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April 19th, 1995 was a tragic day in the history of Oklahoma. The Murrah bombing brought destruction, tremendous grief, and sorrow to our state. While debris was still falling and papers floating in the air, Law Enforcement Officers from around the state responded. The spirit of cooperation demonstrated in the response to this tragedy was inspirational and demonstrates what can be accomplished when we work together.

The only way to prevent another tragedy is by continuing that same spirit of cooperation in the gathering, analyzing and dissemination of information. The Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center serves as a central hub to receive information, compare it with other information, analyze it, and get it out to the people who protect the citizens of Oklahoma. By connecting seemingly disparate pieces of information, a clearer picture of what is happening can be developed that will help law enforcement officials make informed decisions and take action to stop those that would harm our citizens before they can act.

Public Safety Partners

Public Safety and Emergency Services consists of non-law enforcement agencies who work to protect our state and our nation. These individuals are highly trained professionals who go unnoticed during tranquil times, but step to the front in our greatest times of need. They are the volunteer or professional firefighters, the EMT's, the nurses and doctors in our hospitals and clinics, the Military and its support industry, and the Emergency Management professionals who work in the background preparing for the worst. They work to save our lives, protect our property and defend and protect our way of life.

Business and Industry Partners

The Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (OCTIC) has worked to partner with private industry and businesses across the state. Each industry or business is a valuable resource to the OCTIC mission because they provide the OCTIC with subject matter experts. As a partner, private industry is an excellent source of information for the OCTIC to help identify threats and trends in their community.

Public Health

The Public Health Sector is vital to Oklahoma’s emergency response to accidents, natural disasters, disease, epidemics or intentionally harmful acts that impact the health of the citizen’s of Oklahoma. The individuals and facilities that characterize the Public Health sector are by nature ‘open to the public’ and may be seen as vulnerable to terrorist tactics. Public Health members work to develop interagency response plans, increase state and local response capabilities, develop and deploy state response teams, and increase the availability of medical treatments. They participate in and sponsor exercises to plan for victim aid and support in times of disaster and in the event of a terrorist attack.

Emergency Services

Members of the Emergency Services Sector serve the public in times of need. Whether the emergency is medical, fire, natural disaster, or terrorist act, Oklahoma’s Emergency Services personnel are prepared to react and trained to address the situation. The nature of their response can put them in harms way, and provide an avenue for those posing as emergency responders to access restricted or sensitive areas.

Business and Industry Partners

The Oklahoma Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (OCTIC) has worked to partner with private industry and businesses across the state. Each industry or business is a valuable resource to the OCTIC mission because they provide the OCTIC with subject matter experts. As a partner, private industry is an excellent source of information for the OCTIC to help identify threats and trends in their community.


Oklahoma’s Agriculture Sector encompasses much more than beef and wheat. In the 21st century, poultry and swine are at the top of the state’s production list. Livestock and crops that were once relatively small in terms of production have grown dramatically in recent years. The safety of Oklahoma’s agricultural resources is paramount to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry’s Food Safety Division. Specialized sections oversee the compliance of safety provisions for each area of Oklahoma food production. This oversight is just one aspect of protecting these valuable resources.


The Chemical Industry in Oklahoma covers a wide array of facilities, chemicals and hazards that are vital to our states economy and health. The proper use of chemicals in our society gives is essential to scientific research, agriculture and health. The improper use of chemicals can lead to disastrous consequences. The proper handling, oversight, and protection of all chemical products and facilities is necessary to ensure the safety of Oklahoma.


The Education Sector is comprised of organizations and businesses that are responsible for the education of children and adults. Entities within this community are a valuable resource that can provide information related to suspicious activities occurring on and around school grounds and campuses. Primary and secondary schools, post-secondary schools, colleges and universities, and technical schools are entities that are a part of this community. It is important for schools to have an all-hazards approach to safety because there are so many possible threats that can occur in any school setting. Drugs, alcohol, student behavior, weapons, and bomb threats are just a few of the issues that the education community contends with on a daily basis.

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Sector is central to Oklahoma's security, economy, and public health and safety. Businesses, governments, academia, and private citizens are increasingly dependent upon IT Sector functions. These virtual and distributed functions produce and provide hardware, software, and IT systems and services, and—in collaboration with the Communications Sector — the Internet.


The Transportation Sector comprises all modes of transportation to include air, ground, rail, water, and pipelines. The Transportation Sector is responsible for the movement of millions of passengers and tons of goods to support our Nation’s way of life and economic vitality. Oklahoma’s Transportation Sector connects the people, places, and things in our state to each other and the world. The activity within this sector can be significantly affected by a variety of environmental, man made events, or terrorist activities.

Banking and Finance

The Transportation Sector comprises all modes of transportation to include air, ground, rail, water, and pipelines. The Transportation Sector is responsible for the movement of millions of passengers and tons of goods to support our Nation’s way of life and economic vitality. Oklahoma’s Transportation Sector connects the people, places, and things in our state to each other and the world. The activity within this sector can be significantly affected by a variety of environmental, man made events, or terrorist activities.


The Communications Sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy as it underlies the operations of all businesses, public safety organizations, and government. The transmission of services has become interconnected; satellite, wireless, and wire-line providers depend on each other to carry and terminate their traffic and companies routinely share facilities and technology to ensure interoperability. A majority of the Communications Sector is privately owned, requiring close work with the private sector and its industry associations to identify infrastructure, assess and prioritize risks, develop protective programs, and measure program effectiveness.


The Energy Sector consists of thousands of electricity, oil and natural gas assets that are geographically dispersed and connected by systems and networks. Therefore, interdependency within the sector and across the Nation’s critical infrastructure sectors is critical. The energy infrastructure provides fuel to the Nation, and in turn depends on the Nation’s transportation, communications, finance and government infrastructures. The energy systems and networks cross the Nation’s borders, making international collaboration a necessary component of the Energy Sector’s efforts.


The Retail and Commercial Property Sector covers a myriad of industry and businesses, including manufacturing, retail stores, malls, recreational venues and much more. The entities covered by this sector are vital to the economy of Oklahoma. Retail businesses, by their nature, are open and inviting. During certain times of the year, malls, stores and businesses are crowded with shoppers. Oklahoma has a thriving manufacturing industry that supplies the nation with essential goods.

Last Modified on Jan 08, 2025
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