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Date: October 8, 2012

SmarterMail Email System

By January 1, 2013, all email communication to the ADvantage Administration Unit Provider Question group will be done via SmarterMail, a secure email solution that will be mandatory for all ADvantage Providers. A SmarterMail pilot has been conducted with selected agencies during the months of September and October. Through SmarterMail, the previous ADvantage Provider Question email group now receives and returns email correspondence via SmarterMail. Additionally, the ADvantage New Case Processing group now distributes new ADvantage cases to Providers using SmarterMail. Through the pilot, we have been able to identify processes and procedures to effectively implement SmarterMail throughout the ADvantage Provider network.

In the next two months, each Provider Agency will be receiving a notice which will assign a specific date and time that your staff will be trained, via Webinar, to implement the SmarterMail system. When it is your agencies turn to be trained, you will receive a detailed letter providing you the information needed to participate in the SmarterMail system.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information provided above, please feel free to contact us via email at Provider Questions.

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