SH-99 bridge replacement project in Pawnee County to be discussed Feb. 18
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting in Cleveland on Thursday, Feb. 18 to discuss a proposed bridge replacement project on SH-99 over the Arkansas River.
The bridge was built in 1963 and is considered structurally deficient. It is currently a narrow two-lane bridge with no shoulders, and handles more than 4,100 vehicles each day. The proposed improvements will construct a new wider bridge with shoulders. At this time, the project is still being developed and scheduled to go to bid in FFY 2020.
The project could require a complete closure of this highway during construction. The Department recognizes this bridge is one of the few crossings over the Arkansas River in this area, and will provide preliminary information about the project and possible detour routes at this meeting. Comment forms will also be made available at the meeting and afterwards online, which will help with further development of the project plans.
Public Meeting for SH-99/Arkansas River bridge replacement in Pawnee County
Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016
6 p.m.
Old School Community Center
211 E. Wichita Ave., Cleveland, OK 74020
Those who would like to attend this meeting but find it difficult due to disability, architectural barrier or other special needs may contact Frank Roesler III, Public Involvement Officer at 405-521-2350,
Following the meeting, the information will be posted on ODOT's website at:
(Editors and News Directors: For questions, please call the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 918-838-9933.)