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Meal Rate Assessment Notice

Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Commodity Distribution Unit
Sequoyah Memorial Office Building
PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0352
(405) 521-3581

Date: 7/12/2024

Subject:  Requisition for Assessment Fees

Our office is providing this memo to assist school districts with acquiring a requisition or purchase order for the annual assessment fees for the Food Distribution Program administered by DHS. Paying assessment fees is an annual requirement as stated in the permanent agreement between the school district and DHS, Food Distribution Program.   

This fee assists in the cost of storage and distribution of USDA Foods.  Only a portion of the cost is passed onto the schools and the state incurs the major portion.  

Annually, in December, these fees are release as an invoice on the Food Distribution (DF10) website  

Please review the invoice to determine if the amount matches what is on the RA Survey Mailer report (located on reports on DF10).  If the dollar amount is not in agreement with the DF10, please contact our office.  Meal counts may have been revised to reflect updated information from ODOE. If the information appears to be correct, please send invoice to payment clerk or financial officer to pay no later than April 15. 

How fees are assessed for Current School Year: 

When determining the assessment fee, our office uses data sent to us from the Oklahoma Department of Education (ODOE).   This data is the total lunch meal counts for your district from the 2nd prior school year. This number is used to determine the districts planned assistance level (value of USDA Foods) for the current school year.  Using these meal counts, our office calculates the assessment fee at a rate of 1.5 cents a meal. 

To identify the meal count, your district’s authorized personnel can log onto DF10 and pull up the RA Survey Mailer, located under reports.  Located at the top of the report beside Meals is the meal counts used to determine assessment fees.  Multiple the meal count by 1.5 cents and you will have the total assessment fee for this current school year.

If you have outstanding invoices from prior school years, our office will be contacting your office to request payment.   By law, our office is required to collect those fees.  If you have questions about this requirement, please refer to the DHS Application and Agreement for United States Department of Agriculture Donated Food Program for National School Lunch Program.  


Gina Kazerooni, Programs Administrator

Commodity Distribution Unit and School Nutrition Programs


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