intellectual disability;

(C) requests supporting documentation that indicates the person has an intellectual disability;

(D) make appropriate referrals for other community programs that may meet the person's needs.

(2) Request List.

(A) When the initial structured interview and written request for services supports the person has an intellectual disability, the person's name is added to the Request List.

(B) When the initial structured interview, or review of the written request does not support potential eligibility, the intake case manager:

(i) calls the person to discuss eligibility requirements again;

(ii) refers the person to alternative services and community resources that may be more appropriate;

(iii) sends the person a letter indicating his or her name will not be placed on the Request list when the person agrees not to pursue the request for Waiver services; or

(iv) has the person's name added to the Request List when he or she requests placement on the Request List.

(C) When the person's name comes up on the Request list and intake has received approval from DDS State Office to initiate the eligibility determination process, staff:

(i) uses the phone number and address on Form 06MP001E, Request for Developmental Disabilities Services; and

(ii) reviews the electronic record to determine if the person provided other contact information, including an e-mail address.

(D) When the applicant cannot be located, alternative records are searched to contact him or her including the:

(i) DHS system for medical case information;

(ii) Social Security screens;

(iii) Family Support Assistance Program screens;

(iv) Child Support screens;

(v) LexisNexis®; and


(E) When these resources are exhausted and contact cannot be made, the case is closed by sending DHS Form 06MP003E, Notice of Action – Request for Services.

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