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Provider Update: December 17, 2018

Harmony Login and Password Protection

The Medicaid Services Unit (MSU) has encountered issues with some Providers sharing their login and password for Harmony with other persons.  Please do not share this information with others.  If you are accessing Harmony, you have signed a Harmony Access Request document and have attested to the following excerpt:

"I agree to not reveal or share my password with anyone, and I agree to not share active access to the Harmony system with anyone.I understand my failure to comply with security policy and procedures may result in termination of my access to information".

To request Harmony access for someone in your office, the Harmony Access Request form is available on the Harmony Project page of the DHS website, or at 02AD002E. The form must be uploaded to a note in the Harmony system, Provider Question (PQ) chapter. Turnaround time for processing these requests is very timely.

To deactivate a user, send the access request with deactivate marked and attached to a PQ note. Use Access request as the PQ type.

Please send any questions regarding the information above through the Harmony PQ chapter.

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