The Oklahoma Department of Transportation in partnership with the City of Moore and the City of Norman is hosting an open house meeting Thursday, April 27 to gather public input as part of a study of the I-35 corridor in Moore and Norman.
This corridor study will analyze I-35 from just north of N. 5th St. in Moore to just north of Main St. in Norman, including existing conditions, traffic movements, interchanges, on- and off-ramps and service roads. The information gathered during this corridor study will be used to plan future improvements to I-35.
The City of Moore is planning a project to construct a new S.W. 34th St. bridge over I-35 in Federal Fiscal Year 2017 and ODOT has a project to replace the Indian Hills Rd. bridge over I-35 scheduled in its Eight-year Construction Work Plan to go to bid in FFY 2022. Any additional proposed improvements to the corridor will be contingent on available funding in the future.
While no formal presentation is scheduled, members of the public are encouraged to come anytime during this open house meeting to learn about the corridor study and give their input on needs and proposed solutions. Handouts and comment forms will be made available online after the open house at Public comments will be accepted through May 26.
I-35 Corridor Study open house
Thursday, April 27
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Station at Central Park
700 S. Broadway
The Oklahoma Transportation Commission awarded a $775,000 engineering contract to EST, Inc. in 2016 to conduct this corridor study. Questions or comments should be addressed to Amanda Newberry with EST at 405-815-3688 or, or Scott Stegmann with CP&Y at 405-835-2836 or
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(Editors and News Directors: For questions, please call the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 405-521-6000.)