Provider Update: September 19, 2016
CD-PASS Training Update – PPL Enrollment Updates
Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL) has revised its Member-Employer enrollment packets, but there are no changes to the Members' enrollment responsibilities. Members, not Case Managers, are responsible for completing and submitting all enrollment forms to PPL.
For informational purposes, please note the following changes:
All Member-Employer enrollment forms may now be faxed to PPL – 1-866-567-8035
- The original OES-190T – Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Power of Attorney – Tax form is no longer required; a legible copy/fax is sufficient.
- The OES-190T continues to require a notarized signature.
Additionally, please note that Over-the-Phone Enrollment assistance is available to Members for initial enrollment and also for hiring additional employees. To access Over-the-Phone Enrollment assistance, the Member or their AR should contact PPL Customer Service: 1-866-537-8379. If additional assistance is needed, Members should be encouraged to appoint an Authorized Representative to assist.
If you have any questions regarding the information provided above, please feel free to contact us via Smarter Mail at: