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FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020

11 AM – 12:30 PM

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 978 0690 6307

Telephone +1 669 900 6833


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call

Jewell DietscheVia Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Walker Davis Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Erma-Willis Alford Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

William Hickson Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Bud Jeffrey Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Trish Emig Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Roberta Dake Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Cathy Howard Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Bo Fallon Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

John Kusel Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Gloria Stearns Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Bonnie Lucas Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Tom Lucas Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Esther Houser Via Zoom Teleconference/Videoconference

Ruth Tatyrek Excused Absence

  1. Approval of Feb. 21, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes by Trish Emig
  2. *Report on the OSHLAA Bank Account Balances to Date by Bud Jeffrey/Cathy Howard
  3. *Discuss the OSHLAA November Event Planning Committee's Recommendation by Trish Emig
  4. Identify and/or Assign Tasks to Complete Pending the Outcome of Agenda Item No. 5 by Esther Houser
    and Bo Fallon
  5. *Discuss the Scheduled OSHLAA Executive Committee Meeting Scheduled for July 17, 2020 by Trish Emig
  6. Identify and or Assign Tasks to complete Pending the Outcome of Agenda Item No 7
  7. *Discuss the OSHLAA Officers for Fiscal Year beginning November 30, 2019 by Trish Emig
  8. *Administrator Position for the OSHL Face Book Page – Trish Emig
  9. Legislative Update by Esther Houser
  10. **Public Comment
  11. New Business
  12. Adjourn

*Possible Action Items
**Public Comments are limited to 2 minutes per person


PRESENT:  Jewell Dietsche, Walker Davis, Erma Willis-Alford, Trish Emig, Bill Hickson, Bud Jeffrey, Roberta Dake, Cathy Howard, Ruth Tatyrek, Bo Fallon, and John Kusel 
ABSENT:  Gloria Stearns, Bonnie Lucas, and Tom Lucas

ALSO PRESENT:  Rowena Scott-Johnson, Charolete Walker, and Shirley Cox
Trish called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM and adjourned at 3:10 PM. A Quorum was established and the OSHLAA executive committee was in compliance with the Open Meeting Act regarding posting the agenda within 24 hours of the meeting.       

The Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature Alumni Associate (OSHLAA) November 15, 2019 executive committee minutes were approved.  The motion was made by Cathy Howard and the motion was seconded by Bo Fallon.  The motion passed with 9 yes votes and 1 abstain vote.
A motion was made by Trish to accept the Moyers' OSHLAA membership applications after six months had expired from submitting the applications (September 17, 2019 that would make the Moyers' OSHLAA membership effective March 17, 2020). Ruth Tatyrek made a motion to accept and Roberta Dake provided a second to the motion. The motions passed after conducting a roll call vote with 9 yes votes and 1 no vote.
Bud provided a fiscal year-end report for FY November 1, 2018-November 1, 2019. The report was filed for record.
Bud provided a fiscal year to date report for FY November 1, 2019 – November 1, 2020. The report was filed for record.
Trish clarified that the Oklahoma Personal Income Tax Form Check-Off takes place beginning January 1, 2020; therefore, the check off would not appear on the State Tax Forms until January 1, 2021.  Depending upon how the Tax Commission provides the money to DHS Aging Services Division, the OSHLAA might not receive the funds until late, 2021.  Hence, there is a need to be frugal and fiscally responsible. 
Bud tendered his resignation as Treasurer so that he would be able to support Cathy during the transition of officially becoming the OSHLAA Treasurer at the September 16, 2020 OSHLAA Annual Meeting.  The motion was made to accept Bud's resignation by Bud Jeffrey and Bo Fallon made a second to the motion. Bud's resignation was accepted by a roll call vote 9-0. A motion was  made to approve Cathy as the interim OSHLAA Treasurer by Bud Jeffrey. Ruth Tatyrek made a second to the motion. The motions passed 11-0 by a roll call vote.
John Kusel joined the meeting.       

Erma provided us with information regarding how to protect ourselves against the coronasvirus.
In addition, Erma provided us a short overview of how to "Stop the Bleed."  A program by the American College of Surgeons regarding preventions and suggestions on how to control emergency bleeding.  Erma suggested that we might want to consider similar programs in the future to provide to the OSHLAA membership. 

