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Improvements to I-35 from I-40 (Fort Smith Junction) North to I-44 (Deep Fork)

Where When
Lincoln Park Golf Course Event Center
4001 NE Grand Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (Map)
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Public Meeting with Presentation
6:00 p.m.

Pop-Up Booth Locations & Times

James Stewart Golf Course (824 Fredrick Douglas Ave.)
February 19th - from 11:00am to 2:00pm
Metro Tech Center Springlake Campus (1900 Spring lake Dr.)
February 20th - from 11:00am to 2:00pm
Ralph Ellison Library (2000 N.E. 23rd)
February 21st - from 11:00am to 2:00pm


The purpose of this meeting is to Inform the public and obtain input on the design alternatives under consideration for the I-35 corridor from I-40 (Fort Smith Junction) north approximately 4.5 miles to I-44 (Deep Fork) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Please click image below for project location map


The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is proposing to improve I-35 from I-40 (Fort Smith Junction) North approximately 4.5 miles to I-44 (Deep Fork) in Oklahoma County. This existing segment of I-35 consists of a four-lane fully controlled access facility with mostly two-way frontage roads, four interchanges, three overpass/underpasses and thirteen bridges. The purpose of this project is to evaluate operational and safety improvements of l-35 and its frontage roads as a continuation of improvements on I-35 in Oklahoma City.

ODOT has tasked a Consultant to develop preliminary design alternatives for this corridor along I-35. The purpose of the four alternatives for public input is to evaluate pavement widening recommendations to facilitate an ultimate six-lane corridor in conjunction with proposed improvements to the I-44 interchange, frontage road modifications, bridge replacements and/or removals among other operational and safety improvements. A total of four design alternatives have been analyzed. A stakeholder meeting was held June 28, 2018 and ODOT will be presenting all the project alternatives from that meeting at this public meeting for further input.



MARCH 18, 2020

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ODOT Environmental Programs Division
200 N.E. 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3204



Mr. Andy Wilson

ODOTDivision 4 Project Manager

(405) 522-2340

Ms.Jennifer Koscelny

Able Consulting

(918) 272-4282


Public Meeting Accessibility Notice

In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) will not and does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in ODOT services, programs, activities, or employment practices. ODOT will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, upon request. To request an accommodation, please contact the ADA/504/508 Coordinator at 405-521-4140 or Oklahoma Relay at 1-800-722-0353, no later than 72 hours before any scheduled event.

Last Modified on Feb 26, 2021
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