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Williams named ODOT Local Government Division Engineer

Monday, April 22, 2019


April 22, 2019
Press Release #19-014

Shelly Williams was named the Local Government Division Engineer for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in April. She will be responsible for all interactions and projects partnered with local governments, including county roads and bridges, sidewalks and bicycle paths. This position also implements the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges program and coordinates with county commissioners on projects using state and federal funds.

Williams began her career at ODOT in 1988 working in the Ada Residency as a highway technician. In 2002, she became an Engineer in Training, working in various locations across the state. In 2008, she was named the Local Government Engineer for Division 3, headquartered in Ada, where she was the liaison to surrounding communities in south-central Oklahoma. In 2014, she became the Stillwater Resident Engineer, and was responsible for numerous construction projects in parts of north-central Oklahoma. Williams also worked in the private sector and for the City of Norman as an engineer.

In 2018, Williams returned to the department and became the Division 3 Traffic Engineer, managing all of the traffic operations including signs, speed limits and traffic signal installation through south-central Oklahoma.

She is the President of the Oklahoma Association of County Engineers and a board member for the Oklahoma Traffic Engineering Association.

A native of Ada, Williams continues the family legacy of working at ODOT following her father’s 32 years of service with the department. Williams holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Oklahoma.

She resides in Ada with her daughter, Jenni.

Last Modified on Oct 23, 2020
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