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What is FDIP?

The Fire Department Insurance Program (FDIP) provides affordable insurance for Oklahoma fire departments that are formed under Title 11, 18, and 19.

Just as you protect the public when disaster strikes, FDIP responds when disaster strikes you by providing full protection as specified under state law.


Building & Contents Coverage

  • $0.40 per $100 of Value Annually
  • Deductible $1,000 per occurrence

Auto Physical Damage Coverage:

  • $0.40 per $100 of Value Annually
  • Deductible $5,000 per occurrence

Coverage Period:  Aug. 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024

  • Auto: $50 per vehicle
  • General: $28 per member
  • Combined Auto and General: $36 per member

Coverage Period: Aug. 1, 2023, to Jul. 31, 2024

Reporting an Incident

  1. Immediately report the incident to the police so it can be investigated and documented;
  2. Immediately notify your supervisor or fire chief;
  3. Supervisor or fire chief must notify State Risk Management (SRM).
  4. Take photographs of the incident scene including any damaged vehicles or property. Provide photographs to your supervisor or fire chief.


Learn more about our programs and services.


Find the right forms to get the coverage you need or to file an incident.

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Last Modified on Jul 10, 2024
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