Trish provided an updated report on the 2020 OSHL Legislative Session and OSHLAA Annual Meeting to take place on September 15th and 16th.  The two overnight stays would be the 14th and/or the 15th.  The Holiday Inn and Suites North OKC has increased the overnight room charge with breakfast from $80 to $83.  The two hot, noon lunches increased from $20 to $22. And the OSHLAA would now be charged $250 for the use of the conference room for two days and the amenities, excluding beverages and snacks. The Holiday Inn and Suites Sales Rep stated that their corporate leadership now suggest charging groups $1000/day for the use of the conference room.  Trish said that she would contribute the $250 in lieu of her usual state income tax return apportionment to the OSHLAA.  Trish said that she also would reserve a suite to use as a hospitality room for the nights of the 14th and 15th for anyone who wanted to stop by. John Kusel made a motion to remain at the Holiday North Inn and Suites while Ruth Tatyrek made a second to John's motion. The motions passed in a roll call vote 10 yes and 1 abstain. 
Trish made a motion to increase the 2020 OSHL Legislative Session and OSHLAA Annual Meeting budget from $2000 to $2500 due to increased costs.  John Kusel provided a second to the motion and the motion passed in a roll call vote 10 yes and 1 abstain.
Trish passed out an OSHL Areawide Aging Agency document, an SHL INCOG AAA document, an SHL ASCOG AAA document, and a SHL COEDD AAA document which listed all of the Legislators in each of the AAA districts, along with SHL Appointees.  Trish promised to complete this task for each SHL AAA group.  Additionally, Trish encouraged each member to have a conversation with their Legislators regarding the $4.4 Million State Appropriation request that would restore State Dollars funding for the Title III and Title VII programs and services in the Federally Dollar Matched Older Oklahomans Act. These programs and service are contracted to the Area Agencies on Aging who are operating on a shoestring.  They desperately need this funding restored.  Also discussed was the importance of funding options counseling for a State  Appropriations amount of $600,000 that would be matched by Federal Funding.  Options Counseling would require Older Oklahomans faced with a long-term care decision to be informed about ALL of their long-term care options that are available in Oklahoma before making a commitment to institutional living.  Options Counseling would serve ALL Oklahomans regardless of income level.  Research has shown that there are too many Older Oklahomans living in institutional settings who could live a higher quality of life in their home settings if they are provided with services that are available to them in their homes.  Older Oklahomans don't know about these programs and services.  Options Counseling would save the State millions of dollars by delaying placement in a facility. 
Bo encouraged members to complete their ideas (topics) for OSHL bills to propose at the September, OSHL Legislative Session when all bills proposed by OSHL appointees will be considered and voted on.  There will be help for writing the actual bill.  Bo just needs your bill topics. 
Trish and Ruth provided some detail on Senior Day at the Capitol which will be March 30th from 9:30AM until 11:00 AM in the House Chamber/Gallery with advocacy occurring after the program in the House Chamber.  There will be no vendor exhibits this year. 
Trish explained what the Oklahoma Aging Partnership is doing to encourage the $4.4 Million State Appropriation for restoring the Older Americans Act programs and services to previous levels (2009) as well as for the $600,000 appropriations for Options Counseling.  Trish provided a letter for the OSHLAA executive committee members to approve and send to Legislative Leadership as well as the Governor and Lt. Governor.  Ruth Tatyrek made the motion to approve sending the letter and John Kusel provided a second to the motion. The motions passed with a roll call vote of 10 with 1 abstaining.

Trish begged to delay the OSHLAA policy discussion until the April 24, 2020 OSHLAA executive committee meeting.

John made a motion to adjourn and Cathy Howard provided a second to the motion. 

Recorded by Bo Fallon and Trish Emig


OSHLAA 2/21/20  
OSHLAA MEMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Erma Alford P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Roberta Dake P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Walker Davis P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Jewell Dietsche P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Trish Emig P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Bo Fallon P Y Y Y Y Y Y AB Y
Bill Hickson P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cathy Howard P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Bud Jeffrey P AB N Y Y AB AB Y Y
John Kusel P       Y Y Y Y Y
Bonnie Lucas Ab                
Tom Lucas Ab                
Gloria Stearns Ab                
Ruth Tatyrek P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
  1. Establish Quorum
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Moyers Mbershp
  4. Bud's Resignation
  5. Appoint C. Howard
  6. Stay @ Holiday Inn N 7 Raise

Budget $2500 8 Approp Letter

9 Adjourn

AB=Abstain Ab=Absent



The OSHLAA Planning Committee met via a Zoom video/teleconference meeting application 15th at 1:30 until 3:00 PM. Members participating in the meeting were: Bo Fallon, Cathy Howard, Esther Houser, Bud Jeffrey and Trish Emig. John Kusel and Ruth Tatyrek were not present. However, Ruth indicated her preference to Trish prior to the meeting.

