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Provider Update: March 18, 2016

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)Request for Proposal (RFP)

The State of Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES/ISD) Procurement announced that First Data Government Solutions, LP was awarded the EVV contract with an effective date of March 25, 2016. 

The contract was awarded to First Data Government Solutions, LP based solely on the submission of a proposal that satisfactorily addressed all of the States mandatory requirements for an EVV system, and the proposed solution was evaluated to determine whether or not it offered the State the "Best Value".  Both cost and technical expertise are considered in determining the lowest and best, or best value. "Best value criteria", includes but is not limited to, the following (Re: Oklahoma Statutes Title 74. State Government: The Central Purchasing Act

74 O.S. §85.1 et seq)

a. the acquisition's operational cost a state agency would incur,

b. the quality of the acquisition, or its technical competency,

c. the reliability of the bidder's delivery and implementation schedules,

d. the acquisition's facilitation of data transfer and systems integration,

e. the acquisition's warranties and guarantees and the bidder's return policy,

f. the bidder's financial stability,

g. the acquisition's adherence to the state agency's planning documents and

    announced strategic program direction,

h. the bidder's industry and program experience and record of successful past

    performance with acquisitions of similar scope and complexity,

i. the anticipated acceptance by user groups, and

j. the acquisition's use of proven development methodology, and innovative use

  of current technologies that lead to quality results;

Contractual obligations necessitate that the implementation and subsequent installation of the new EVV system will occur within a compressed time table.  The MSU will disseminate frequent communications to the provider community, leading up to the actual launch date for the new software.  Change in vendors comes with the understanding that communication with the provider must be unilateral. 

The first stage of communication will be to document provider needs and concerns leading to a successful transition.  Beginning 03/30/2016 providers should link to the DHS survey for "EVV Transition". Expect to receive a SmarterMail alert from prior to this date, identifying the active link.  Please briefly outline your agency's specific needs/concerns in transitioning to the new vendor.  Additionally, list the number of staff that will participate in training on the new system.  The list should minimally include the individuals who will fulfill the roles of systems administrator and billing staff.  MSU has begun strategic planning for the transition and it is imperative that the results of the survey are completed no later than  April 10, 2016.

Communication updates will be sent via SmarterMail throughout the transition period.  Please use for all questions or concerns.

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