Public invited to give input on future SH-19 improvement project in Bradley
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting in Grady Co.on Tuesday, July 12, to discuss a proposed roadway improvement project on SH-19 east of Roaring Creek and extending east-southeast through the town of Bradley approximately 4 miles west of the Washita River.
State Highway-19 has insufficient sight distances, two narrow bridges, several drainage crossings and no shoulders. The proposed improvements are to improve safety by correcting a roadway, increasing site distance and building shoulders.
The department will provide preliminary information about the project and discuss proposed alternatives for the improvements. Comment forms will be made available to the public at the meeting and online following the meeting to gain public input on the proposed improvements.
Public Meeting for SH-19 in Bradley
6 p.m.
Tuesday, July 12
Bradley Community Center
322 McKee Street
Those who would like to attend this meeting but find it difficult due to disability, architectural barrier or other special needs may contact Frank Roesler III, Public Involvement Officer at 405-521-2350 or email