In view of the unknown future of the coronavirus, and the need for planning and signing contracts to reserve facilities in which to hold the meeting/legislative session and provide overnight accommodations, the Planning Committee discussed other options by which the OSHL could maintain a vital presence in the 2021 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions.

The result of the Planning Committee Members' discussion are the following recommendations:

  1. There will be no OSHLAA Annual Meeting on September 16, 2020.
  2. There will be no in-person OSHL Legislative Training Session, or OSHL Legislative Practice Session scheduled for September 15th and the morning of September 16, 2020.       
  3. In lieu of determining legislative bills to select for consideration, and voting on to determine the 5 top priority bills and/or the 2 top resolutions in an in-person meeting, the OSHL Legislators will participate in an email/smail process by which bill/resolution topics will be submitted, considered and tabulated, and provided on a ballot to be emailed/smailed to OSHL Legislators on which to vote by a certain date.

    Accompanying the ballot, a self-addressed, stamped envelop will be included to use for returning the completed ballot.

    The ballots will be tabulated, the OSHL Legislators will be notified as to the top 5 bills, topo 2 resolutions that the OSHL Legislators have selected. The general OSHLAA membership will be informed.

    State Legislators will be sought to carry the bills for the OSHL.


Honorable Governor, DHS Director and Elected Legislative Leadership,

The Silver Haired Legislature (OSHL) has been around since 1981. Our mission is twofold: to educate Older Oklahomans on the Oklahoma State Legislative process and to represent and advocate for the needs of Older Oklahomans to the Oklahoma State Legislature. There are Silver Haired Legislature organizations in other states as well as Oklahoma.  And there is a National Congress of Silver Haired Legislators that meet on an annual basis.

As the OSHL Legislators visit with Older Oklahomans across Oklahoma, they learn about the difficulties Older Oklahomans experience.  OSHL Legislators often conduct research and visit with professionals who have expertise in the problem area.  Sometimes, the OSHL Legislator discovers there is a legislative solution, and the OSHL Legislator will author legislation that is reviewed when the OSHL Legislators come together for their biennial OSHL Legislative Session.  Up to five bills and two resolutions are selected by the OSHL Legislature to propose to the State Legislature every two years.  Sometimes a bill is carried for two years. The OSHL Legislature has had many successes, and several failures along the way. However, the OSHL Legislature remains a spirited group of public, service-minded Older Oklahomans who wish to serve other Older Oklahomans

The OSHL Legislators often sit on the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) Councils and work with the AAA staff as the staff provides programs and services to vulnerable, Older Oklahomans.  Serving in this capacity, the OSHL Legislators learn more about the programs and services that the Older American's Act provides to Older Oklahomans through the Title III and Title VII State and Federal money.

Over the past several years, the Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature has witnessed the diminishing dollars that have been appropriated to the Title III and Title VII Older American's Act programs. The result of lower State dollar appropriations is lower Federal Matching dollars. The programs and services are being provided by a skeleton crew of dedicated AAA staff members. The programs and services cannot continue to be provided, especially by Agencies in the rural areas of Oklahoma, without more State Appropriated Dollars.

The Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature Alumni Association is requesting that the Legislature return the State Appropriation funding to previous levels.  In order to do this, we are asking the State Legislature to appropriate $4.4 Million earmarked for Title III and Title VII programs and services of the Older Americans Act.

In addition, the Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature Alumni Association is requesting an appropriation of $600,000 dedicated to an Options Counseling Program for Older Oklahomans who are facing a decision on how their on-going-care will be provided.  Some of these persons think that there are only institutions that can provide care for them. They, and their family members, do not know about the other options of services available that can help Older Oklahomans remain in their homes as-long-as possible.  Home and Community Based Supports and Services provide a higher quality of life for Older Oklahomans. Additionally, the supports and services save the State millions of dollars for those Older Oklahomans who qualify for Medicaid and can receive services in their homes.

Please consider the importance of our request, especially in view of the swelling number of persons turning 65 every day in Oklahoma.  Thank you for your public service, State Leaders. 

                                                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                  Trish, President, OK Silver Haired Legislature Alumni Association

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