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Council on Judicial Complaints

An independent, fair, and impartial judiciary is essential to our system of justice.  Accordingly, the Oklahoma Constitution and Statutes establish rules of conduct that judicial officers must follow.  These rules address impartiality, competence, procedure, and demeanor with the aim of promoting public confidence in the judicial system.

The Council on Judicial Complaints (often referenced as "COJC" or "the Council") receives and investigates complaints concerning the alleged misconduct of Oklahoma judges. It is an agency in the Executive branch. The Council functions independently of the judicial branch with investigative powers similar to a grand jury. Under certain circumstances, the Council may forward the findings of its investigation to either the Chief Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court or another entity that may choose to initiate disciplinary proceedings.  The Council itself, however, cannot issue discipline or change a judge's opinion or a jury verdict as it is an investigatory body, not a prosecutorial or adjudicative body.  Please use the links below to learn more.  

Agency’s History

Statutes and Rules

Common Questions

File a Complaint

Contact Information

Investigation Process

Related Links

Last Modified on Jul 08, 2024