Family First Prevention Services Act
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was signed into law February 9, 2018. This law restructured federal child welfare funding, particularly amending the Title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 programs to reauthorize and make other revisions and the Title IV-E foster care program to create new optional prevention funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
FFPSA seeks to reduce entry in foster care, limit the use of congregate care and improve the quality of care in congregate care settings, elevate the availability and quality of preventions services for families, and to encourage and support kinship care. The agency shares these goals and the State has made strides in addressing these as evidenced through the progress on the Pinnacle Plan, an improvement plan for Child Welfare Services.
DHS CWS has worked closely with federal and state staff and stakeholders to analyze the impact to the child welfare system. Part of the analysis has been to determine the fiscal impact to the state, needed changes to statute and an examination of the required timelines for implementation. Based on this analysis, Oklahoma has delayed the implementation of certain provisions of FFPSA.

Contact Information
Keitha Wilson, MSW
Family First Prevention Services Administrator
Oklahoma Human Services
Child Welfare Services
PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Office: (405) 521-4077
Cell: (405) 215-1362
Send an email
Building Healthy Communities and Preventing Child Maltreatment: A Shared Responsibility