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Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center Privacy Policy

The Constitution of the United States of America guarantees its citizens the right to be secure in their "persons, houses, papers and effects". The Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (OCTIC) considers the protection of individual privacy rights of paramount importance. To ensure the proper handling of information, the OCTIC has prepared the following Privacy Policy.

The purpose of OCTIC’s Privacy Policy is to ensure that OCTIC personnel, with direct access to OCTIC information, comply with federal, state, and local laws, OCTIC’s policies and procedures, and assists its authorized users in:

  • Increasing public safety and improving national security.
  • Minimizing the threat and risk of injury to specific individuals.
  • Minimizing the threat and risk of injury to law enforcement and others responsible for public protection| safety| or health.
  • Minimizing the threat and risk of damage to real or personal property.
  • Protecting individual privacy, civil rights, civil liberties, and other protected interests.
  • Protecting the integrity of criminal investigations, criminal intelligence, and justice system processes and information.
  • Minimizing reluctance of individuals or groups to use or cooperate with the justice system.
  • Supporting the role of the justice system in society.
  • Promoting governmental legitimacy and accountability.
  • Not unduly burdening the ongoing business of the justice system.
  • Making the most effective use of public resources allocated to public safety agencies.

Suspicious Activity Reporting Indicators and Examples

This resource provides the 16 ISE-SAR indicators, their respective definitions, and examples of suspicious activity scenarios that correlate with each of the indicators.

Distribution List Request Form

Please complete and submit the Distribution List Request Form to be added to the Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (OCTIC) product distribution list. Product recipients must have a valid need to know or right to know.

Suspicious Packages and Envelopes

The United States Post Office and other government agencies have provided information to the public regarding suspicious packages. You can help prevent and deter terrorism by learning to recognize suspicious packages and handle them properly.

As a result of multiple letters containing Bacillus anthracis being mailed to several areas of the United States in late 2001, the CDC developed the following guidelines for recognizing and handling suspicious packages.

Although there have been no recent mail-related anthrax exposures, all persons are encouraged to take appropriate steps to protect against exposure to Bacillus anthracis by following these guidelines.

Some characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes include the following:

  • Inappropriate or unusual labeling
  • Excessive postage
  • Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
  • Misspellings of common words
  • Strange return address or no return address
  • Incorrect titles or title without a name
  • Not addressed to a specific person
  • Marked with restrictions, such as “Personal,” “Confidential,” or “Do not x-ray”
  • Marked with any threatening language
  • Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address

First Responder's Toolbox

First Responder Toolbox is a reference aid created by the National Counterterrorism Center and cover a variety of terrorism targets and tactics. It is intended to promote counterterrorism coordination among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government authorities and partnerships with private sector officials in deterring, preventing, disrupting, and responding to terrorist attacks.

List of all publicly available First Responder's Toolbox documents.

Last Modified on Jan 08, 2025
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