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Home and Community Based Waiver Services

Community Waiver

Oklahoma's first Home and Community-Based Waiver for people with intellectual disabilities was approved in 1988. This waiver, now known as the Community Waiver, includes a comprehensive array of services including residential, employment and habilitation services and supports for individuals 3 years of age or older. The Community Waiver provides services appropriate to the individual's needs. Using a person-centered planning approach, the individual's team assesses the needs of the individual and develops an annual plan of care  to address those needs. 

The Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) case manager is responsible for providing support and monitoring the implementation of the plan. At its core, the team consists of the individual, his or her legal guardian or advocate and the DDS case manager. Depending upon the service needs of the individual, the team may include residential and employment staff and professional staff such as a nurse, speech pathologist, psychologist, and physical therapist. Community Waiver services are provided by contract provider agencies throughout Oklahoma. DDS seeks to maintain an adequate number of qualified providers to meet the needs of the individuals served through all of the DDS waiver programs.

In-Home Supports

The In-Home Supports Waivers (IHSW) were created in 1999 in response to the continually increasing numbers of individuals with developmental disabilities remaining on the waiver waiting list. These capitated waivers allow individuals and families to select services necessary for each individual to remain in his or her own home or family home. Individuals on the IHSW are assigned to Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) case managers to assist them in locating, securing, and coordinating needed services.

Eligible children, ages 3 through 17, may receive needed services through the IHSW-Children.  Eligible adults, 18 years or older, may receive needed services through the IHSW-Adult.  These waivers are not cash payment programs and all services are provided through agencies contracting with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. The IHSW-Children provides less funding than the IHSW-Adult because many services are already available to children through the Medicaid State Plan Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Disabled Children's Program (DCP).

To request a copy of the waivers, please call 1-888-287-2443 or send your request to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. Attention: Health Policy 1915(c) Waivers. 

How to Apply and Who to Contact:

For questions about applying or regarding eligibility requirements, contact the Intake worker for the area in which you reside.

Area I is Oklahoma City to include areas north of Interstate 40 and west of Interstate 35, with an office in Oklahoma City.

Area II is the Tulsa Area to include areas to the north of Interstate 40 and east of Interstate 34, with an office in Tulsa

Area III is Pauls Valley to include areas to the south of Interstate 40, with an office in Pauls Valley

Questions about the Waitlist?
Phone: 405-521-6268

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