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AAU Provider Update: September 28, 2012

CD-PASS Personal Care Rate Increases

During the last legislative session, rate increases were approved for ADvantage Services. These new rates will become effective on November 1, 2012.

Since a rate increase for CD-PASS personal care services would require the Case Manager to complete a new Individual Budget Allocation Worksheet, the same procedure we currently follow regarding pay increases for employees will remain in effect. The increases will occur at the time of the Member's annual reassessment.

Maximum Pay Rates for CD-PASS Personal Care Services:

Pay increases, incorporating the new unit rates, will become effective on November 1, 2012. The maximum pay rate for Personal Services Assistance is $11.36 per hour. The maximum pay rate for Advanced Personal Service Assistance is $13.80 per hour. If you currently provide Case Management Services to a member whose pla year begins in November, the Member can increase their personal Services Assistant pay rate. The worksheet will calculate the unit rate accordingly. the Member would still be required to send in a pay rate increase to PPL proir to their reassessment date.

Individual Budget Allocation Worksheet (IBA worksheet)

The new IBA worksheet will be posted on the PPL website beginning September 28, 2012. Case Managers should begin using this worsheet for reassessments and service plan revisions beginning November 1, 2012. The worksheet will be titled "IBA worksheet 11.1.12.

From now until November 1, 2012, there will be two worksheets on the PPL website. The current worsheet should be used for all service plan revisions and reassessments completed in September and October. The worksheet is titled "IBA Worksheet". Beginning November 1, 2012, the current worksheet will be removed from the website.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this increase or how to proceed with November reassessments, please feel free to contact us via email at Provider Questions.

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