SH-266 improvement proposal in Rogers County to be discussed Dec. 6
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting in Tulsa on Tuesday, Dec. 6 to discuss proposed improvements for a section of SH-266 in Rogers County.
This segment is just east of the Tulsa/Rogers County line and extends east two miles to the SH-266/SH-167 intersection in Rogers County. It is a two-lane highway with heavy truck and commuter traffic. The proposed improvements would widen this section and tie into the $24 million widening project currently taking place on SH-266 from near the county line west to the US-169 junction.
The Department will present results of the environmental studies in this corridor along with proposed plans for the improvements. Comment forms will also be made available at the meeting and afterwards online, which will help with further development of the project plans. The project is currently scheduled for FFY2022 in the ODOT 8-Year Construction Plan.
Public Meeting for proposed improvements on SH-266 in Rogers County
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016
6 p.m.
ODOT Div. 8 Headquarters
4002 N. Mingo Valley Expressway, Tulsa, OK 74116
Those who would like to attend this meeting but find it difficult due to disability, architectural barrier or other special needs may contact Frank Roesler III, Public Involvement Officer at 405-521-2350,
Following the meeting, the information will be posted on ODOT's website at: