1. CALL TO ORDER: Wanda Felty, Chairperson;
2. ROLL CALL: Robin Arter, Vice-Chairperson;
3. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 16, 2021;
4. DDS UPDATE – Beth Scrutchins DDS director;
A. Welcome and announcements;
B. American Rescue Plan;
C. Rate Study; and
D. DDS waiting list update.
A. Confirm meeting dates for remainder of 2022 calendar year.
April 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
September 15, 2022
6. *Policy Updates-See attached All Policy document for draft policies.
Substantive changes.
- Combine with 317:30-5-516, 317:30-5-517, and 317:30-5-518
- Remove language describing intermittent, close, and maximum levels of respite in SFC and other settings.
317:30-5-516, 317:30-5-517, and 317:30-5-518
- Revoke and combine with 317:30-5-515
- Combine with 317:3-5-536 and 317:3-5-537
- Remove language indicating homemaker can be used as respite.
317:30-5-536 and 317:3-537
- Revoke and combine with 317:30-5-535
- Define the difference between daily and hourly respite.
- Limit billing respite and HTS to one member at a time.
- Remove intermittent level of support as the rate no longer exists
- Update Close level of support to include individuals who may have otherwise qualified for intermittent level of support.
- Update Pervasive rate to include provision for children in custody to access this rate.
- Combined with 317:40-5-60
- Define the difference between daily and hourly respite.
- Define when HTS can be used in SFC.
- Add Therapeutic Leave for SFC.
- Revoke and combine with 317:40-5-50
- Add eye glasses and vision exam as compensable waiver services
- Identify "Devices" as "Enabling Technology"
- Allow DDS PM/PS to provide recommendation for enabling technology devices
- Correct formatting issues
* Possible Action Item