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Meeting Minutes


Advisory Committee on Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

10 a.m. – Room C-47 Sequoyah State Office Building

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Call to Order:

The Vice Chairperson, Robin Arter called the meeting to order.  The Committee Chairperson, Wanda Felty was unable to attend.  Terry Trego served as Secretary.   Sonya Hunter was unable to attend.              


The following Committee members was present: Marcellius Bell, Robin Arter, John Corpolongo, Rene' Daman, Janie Fugit, Linda Sechrist, Jennifer Jones, Collen Stice, Lorraine Sylvester, and Terry Trego. 

A quorum was met. 


The September 12, 2019 Committee minutes were unanimously approved. 

DDS UPDATE – Beth Scrutchins DDS director:

Beth informed the Committee that DDS is working on adding self-directed services (SDS) to the community waiver non-residential services.  We are partnering with SDS participants to promote the utilization of SDS in the community waiver non-residential services. 

DDS is reviewing options to offer remote supports as a service provision.  We recently participated in a provider demo to explore available features with remote supports.  The provider demonstrated the use of sensors which is less invasive.  We are reviewing what options other states offer in their waiver for remote supports

We are working with CMS to explore the benefits of utilizing value based payments to promote and improve vocational services for waiver participants. 

The DHS budget hearing is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, 1/29.  DHS is requesting 16.6 million to work the DDS request list.  The rest of the request is a flat budget.  The budget request includes approximately 2.8 million for administrative costs such as staff.  DDS is unable to work the request list at the proposed rate without additional staff.  The goal is to work 1/3 of the request list or further if possible.  The projections for the total number of individuals who may be removed from the request list vary based on assumed closure rates.           

DDS is in the process of submitting a RFI to assist the Department in managing the request list.  This may include navigation. 


The rules below were approved by the Committee.  Robin Arter commented she appreciated the clarification on CPR for the Health and Wellness policy.  Terry Trego stated the changes to the physical requirements will be good for service recipients. 

  • OAC 340:100-3-34 is amended to:

define critical and non-critical incidents; emergency room visits is moved to the critical category; add a requirement that all admissions to psychiatric facilities are required to be reported as a critical incident; add a requirement that suspected maltreatment of a child by a service recipient is a critical incident; and set forth case manager responsibilities for reviewing and responding to incident reports to ensure DDS meets Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) assurances to continue to receive approval for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers. 


  • OAC 340: 100-5-26 is amended to:

Clarify contract providers initiate first aid and cardio pulmonary  resuscitation (CPR) unless a Do-Not-Resuscitate Consent Form is signed; remove the requirement that the Health Care Coordinator (HCC) completes and submits the Health Status and Monthly Medication Review form monthly; define an invasive procedure; add a requirement for waiver recipients who receive community residential supports or group home services that the Personal Support Team (Team) holds a discharge planning meeting for all hospital admissions prior to discharge to assess service and support needs; and add the requirement that the Team meets to review pharmacy recommendations within 30 business days of receipt of a completed pharmacy review. 

  • OAC 340: 100-5-26.2 is amended to: 

specify when a person is diagnosed by a physician with a terminal illness, referred to hospice, or a Do-Not-Resuscitate Consent Form is signed the case manager holds a Team meeting within five working days to review the person's support needs; and the text was revised to align with current state statues.

  • OAC 317:40-1-1 is amended:

by the emergency rule making process to change the physical requirements from 90 days to one calendar year.  Provisions are added stating DDS may require a current medical evaluation when a significant change of condition, disability, or physical health status is  noted.  This change is recommended to improve the process of certifying cases for HCBS services by making it more efficient. 

New Business:



Dr. Jones informed the Committee about an upcoming conference offered by AAIDD and OSU.  The Chautaqua Conference on Family Resilience is scheduled to begin on Friday, March 6 at OSU Tulsa.  A community conversation is scheduled for March 5 from 2-4 at OSU Tulsa.  This is free with conference registration.  Register at 

Rene' Daman informed the Committee they are having a speaker on March 12th.  The topic is about puberty and sex education for people with developmental disabilities.  The event is intended for professionals and families.  You can register at 

Marcellius Bell asked about provider related transportation issues.  The Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Transit Association are creating an Oklahoma Public Transit Policy Plan.  They want to establish programs and strategies to enhance transit services.   A copy of the survey will be forwarded to Committee members. 

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