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March 2025


It certainly has been a very busy couple of months in the world of grants! The OMES Grant Management Office (OMES GMO) has continued to meet the call by agencies for assistance and guidance on a number of grant topics. The spirit of collaboration is alive and well at the OMES GMO, and our team continues to assist agencies both large and small with questions concerning the management of federal funds.

Although the genesis of this office stems from the ARPA-SLFRF program, OMES GMO has been called upon to assist agencies across the state in numerous ways. Whether it is a high-level overview of the Uniform Guidance, concerted questions on specific federal regulations, the location of valuable resources, or to facilitate communications across divisions at OMES, the OMES GMO has risen to answer the call. 

Over the past year, I have met so many bright and fantastic people across the state working on federally funded projects. As my colleague Nathan Wald would say, “iron sharpens iron,” and I believe that OMES GMO and its agency partners have been sharpened to a fine point through collaboration and problem solving. The unique opportunity to assist agencies large and small across the state has reinforced the belief at OMES GMO that there is palpable demand for a perpetual centralized coordinating partner that could continue to support agencies through resource development and compliance guidance. A centralized support team would add important resources for agencies to leverage, like technology to better enhance the efficiency of grants management across the state, to better facilitate agency messaging on new assistance opportunities, and to provide trainings on various grants management areas.

With this spirit in mind, OMES GMO will return to Washington, D.C. this week to collaborate with representatives from different states, federal entities, and private industries, at a national grants conference. This annual collaboration and training perpetually strengthens the skills and proficiencies already possessed by the OMES GMO team and elevate the office to serve in a greater capacity as a valuable partner to Oklahoma agencies.

Switching gears, please note the reminder below on updated ARPA-SLFRF materials and quarterly reporting. Our team will reach out with more information shortly.

As always, if you ever have any questions, please contact me or my team for assistance.


Parker Wise
Director of OMES Grants Management Office

Grants Management metrics

Note: These metrics reflect data as of March 3. Please visit the ARPA-SLFRF Program Tracker for the most up-to-date information.

  • $873.2 million or 46.7%, of total funds disbursed.
  • $27.5 million disbursed in February 2025.
  • 19 initiatives fully disbursed to date.
  • $87,092,426.70 disbursed in Q4.
Oklahoma Grants Management Office ARPA metrics for February 2025.
Top four Oklahoma subrecipients for ARPA funds disbursed in February 2025.

GMO guidance updates

Latest state guidance

Reporting templates and subrecipient resources

GMO has recently refreshed templates live on the web. Please ensure that you are using the most up-to-date versions of the reporting templates, located at the bottom of our Subrecipient guidance webpage.

Additionally, if you would like GMO to consider drafting guidance for your agency on any ARPA-SLFRF-related questions or to submit a question to the U.S. Department of the Treasury on your behalf, please complete this ARPA Guidance Request form.

Latest federal guidance

In December 2024, updates were published to the SLFRF Compliance and Reporting Guidance. Updates include:

  • Clarification for how recipients may report reclassification of funds (Pages 8 and 14).
  • Reflection of changes to Single Audit threshold in Uniform Guidance (Page 16).

As you may recall, updates to the Uniform Guidance were released in April 2024. These updates are consistent with those in the Uniform Guidance. We encourage you and your teams to be familiar with the Uniform Guidance as it is a valuable resource in navigating grants administration.

For more federal guidance resources, visit the U.S. Department of the Treasury SLFRF website.

Know of any state or local grant programs? Let us know so we can feature them on the ARPA-SLFRF website and in this newsletter!

In this issue ...

Press releases and articles

Upcoming training

Conference: National Grants Management Association
March 12-14 | Washington, D.C.

If you know of any other training opportunities, please share them with us!

Archived training

Fully disbursed programs

Water Resources Board

University Hospitals Authority and Trust

  • OU Health Technology Modernization.
  • Pediatric Behavioral Health Facility.

State Department of Health

  • Redlands Community College.

Aeronautics Commission

  • Tulsa Air and Space.

Center for Advancement of Science and Technology

  • Fab Lab Tulsa.

Oklahoma Human Services

  • Family Safety Centers.
  • Tulsa First Step Male Diversion.
  • Food Insecurity Grant.
  • The Spring Shelter.
  • New Leaf.

Visit the ARPA-SLFRF Program Tracker to view summaries for all projects.

Subrecipient recognition

Oklahoma Water Resources Board logo

This month, we are highlighting our partners at the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) for its progress addressing critical wastewater infrastructure in northeast Oklahoma through the Inola Wastewater Modernization and Upgrade project.

The state Legislature appropriated $14 million from the ARPA-SLFRF for this project, which will address needed maintenance of the City of Inola’s existing wastewater line and develop the new Tulsa Port of Inola to create a centralized wastewater treatment facility and discharge point.

The project is slated to provide a modern and sustainable wastewater treatment system for the Tulsa metro area that ensures enough capacity for adequate and resilient service for current residents and the area’s potential growth.

The setting sun over the area of the Port of Inola.

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Last Modified on Mar 12, 2025