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Liability Programs

FDIP liability programs provide coverage for third-party claims resulting from operations or conditions caused by the negligent acts of program members while working in the scope of employment (fire department duties)

State Risk Management (SRM) liability programs apply to fire departments performing official duties inside of the State of Oklahoma up to the following limits:

  • $25,000 for property damage;
  • $125,000 for all other claims ($175,000 for population over 300,000); and
  • $1,000,000 for any number of claims arising out of a single occurrence or accident.

No deductible applies to any of the self-insured liability programs.

If you believe you require additional limits for out of state coverage, contact SRM for details.

The Auto Liability Program provides coverage for a third-party claim related to the operation of a motor vehicle by a program member while working in the scope of employment (fire department duties).

(Note: The definition of an employee follows the GTCA and includes board members.)

The General Liability Program provides coverage for all claims caused by the negligence of a program participant’s employee while working in the scope of employment (fire department duties) other than while operating a motor vehicle.

Note: General Liability as defined in the FDIP program includes coverage for Errors and Omissions (Directors and Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability).

The Combined Liability Program provides a discounted rate when both the auto liability and general liability coverages are selected.

Property and Auto Physical Damage (APD) Programs

Loss prevention is the key to making your program successful and keeping your premium as low as possible. State Risk Management (SRM) provides services to assist with your safety and loss prevention goals.

The Property Program covers buildings used for housing firefighting equipment and contents that are movable. If vehicles are located near an insured property, coverage under the Property Insurance Program may apply.

Fire department personnel should immediately report any additions, or deletions to their building and contents to be covered

Buildings owned by a city, county, or fire district and used by a participating fire department are eligible for coverage. We cannot insure property owned by or leased from a private entity.

Have a plan of action prepared prior to a property loss. Designate personnel to report claims, supervise repairs, make purchases, track expenses, and submit your claims.

The Auto Physical Damage Program applies to the physical damage of vehicles and equipment while being operated, and only if scheduled with SRM.

Fire department personnel should immediately report any additions or deletions of vehicles and associated equipment. When adding a vehicle, information provided must include proof of ownership and the value of the vehicle and equipment, whether fixed or loose.

Fire vehicles should be valued at replacement cost if less than 10 years old and valued at Actual Cash Value (ACV) if 10 years or older.

Both the Property and Auto Physical Damage Programs include deductibles, see Rates.

Reporting Requirements for Liability Coverage

Auto Liability

Fire department personnel should immediately report any additions, or deletions to their scheduled list of vehicles.

(Note: Auto Liability coverage applies to fire department employees operating personal vehicles while on officially assigned fire department duties. It is not necessary to report personal vehicles to SRM for coverage.)

General Liability

For coverage to apply, report the names of all fire department members, including board members. You are required to report any changes, additions, or deletions, to the fire department members list immediately.

Combined Liability

 The reporting requirements are the same reporting requirements listed for auto liability and general liability.

Reporting Requirements for Property and Auto Physical Damage (APD) Coverage

Fire department personnel should immediately report any additions, changes, or deletions to their scheduled properties or vehicles.

Limits of Liability and Terms and Conditions

The Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act provides the limits of liability.

Liability Requirements

Coverage begins for eligible fire departments when SRM approves the application.

  1. Applications for participation, pursuant to Title 74 O. S. § 85.58B et seq., are subject to review by the SRM administrator. The review may include a physical inspection of property, vehicles, and related records. (OAC 260:70 Risk Management Rules)
  2. Upon approval, SRM invoices the organization for the participation premium. Payment of premiums is due no later than 45 days from the receipt of invoices. Failure to submit timely payment constitutes cancellation of program participation.

Participants agree to fully cooperate with SRM in the investigation and resolution of any claim.

Terms and Conditions

Claim is defined in the Governmental Tort Claims Act 51 O. S. § 152, et seq.

Covered Vehicle means a motor vehicle or vessel in the care, custody, and control of an eligible organization, e.g., owned by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service or the participant, city or county that has been properly reported to State Risk Management (SRM) for participation in FDIP.

Driver’s Training Record must maintain on file an original, signed and dated Driver's Training Record or equivalent test record for a period of three (3) years for each driver of any vehicle covered by SRM. SRM will request a copy of a driver’s in-house evaluation form should the driver be involved in an incident. Only signed, dated evaluation forms are valid.

Eligible Organization means a fire department and/or district as allowed pursuant to 74 O. S.  § 85.58B.

Fire Department Liability Team Member List is a form that names all the members of an organization, including board members. List all members of the fire department on the Liability Coverage Team Member List submitted to SRM.  Drivers Road Test Signature page is no longer required.  A Team Members list must be submitted annually.

Incident is a distinct, unexpected event, with a fixed date.

Organization Member is defined in the Governmental Tort Claims Act 51 O. S. § 152, et seq.  (Refer to GTCA for the definition of an employee and the scope of their employment.)

Program Member is an eligible employee enrolled in FDIP.

Program Participant is an eligible fire department approved by SRM and in good standing.

Program Administrator refers to SRM, Department of the Division of Capital Assets Management, Office of Management and Enterprise Services, an agency of the State of Oklahoma.

Scope of Employment is defined in the Governmental Tort Claims Act 51 O. S. § 152(12), et seq.

Third Party refers to individuals or entities other than the participant or its organization members.

Tort is defined in the Governmental Tort Claims Act 51 O. S. § 152(14), et seq.

Vehicle Schedule refers to the list of vehicles submitted to SRM for coverage: Property; Auto Physical Damage, and Liability.


FDIP through State Risk Management (SRM) provides the following complimentary services:

Risk Assessment - SRM’s Property Unit conducts on-site risk assessments.

Building Assessment - SRM’s Property Unit conducts on-site assessments of your facilities to assist in determining accurate building values.

Presentations - SRM’s staff conducts on-site meetings with fire department personnel about FDIP.

Legal Services - SRM’s Legal Services Unit provides fire departments with representation to protect their legal interests for the coverages provided.

Please contact SRM for more details.

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Last Modified on Nov 30, 2022